Issue 86

IT Days 2019 - #ProgrammingARt

Ovidiu Mățan
Founder @ Today Software Magazine


On the 12th and the 13th of November 2019, we invite you to attend the 7th edition of Cluj IT Days. Last year's focus was on #BuildingTomorrow. This year's theme will be #ProgrammingARt. Obviously, we focus on development as art. Moreover, we try to highlight the connections between art by and large, as field of creativity, and development. We have a couple of surprises which will make the conference even more interesting. IT Days 2019 will take place on the 4 stages at Casa de Cultură a Studenților (Students' Cultural Hall) in Cluj-Napoca. We expect to have 800 - 1000 participants / day. We will touch upon topics such as: Products & Leadership, AI, Automotive, Industry 4.0, Testing, Serverless and Microservices, AR and VR, Security, Management, SAP, Agile, Research, Web, Start-ups, Software Architecture, Coding, DevOps and Hands on lab. All the details related to the presentations and the agenda will be made available in the forthcoming weeks and months.

The speakers

We have special guests each year. Last year, we invited Sir John Dermot Turing. This year, you will meet:

Mike Butcher, Editor-at-large @ TechCrunch

Whether we talk about analysis, technology, start-ups or IT giants, most TSM readers have consulted his work on TechCrunch. He founded The Europas Awards and was a consultant for the UK government in terms of start-up strategy. In 2016, he received the MBE award (Member of the Order of the British Empire) for his contribution to the development of the technology industry and journalism in the UK. He acted as start-up consultant for the UK prime-minister. In London, he was part of the Digital Advisory Board, 'Smart London' Board and technology ambassador for London.

He is co-founder of the well-known co-working network TechHub.com. Mike has so far written articles for newspapers and magazines such as: The Financial Times, The Guardian, The Times, The Daily Telegraph and The New Statesman.

As technology consultant, he is often invited on BBC News, Sky News, CNBC, Channel 4, Al Jazeera and Bloomberg. In 2009 he was in the Top 50 list of the most influential British in technology (as per The Daily Telegraph). Between 2010 and 2015 he appeared in the Wired UK's Top 100 influencers. He spoke at world-famous conferences: World Economic Forum, the Monaco Media Forum, Le Web or Web Summit.

We are happy to have Mike Butcher in Cluj at this year's edition of IT Days. He will be a keynote speaker, he will be part of a panel where we will discuss about entrepreneurship, and he will provide feedback about the 4 Cluj start-ups which will enter the competition.

Mark Seemann, software developer and architect

Mark will return to Cluj for a third time. Some of you may have attended his presentation at the 2018 IT Days edition, where his presentation, Human Code, won the public's vote. Moreover, Mark Seeman attended The Developers 2019 edition where he spoke about Asynchronous Injection.

His main interest lies in functional programming, OOP design in Haskel, F# and C#. His latest book, Dependency Injection Principles, Practices, and Patterns​, was well received by the public.

This year, Mark will tackle code from a #ProgrammingArt perspective.

Kevlin Henney, consultant, speaker and trainer

His passions are pattern design, development, practices and processes. He published articles in The Register, Medium.com and many others. He is author of 97 Things Every Programmer Should Know​ and co-author of A Pattern Language for Distributed Computing and On Patterns and Pattern Languages. He was a speaker at conferences such as: GOTO, C++ on Sea, ITT ...

Peter Leeson, CMMI Specialist

One of the most appreciated speakers at previous IT Days editions is Peter who has been offering IT consultancy services and talks in Cluj.

Peter is a consultant who focuses on improving processes within an organization. He has more than 40 years of experience in IT, being an assessor and trainer at CMMI Institute. In his presentation, Understanding Complexity, he will address the complex processes which we do not necessarily understand and which require us to make decisions based on our previous experience. The most common questions around this topic are: Why don't we finish our projects on time? Why didn't we deliver what we promised our customers in the first place? This year, Peter has a surprise for us. He will hold a workshop: Understanding Management. Participants will learn what is many times hidden behind the messages management sends us and how employees can articulate their own ideas and concepts by using the proper language.

Adam Ralph

Adam is passionate about distributed systems and open-source projects. He prides himself as speaker and digital nomad. Adam forged the architecture for and implemented complex systems for the banking industry. His experience and expertise have helped him observe the positive and negative aspects that accompany technologies such as: SOA, DDD and Microservices. Besides his collaboration with Particular Software, he enjoys being a speaker and actively contributing to open-source projects.

Why should you attend IT Days 2019?

If you want to break from your daily routine, discover new ways of doing development/testing/management/HR, we welcome you at the conference. We promise that you will thoroughly enjoy the 2 conference days, and that you will attend great talks delivered by IT celebrities and seasoned developers. You will be able to vote and learn about the best start-ups in Cluj. This is a project which focuses on giving more visibility to Cluj startups. The major IT companies in Cluj will be present and you will be able to meet your colleagues in the field.

The tickets

You can purchase the tickets online on itdays.ro. We have a very special offer until the beginning of September: 95 euro + VAT. Throughout the 2 conference days, participants will have access to all the presentations, and will get coffee, cookies, lunch, and a glass of wine (at the end of each conference day).

Instead of conclusions

We wait to see you at IT Days 2019, Casa de Cultură a Studenților (Students' Cultural Hall), Cluj - Napoca, 12th-13th November, #ProgrammingARt. Access our IT Days Facebook page to keep up with the latest news.

Conference TSM



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