TSM - Editorial TSM 31 (en)

Ovidiu Mățan - Founder @ Today Software Magazine

Happy New Year !!! We are hitting the road this year, full of enthusiasm and eager to face new challenges. One of them is to achieve some new goals TSM has set. We plan to launch the TSM membership card and an online page dedicated to jobs. For the mobile clients, we are going to publish soon an application dedicated to Windows Phones. We have also set ourselves to organize new events such as a conference dedicated to Java experts, which will probably take place in summer. You can find more information on some of these subjects in the first article of this issue. Thank you for being with us and we thank our partner companies for their support.

In the pages of this issue of the magazine we have published a series of articles which guide you towards a better organization inside the team, of which I would like to mention: Five practical pieces of advice for Code Review in Scrum, Decreasing complexity with TTD and Agile, The convergence of documentation in a multi-modular software project and Performance in distributed teams. The article entitled Software architecture opens the series of articles dedicated to this complex subject, namely software architecture. The Java universe is represented by two articles: Things in Java universe and JavaFX and communication through RESTful Web Services, article that continues the series on JavaFX. Security is a domain we all should take into consideration when developing any software product, as the article Competence or fraud? argues. We go on with an analysis of the messaging system in Azure and in the end you can enjoy reading the last episode of the longest TSM series, the one dedicated to Gogu’s adventures.