18 authors /
25 articles
The portrait of a good tester
It all starts with the passion to succeed…
Becoming a good tester does not mean reaching a destination, but rather being on a constant journey into new territories.
It is important to build the right skills that will provide us with the understanding of how to approach software testing. These skills help us build credibility and gain the respect of other professionals involved in software development.
With a strong foundation of skills we have a better chance of succeeding in what we do: we will be able to provide better quality which leads to better products and in the end, to happier customers and users.
See all articles written by Daniela Crișan (2)
Dynamics of Agile Coaching
A few months ago, I participated in the Berlin Scrum Gathering organized by Scrum Alliance, where I discovered that there are many organizations which dedicate a lot of time to mentality change. They have adopted an agile mindset as an answer to a fast changing environment, with fast changing customer needs, in which a few lost moments can result in a lot of unnecessary work.
When we talk about Agile, we talk about a mindset, about being able to react in time to change, about a group of methodologies based on incremental, iterative development and about close cooperation between team members with cross functional expertise.
Continuous Delivery
Lately we all have been bombarded with everyone saying that we need to have continuous delivery and that we need to put the application quicker into production. And yes ...why not? Having the application put live into production ten times a day is cool. But then, why did it take us so much time? Continuous delivery was there from the very start of agile. It is in the first principle:
“Our highest priority is to satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.”
What’s wrong with the Romanian IT Industry?
The development and direction of the Romanian IT industry - Cluj Napoca in particular - has always been an attractive topic for me. I am the kind of person who always looks for the bigger picture; I try to understand the system or mechanism, how it “operates”, and then tweak it a bit.
Just to get an idea in the 1900’s the average lifespan of a company was 80 years, in the 1950’s the average dropped to 50 years and in 2011 that reduced to a merely 8 years. This shows the increasing volatility of the global market and the fact that companies need to make adjustments very fast in order to survive the rapid changes in the environment they live in.
See all articles written by Ovidiu Şuta (2)
PM in Agile
Generally speaking, you cannot separate projects from project management. It sounds like a 100% rational process but it is truly an art to handle the iron triangle of Quality, Time, and Cost. Generally speaking, you cannot separate projects from project management. It sounds like a 100% rational process but it is truly an art to handle the iron triangle of Quality, Time, and Cost.
An overview of Performance Testing on Desktop solutions
The second edition of Cluj Innovation Days is scheduled to take place on March, 20th and 21st and is the main yearly event organized by Cluj IT Cluster. The President of the Cluster, Mr. Alexandru Tulai answered a few questions about the event, exclusively.
Habituation as your ally
Habituation is a decrease in response to a repeated stimulus. Like our response to paychecks, repeated “I love you”-s, or bonus systems.
Today’s magic wand is called gamification -behavior management-persuasive design-motivational design, you name it.
Big Data & Analytics in modern applications
Looking at the last twenty years, we are confronted with what scientists call the Law of Accelerated Returns. Basically, technological transformation and innovation of these past twenty years represent the output of the previous two thousand years combined. Specifically, the tech industry has undergone fundamental shifts in the way software is built, delivered and, at last, experienced by ordinary Joe – the consumer. From batch jobs to applications running on PC’s and then web-based and mobile apps, such disruptions involve significant changes in hardware coupled with new kinds of applications.
See all articles written by Ovidiu Dolha (2)
Planning for Performance Testing
In this article I would like to present an introduction in the Performance Testing planning, results collection and analysis based on my experience with Performance Testing. I am presenting this info taking into consideration that the reader has experience in Performance Testing I will refer to some metrics, Non-functional requirements that I have used as examples of some concepts.
Developing iOS applications with Security in mind
Mobile security has become increasingly important in mobile application development due to sensitive information stored on our smartphones. All expectation and predictions of usage and projected usage are broken year after year because of the “flood” of smartphone users at the disadvantage of those using laptops or desktops. Who can blame them? The handheld device has become the “wallet” of the modern era, filled with personally identifiable information (photos, videos, notes) and private data (from healthcare, medical data to diaries, passes or coupons).
Communities of practice, learning by doing and exploration
Even if many aspects of human evolution are controversial, one thing is unanimously accepted by anthropologists: We moved! (Brain Rules, John Medina; 2008). Over several hundred thousand years, from Homo Habilis to Homo Erectus and later Homo Sapiens, our brain developed by moving on distances of “about 10 to 20 km a day for men and about half that distance for women”, says the anthropologist Richard Wrangham.
Architectural problems in Liferay projects
In an increasingly agile business environment, with an increasing number of companies competing for the same market share, the possibility of developing applications with many “out of the box” functionalities, Liferay framework is at least interesting. This article analyses the architectural problems that must be addressed at the beginning of the project in order to obtain a flexible product and to not to need major adjustments later on.
Liferay Service Builder vs. Spring Roo
R.A.D. also known as Rapid Application Development is common sense nowadays when we’re speaking about development methodologies. Briefly, this methodology assumes gathering of functional and non-functional requirements through workshops or other means of fast communication, prototyping as well as re-using already implemented components. In order to successfully assume this technology regarding the time needed for application development, many companies use source code generation tools.
Architecture for Flexibility (Quality Attribute)
By definition, the flexibility – as quality attribute – represents the capacity of a system to be adapted for different environments and situations in order to face changes related to business environment policies and rules. Nowadays we can find this quality attribute in any type of business and this is why it is very probable present in the client’s requirements for their projects.
In this article I will develop some ideas based on this issue – flexibility and its impact over the architecture and development processes.
See all articles written by Attila Antal (2)
How to Grow An Agile Mentality in Software Development?
There is no better way of describing the essence of the Agile Mentality than starting from the principles of the Manifesto for Agile Software Development „We are uncovering better ways of developing software by doing it and helping others do it. Through this work we have come to value:
• Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
• Working software over comprehensive documentation
• Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
• Responding to change over following a plan
That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left
more.” agilemanifesto.org
Design contribution