Issue 45

Cluj Innovation Days 2016: Towards the digital age in medicine and government

Andrei Kelemen
CEO @ Cluj IT Cluster


·       The 4th edition of Cluj Innovation Days proposes two topics of high interest for today's society: digital medicine and digital governance

·       Specialists from Europe and USA, representatives of the European Union and of the Romanian administration will take part in the regional forum

Digital medicine and digital governance are the two major topics that will be debated during Cluj Innovation Days 2016, an event that will take place between the 31st of March and 1st of April in Cluj-Napoca. More than 400 IT managers, medical doctors, members of academia, representatives of the public administration and the business environment are awaited at the 4th edition of the regional forum that focuses on innovation in IT. Among the guests of Cluj Innovation Days, there are Romanian and foreign specialists, representatives of the European and American structures, academics from prestigious universities, businessmen and investors.

 "Digital medicine has emerged in the last years as one of the fastest growing interdisciplinary sectors, right at the intersection of technology and medicine, creating both opportunities, but also moral questions. Our conference explores the multifaceted character of digital medicine by bringing together policy makers, practitioners and users, to contribute to a better understanding of how digital medicine is already affecting or is going to affect our lives", Stelian Brad, President of Cluj IT Cluster, the organizer of Cluj Innovation Days, stated.

Andrei Kelemen, the executive director of Cluj IT Cluster, explains why digital administration was chosen as a topic for the forum. "In this age of rapid technology advancement the act of governing has become more transparent and performant. However adoption of technology, although desired, is lagging, especially in countries where administration is still very much centralized. During the two days of Cluj Innovation Days 2016 we will be showcasing solutions that can significantly contribute to improving the way in which governance caters to the challenges of our modern society", Andrei Kelemen stated.

The schedule for Cluj Innovation Days 2016 includes general debates, thematic and networking sessions, presentations and workshops that aim to explore the current tendencies, new approaches and solutions in digital medicine and digital governance. Among the discussion topics of the digital medicine panel are "IT for personalized therapy", "Telemedicine", "Virtual reality in medicine", "Bioinformatics", "3D printing in medicine" and "IT in neurological medicine". For the digital governance panel, the topics include "Open Data", "Cybernetic security", "Common coordination of public and private digital services", "Measurable interoperability in administration", "IT for innovation in managing the personnel in administration", "Sustainable financing of public investments in IT" and "Open digital ecosystem for administration".

The 2016 edition of the regional forum is hosted by the "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca. "Our university, the first medical educational institution in Transylvania, is one of the most modern medical universities in Romania and in this part of Europe, because we try to keep up with the technological developments and to efficiently integrates them in the medical practice. As digital medicine is a major discussion topic at Cluj Innovation Days, it feels natural to host this event and we are hoping to see the results of this event among the research projects of our specialists", stated M.D. Ph.D. Alexandru Irimie, the rector of "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca.

The price for one ticket is 30 euros (early bird - until the 25th of March) and 20 euros for students, researchers and academics. The tickets can be bought online, on www.clujinnovationdays.com/tickets/.

Cluj Innovation Days is a regional forum, organized annualy by Cluj IT Cluster, starting with 2013, which aims to consolidate the IT community and to facilitate the interaction with the business partners and the public sector. The previous edition was dedicated to innovation and the technological transfer in IT and other fields. 472 participants and 40 Romanian and foreign guests attended 28 hours of presentations, workshops, discussions and networking sessions.

The partners for Cluj Innovation Days 2016 edition are: Cisco (main partner), IBM (platinum partner), Banca Transilvania and Dell Software (gold partners), Orange, Alfa Software Brinel, Cloud Troopers, Endava, Life is Hard, Pitech+Plus, Xoomworks, and Agilrom Scientific. Strategical partners: "Iuliu Hațieganu" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Cluj-Napoca City Hall. Facilitators: AMM Design, Vitrina Advertising, Outlead Marketing, Tech Academy, Golden Tulip, Romania Transfers, Enformation. Media partners: Rock FM, Digi24, Sinteza, Hotnews, Știință și Tehnică, Agora, IT Trends, Startup Cafe, Transilvania Reporter, Revista Hipocrate, Ehealth Romania, Ziua de Cluj, Bună Ziua Cluj, Cluju, Cât Costă Clujul.

More information about Cluj Innovation Days 2016: www.clujinnovationdays.com.

About Cluj IT Cluster

Cluj IT is an innovative cluster association founded in October 2012. It has 47 members: 35 IT companies with more than 4.000 employees and a cumulated fiscal value of more than 100 million Euros, universities and research institutes, public institutions and catalyzing organizations.

As a business initiative, the cluster aims at increasing the competitiveness of the IT sector and the visibility of the Romanian IT industry, and also to position Cluj as an innovative regional hub. The Cluj IT mission is to become one of the most credible providers of ingenious IT services, products and organizational support systems from Central and Eastern Europe by 2018. The cluster's purpose is, for the vast majority of its members, to become and remain competitive not only on the Romanian market, but also on the international market. More information about Cluj IT Cluster: www.clujit.ro

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