3Pillar Global: A healthy company is one where people have a clear mind, where they are smiling and brimming with ideas
3Pillar Global: A healthy company is one where people have a clear mind, where they are smiling and brimming with ideas

Established 10 years ago, 3Pillar Global is one of the fastest growing IT service companies in Transylvania, this year’s goal being to reach 450 employees in Cluj-Napoca and Timişoara. Actively involved in the Romanian business landscape since 2009, 3Pillar Global brings together nearly 400 professionals in two offices located in the best IT centers in the country. We are talking about highly skilled engineers who are currently developing Web (Java, Python, Ruby on Rails, Front End) and mobile applications (iOS and Android). The company is an expertise hub which brings high added value to various customers in the US or the UK.