Enterprise flight into DevOps space
The first time I gave a talk titled “Enterprise flight into DevOps space”, was in late 2014 at DevConFu conference. After that, I delivered the presentation several times during 2015 at various conferences in Europe. For some time, I considered it a “closed topic” and did not really want to expand on it, until I was asked to deliver it again in 2016, and then again in 2017. Enterprise is a word that is highly abused. Most people associate it with slow inefficient processes. Nobody wants to be there! At the same time, when I ask the audience: “How many of you work in enterprise?” — over 95% raise their hands. Somehow, human nature makes us prefer simple models of the world, even though, we, of course, totally understand that the world is way more complicated. Still, we are easily trapped into selecting good vs evil, being a start-up vs being an enterprise, developing microservices vs struggling with a monolith. Are most of us really on the evil/wrong side? Probably, not.