Issue 27

Today Software Magazine invites you to the second edition of Cluj IT Days 2014, www.itdays.ro

Ovidiu Mățan
Founder @ Today Software Magazine


The IT Days event was organized last year by Today Software Magazine as an attempt to reunite almost all those involved in the development of the local IT community. All of them are animated, beyond the specific of the domain they are active in, by similar fundamental interests, namely maximum efficiency and supporting the local IT community. Setting some basic principles that should become guiding marks in the development of the local IT was one of the main goals targeted by the event.

This year, we wish to organize one more edition of IT Days, driven by the same goal of bringing some courses of development together. The event scheduled to take place on November 25th-26th will offer you the opportunity to meet our special guests, as well as the best specialists who have published in our magazine this year. A novelty is the project of editing the book called How to develop a product, where all of those who will deliver a presentation within the event will have the opportunity to write a chapter. It will be included in the price of the ticket to the IT Days 2014 conference, the participants having thus the chance to read more details about their domains of interest.

As a matter of fact, the book will distinguish itself by the diversity of topics, its chapters ranging from startups, leadership, management, research projects and trends to technical subjects on programming or testing. Beyond this variety, a main theme comes, however, to the prominence, a theme that is subordinated to the theme of the event itself, which is on how to build up a product. Thus, this book rounds the activity of the event, as it addresses programmers, startups, but also companies, aiming to play the role of a guideline for product creation.

Before introducing some of the people who will deliver presentations in IT Days 2014, we will quickly review IT Days 2013. The event represented an opportunity to reunite almost all the players involved in developing the IT community of Cluj: local business representatives, local startups, startup incubators, Cluj IT Cluster, researchers from the Technical University and the Institute of Science and Technology and local authorities, by the presence of mayor Emil Boc. There were also 2 other special guests from Europe: Tine Thygesen, CEO Everplaces and Eduardo Mendez Polo, head of IT Cloud, Telefonica Spain.

Peter Lawrey

The 2014 edition of IT Days will bring a top Java specialist to Cluj. I am talking about Peter Lawery, owner of Vanilla Java platform, ranked three for Java and two for competition in the StackExchange network, which StackOverflow also belongs to.

Iulian Iuga

In the Trends and Leadership section, we have invited Iulian Iuga, CEO Accesa, who will talk to us about his success recipe in regard to the company he is running, as well as about his vision on the evolution of the Romanian IT market.

Dan Ionescu

Dan Ionescu, a well- known collaborator of the magazine from the perspective of HR studies carried out on the IT community in Cluj, will deliver a presentation on perspectives of the Romanian Leadership.

Silviu Dumitrescu

Silviu Dumitrescu, an unfailing collaborator of our magazine will talk to us about Java 8.

Silvia Răusanu

We have invited Silvia Rausanu to the event, especially for her technical vision on Big Data and her passion for algorithmics and artificial intelligence.

Sergiu Damian

Sergiu Damian is an experimented software architect, with a deep understanding of software design, development practices and processes and, last but not least, of the human dynamics of the teams. After having spent thirteen years in different roles within outsourcing local companies, he chose to become an independent software architect, helping different clients to reach their purposes. He is active in different IT communities, providing assistance to students and teaching others about software architecture.

Andreea Pârvu

Andreea Parvu has a master degree on the Psychology of Human Resources. Her professional career started as a HR Generalist in a logistic company - where she discovered and developed a passion for the Human Resources area. Her international experience as a member of the Talent Management global team within a telecommunications company contributed to her acquiring and improving knowledge in this domain. Moreover, this context had a positive impact when she decided to try out the IT domain, as a freelancer. However, starting with 2012, Andreea is Senior Recruiter for Endava - Cluj, one of the IT companies acknowledged for having one of the most accelerated growths on the Romanian market.

Sebastian Big

Sebastian Big is an interaction designer, but his education is philosophical with translations from Virilio, Baudrillard, Derrida and Stiegler and a PhD in communication, prematurely completed. He makes his talent available on the Romanian IT market by trying to turn his far-sightedness methods to good account in a system that for now is still quartered in the contiguous factuality.

Dr.ing. Bogdan Rus

Doctor of Engineering Bogdan Rus is a lector of the Technical University in Cluj, the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology. Since the year 2008, as a member of UC Labs (Unified Communications Laboratories) within the same faculty, Bogdan Rus has taken part in international research projects whose themes were the main communication techniques in the Internet of the future. The result of his entire research activity has been validated in different articles published in international conferences and trade magazines. In addition to the research activities, Andrei Bogdan Rus is also involved in teaching activities with students registered for the university degree or the master degree.

Zsolt Alfréd Polgár

Zsolt Alfred Polgar got his Engineer degree in Telecommunications, Master degree in Advanced Techniques in Telecommunications and Doctor of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications from the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca in 1995, 1996 and respectively 2002. Since 1996, he is employed in the Communications Department of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, where he is currently a lecturer. The domains of research he is interested in involve channel coding techniques, coding techniques of data networks, radio networks, communication techniques by cooperation and advanced architectures of communication networks. He was part of the research groups of the COST 289 and COST 2100 programs, he was a member of the research teams of projects FP7 4WARD and FP7 CODIV and he was the local coordinator of project FP7 UCONNECT.

Simona Bonghez

Simona Bonghez has been collaborating with TSM magazine through the well-known and funny column dedicated to Gogu. But Simona Bonghez is known to the Romanian IT world especially for the project management rainings, trainings for the PMI certifications, distinguishing herself at the national level as an expert in everything that project management means. With a vast speaker experience in the international PMI conferences, Simona honors us with her participation to the second IT Days edition 2014, as a speaker.

I have presented only a part of the IT Days 2014 conference. You can find out more details on www.itdays.ro. We are preparing many surprises for you, including a Java Performance workshop and a Management one.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects