Issue 50

Preview Cluj IT Days 2016

Ovidiu Mățan
Founder @ Today Software Magazine


As we've accustomed you for the past three years, November marks the Cluj IT Days event for the Today Software Magazine team. This is one of the largest events for developers, testers and managers in Cluj and Romania. This state of facts was acknowledged by the attendees who came from as far as Brașov, Iași, Craiova or Bucharest. We were glad to find out that our event has had a significant contribution to the following state of facts: large IT conferences and events are pretty hard to find, especially in other cities.

Having reached its fourth edition, Cluj IT Days 2016 continues the tradition by providing panels and tracks that will inspire its participants. The event lasts for two days and it includes presentations on the following topics: Romanian products, startups, management, testing, development, software architecture, research, workshops. We added several new topics for this year's edition: Big Data, Machine Learning and automated testing.

Why is it good to attend the event?

From a professional standpoint, you will improve your general IT knowledge, you will become familiar with the latest trends of the trade, and you will learn new things. Moreover, you will be able to get in touch with the new technologies exhibited at company stands: VR, Smart Watch, robots, the latest tablets and laptops.

In addition, we will organize online contests on programez.ro where the Cluj IT Days participants will be able to win numerous prizes.

Performance and technology for two whole days

We are happy to have Peter Lawrey as our guest this year too. He is one of the best, world-class specialists in Java Performance. You will have a chance to meet him at the presentations and at the workshop that will take place one day before the event.

We hope the Vector Watch team will join and bring us the latest news about the Romanian smartwatch.

Vlad Mihalcea, the author of High Performance Java Persistence, will tackle performance and persistency. The book is work in progress, but the first two chapters can be consulted online.

The leaders of the Big Data communities in Cluj and Bucharest will deliver presentations in two parallel tracks, one for Big Data and Machine Learning, the other for testing.

In terms of the current research, the presentations will include, but will not be limited to, BioTech. For example, you will be able to find out how an artificial tooth can be created or details about the medical research at Siemens Romania.

The preview ends here. More details can be found at www.itdays.ro and on facebook.com/itdays.ro. Here are some photos from last year's edition.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects