Initiating a project can most of the times be boring when it is no longer a challenge.
YEOMAN - how can it help us? When starting a new project, in order to enhance productivity and the pleasure of working, Yeoman is based on three tools:
It helps creating the files structure and it already specifies general configurations for Grunt and Bower.
It saves time, downloading the libraries that are necessary to the new project, as well as its dependencies.
The correct usage, installation and running of YEO are conditioned by the installation in advance of Node.JS and Git. Also, generator-webapp must be installed via npm (npm install -g generator-webapp).
YEOMAN will be installed just like generator-webapp, by using npm
npm install -g yo
At this point, jQuery, Gruntfile.js and HTML5 Boilerplate are automatically installed and, besides these, you also have the opportunity to include in the recently started application, frameworks such as: Bootstrap, Sass or Modernizr. The entire period of time you have to wait in order to get access to the code and to start editing with the project specifications is approximately two minutes.
yo webapp
At this point, jQuery, Gruntfile.js and HTML5 Boilerplate are automatically installed and, besides these, you also have the opportunity to include in the recently started application, frameworks such as: Bootstrap, Sass or Modernizr. The entire period of time you have to wait in order to get access to the code and to start editing with the project specifications is approximately two minutes.
npm install -g generator-angular
It installs the generator for Angular Js based applications
yo angular:app imdbApp
It creates the basic structure for the current application "imdbApp"
yo angular:route movies
It creates a new path in the application, a view and the associated controller. The result of this command is:
It creates movies.js, the initial version of a controller in app/scripts/controllers
It creates movies.js, the initial version of a test in test/specs/controllers
It creates movies.html - template in app/views
It adds the movies path in the basic module app/scripts/app.js
It automatically generates the code for including movies.js in index.html
yo angular:controller movie
It creates movie.js, the initial version of a controller in app/scripts/controllers
It creates movie.js, the initial version of a test in test/specs/controllers
yo angular:directive
It creates sampleDirective.js, the initial version of a directive in app/scripts/directives
It creates sampleDirective.js, the version of a directive test in test/specs/directives
yo angular:filter boldRed
It creates boldRed.js, the initial version of a filter in app/scripts/directives
It creates boldRed.js, the version of a filter test in test/specs/directives
yo angular:service getepisode
It creates getepisode.js, the initial version of a service in app/scripts/services
It creates getepisode.js, the version of a service test in test/specs/services
yo angular:factory getseasons
It creates getseasons.js, the initial version of a factory in app/scripts/services
It creates getseasons.js, the version of a factory test in test/specs/services
yo angular:provider getmovies
It creates getmovies.js, the initial version of a filter app/scripts/services
It creates getmovies.js, the version of a filter test in test/specs/services
yo angular:view seasons
It creates a view in app/views.
For running the project, from the root of the project, you run:
grunt serve
If the project was cloned from Git, due to the fact that the files from node_models are added in .gitignore, before running this command, you will also need to run:
npm install
bower update
grunt build
It creates the folder of files for production. In this phase, Grunt runs the tasks defined in Gruntfile.js, file that is found in the root of the project.
An example of an application developed with Yeoman can be downloaded here
For someone who has never worked with a code generator before, it may seem difficult to get used to YEOMAN. Given the option we have of no longer searching for the latest versions of some frameworks we need in the project, of downloading them, unzipping and copying them in the project location, besides the automatic generation of the file structure and the tasks we can set for Grunt, we can say that YEOMAN is "something we have lacked so far"!