TSM - Romanian Testing Community 2013 conference

Marius Mornea - Software Engineer and Mintaka Research founder

The annual conference organized by RTC (Romanian Testing Community) has grown, since the previous edition, in what matters most: content. From three to ten speakers, from one day with three sessions to two days, the first with two parallel four session tracks, and the second dedicated to two workshops held by Paul Gerrard and Andy Harding. This year the same number of participants have received five times more content. But the exchange on information was not limited to the scheduled talks. The strong point of the conference was the warm atmosphere and the speakers" interactivity. Each break was filled with open discussions, most of them evolving in long private sessions that stretched to the next break.

The most eloquent example is Scott Barber, who joined the conference by sheer coincidence (he was in the area, with a 2-3 days break between contracts and reached out to local communities volunteering to help out), but would constantly offer feedback, both during the talks, but also after, and not just to the attendees, more often to the speakers themselves. He confessed to being actually happy about the choice to join in since the general feeling and the active interest of the attendees, places Cluj IT community and conferences in his top personal favorites, outclassing the big international conferences overcrowded with marketing and vendors.

We took advantage of this open attitude and asked a few questions for our readers:

Scott Barber

Scott Barber

Gabor Torok

Gabor Torok

Stephen Blower

Stephen Blower

Brîndușa Axon

Brîndușa Axon

We hope that next year we will be spoiled with the same large amount of high quality content, maybe even more, in the same relaxed family like atmosphere.