Rapid prototyping with RubyOnRails

In today's ever changing world, it's next to impossible to know exactly what customers would want the product to be. Every day, we see new companies coming up with new products and services but have you ever wondered why most of the companies are not able to make it? The biggest reason many businesses fail is that businesses build unwanted products. Building a product exactly the way people want is tough and that is why only half of all establishments survive five years or longer according to the 2016 statistics. This ambiguity towards what customers need can be resolved only by identifying their problems systematically very early in the Product Development Life Cycle. That literally means we need higher customer engagement well before we actually have any product or service for them. Rapid Prototyping is one of the effective ways to do just that. We build prototypes of the products and put that in the hands of the potential customers to gauge their interest into our vision and this will eventually help us build world class products with higher success rates.