Issue 53

Editorial no. 53

Ovidiu Mățan
Founder @ Today Software Magazine


I recently attended the final round of the Romanian CESA (Central European Startups Awards) competition, where I was glad to see that many winners offered solutions which we already have: Pony Cars, Hipmenu or Vector Watch. We mentioned only the most popular ones, the ones who are now part of our lives. Therefore, we can give a positive answer to the question ,, Are there start-ups in Romania?". We can do so more frequently. We can stand out in terms of European and world-wide innovation.

One of the main motivations in the establishment of ITDays is the encouragement of innovation, through which we try to inspire the community. We invite you to attend: BuddyGuard : IoT & Machine learning startup road. This is a solution for protecting this field of inquiry, which received sponsorship worth one million euro. We would like to mention one of the co-founders, George Platon, a long-standing TSM contributor. Another presentation belongs to Zimilar, a solution which uses big data & machine learning to find similar products starting from photos. Varujan Pambuccian will talk about the 4 factors that will drive the informational society of the future: Bioinformatics, Additive Manufacturing, Robotics, and Artificial Intelligence. The research section will feature presentations regarding electronic dental implants, by Dan Tudose, or development solutions, like the computer vision systems for cars, by Cătălin Golban from Bosch. There will be many other presentations which we hope will help startups and tomorrow's products.

Coming back to this issue, we are glad to announce an example of successful collaboration between educational institutions and local companies: When an IT Company supports Academia. In the context of data overload, which is harder and harder to maintain, there are solutions for processing data in real time in the paper Procesarea fluxului de date în lumea Big Data. We continue the SAP Hana series with a presentation on the three methods for modeling data: Modelarea view-urilor în SAP HANA. Automation + VSO + Octopus = Love, which is a paper written out of a great passion for continuous delivery. The article titled Integrare continua folosind Xcode Server belongs to the same field, but it focuses on mobile technology. Given the fact that the choice of the operating system in companies is important, the paper 5+1 sfaturi pentru a folosi GNU/Linux în corporații comes with a very useful suggestion. A complex and inciting paper is Frameworkuri esențiale în agilitate, whose author demonstrates that luck or ill luck have nothing to do with the success or failure of some projects - as some believe. The paper is based on scientific grounds, and it presents a set of factors that drive success in a perfectly rational way. The interview that Vlad Mihalcea took Cătălin Beșleagă, a Romanian developer who works for Oracle, is published in the interview series Made in Romania.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects