Issue 24


Roxana Mircea
Management Partner


The Ministry of Finance through the Department of State Aid will run from 1st of July a new scheme of state aid that will be valid until 31 December 2020 and will have a total budget of about 600 million euros, with the possibility of supplementing. Estimated total number of firms which will benefit of state aid is 1.500.

Eligible expenses

Salary costs are considered eligible expenses recorded for a period of 2 years consecutive, following the creation of jobs.

State aid for the eligible expenses is granted under the following conditions:

  • Jobs are directly created by an investment project; It is not required a minimum investment project but it has to start after issuing the grant agreement.
  • Jobs are created after the receipt of the funding agreement, but no later than three years from the date of completion of the investment. It is possible to submit a project for multiple locations provided that you create at least 20 jobs / location.
  • Newly created jobs are considered if between employees and the employer or its associated companies there has been no employment relationship in the last 12 months prior to the filing of the financing agreement.

Eligible activities

The following activities are eligible: publishing activities, software production (582), information technology service activities (620), computer service activities (63). Activities such as: agriculture, trade, hotels, restaurants, transportation, gaming, telecommunications, rent, lease etc. are excluded.

Eligible companies

Both existing and newly created enterprises can apply.

Existing enterprises must have had a good financial situation in 2013: positive equity, the profitability of turnover grater or equal 1%.

New enterprises are eligible only if the shareholders are not carrying out or have not carried out its activity for applying for funding through other companies in the past two years.

Refundable aid

Gross intensity of regional aid reported to the eligible expenditure

Beneficiarii pot solicita plata ajutorului nerambursabil de patru ori pe an, strict raportat la costurile salariale efectuate și în conformitate cu proiectul aprobat; rambursările se vor efectua în 45 de zile lucrătoare de la data la care cererea de rambursare este considerată completă.

Beneficiaries may request payments four times a year, strictly in relation to salary costs incurred in accordance with approved project; refunds will be made within 45 working days from the date the refund application is considered complete.

Work procedure

The program will be active from the 1st of July this year. The preliminary documentation (the calendar of the creation of jobs, tax certificates, etc.) shall be deposited in a session for submission -20 days, based on which a score is given to the company.

The criteria for calculating the score for enterprises demanding state aid are: the number of new jobs created during the creation of at least 20 jobs, the location of the investment, the profitability of turnover, value of the issued share capital.

Companies that qualify will submit complete business plan, and of these, those eligible will receive a grant agreement.

The companies will have to wait for about 6 months for the issue of the funding agreements, therefore, they will have to plan to start both project investment and creating new jobs thereafter.

Small and medium enterprises are required to retain new employees for 3 years from the date of their creation and large companies, for 5 years.

Conference TSM



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  • .msg systems
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  • Colors in projects