Issue 47

Editorial no. 47

Ovidiu Mățan
Founder @ Today Software Magazine


As there are many important IT events in Cluj, we believe it is important to offer a record of the companies which are most involved in supporting these events. Being a sponsor for such events does not imply only the promotion of the company's brand, but the full support of the events and the guarantee that the events will be organised next year. The market is very dynamic and there have been events, intensely promoted, which, right before their launch, got cancelled or got indefinitely postponed. Why do such turn of events occur? The reasons are similar to those found in software projects: the lack of predictability, the lack of constancy, the lack of adjustment to the requirements of the public or of the market. From this point of view, the events we selected have stood the test of time because they managed to overcome the obstacles mentioned above. One of the most important aspect is the fact that developers, testers and managers attended these events and got involved. Moreover, from the standpoint of community involvement, we would like to mention the series of discussions carried out with Cluj-Napoca town hall, as part of elaborating the application file for Cluj - The European Capital of Innovation. This is an ambitious project, which can succeed, if the IT community gets involved in the development of various applications, on a volunteer basis. The applications will improve people's lives and we hope such an effort to set an example for other cities as well.

We now move on to the papers in this issue. We start with an interview on SkinVision, with Robbert Viser, a medical application which helps assess skin moles. "Legacy code" and the ways in which developers can overcome current limitations presents an elegant solution for avoiding code limitations, which is harder and harder to achieve, TDD for instance, the wrotten egg principle and how it can affect a company. DevOps is analysed in Managing incidents and guilt in a DevOps culture. Time management and Energy management in testing presents discipline principles when tackling tasks and work-related chores. The time spent on implementing a cloud backend can be reduced by using Google App Engine, on which you can find a full tutorial in Creating backend applications with the help of Google App Engine, Google Cloud Endpoints & Android Studio. Soft Architecture for developers offers an outlook on how a development team should split its member roles and tasks.

I, therefore, invite you to explore the interesting papers in this number and I hope you will have a pleasant read!

Conference TSM



  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects