
Vlad Ciurca Product Guy. Tech Events Producer. Connector
Techsylvania Levels Up

During the 4 days of Techsylvania that is starting 21st of May until 24th of May in Cluj-Napoca, participants can test and win 10 of the best technologies from smart living, security and health, such as Danalock, the device that gives preferential access into homes; Nest Cam, a 130 degrees camera for home use; Sense, the sleeping monitor and many more gadgets that make the life easier and better. In other words, IoT Village will be a spot in the event venue where people will be able to experience how a digitalized home might look like.

Marius Span Senior developer @Betfair
On Counting and Counters: QoS – Quality of Service

You just launched an application on the market, all champagnes start popping, everybody is happy. The DevOps come to see you the next day. Nothing is pink anymore. The application stopped several times during the night due to overload. To make things even more complicated, they cannot identify the reason why the application crashed. 


Tudor Lăpușan Java & Big Data developer @ Telenav
Apache Spark : make Big Data simple

In the last year, Apache Spark received a lot of attention in the Big Data and Data Science fields mainly because it has easier, more friendly API and better memory management than MapReduce, so developers could concentrate on the logical operations of the data computation rather than the details of how computation is executed behind.

Octav Florescu iOS Developer @Telenav

Vlad Tamaș C++ Developer @Telenav

Robots are already part of our past, present and future. Although mass media is barely covering this, the same, or even less, can be said about the sports played by them. Robot Sumo is such an example.

Bogdan Apetrii Professional Human Being @Subsign
Developing design while Designing development

It seems like a common sense idea: Designers and developers must work together. However, all too often, these individuals work apart while working on the very same project. The designer works to create elements, colour palettes and typography that looks great, while the developer codes and prepares the material for web publishing. This can cause discord between the designer, the web developer and, at the end, the final design itself.

Andrei Ivanov DevOps Engineer @Endava
Configuration management with Chef

Building large scale applications is a very rewarding thing. However, the maintenance and scaling process/part of such apps can be quite challenging sometimes. The applications and the operating system can each have different, possible configurations to fit the environment they are deployed in. Moreover, they have to be consistent across the development, the QA and the production stages, and point out to the information relevant at each stage. For example, the information contained in a database URL will be different than that of a URL used in the development stage, which is obviously different than the one used in production. Some of this information is not available for all the people involved in the development process, because they should not care about it either.

Cristina Juc Organiser @ Startup Weekend Cluj
Smart Cities at SW Cluj 2016

It happened so quickly and it was so intense that we barely had the time to experience it properly. The Startup Weekend Cluj - Smart Cities event took place in early April this year and it was fantastic! Hundreds of mails and messages, even more Skype and phone calls, 11 awesome people channeling their efforts towards a common goal – all of these have made it possible. And, of course, we must not forget all our sponsors & partners.

Anna Maria Radu PR & Owner @Digitales
Interview: Movidius

Movidius is a company that develops state-of-the-art technology in Silicon Valley, alongside development centres in Timișoara and Dublin. Established in 2005, Movidius develops cutting-edge technology for media content processing (issued by high resolution video sensors), a technology which uses very little energy and very little space. At present, the company has 90 employees in Timișoara, under Valentin Mureșan’s lead, General Manager and Movidius co-founder.

Simona Bonghez Managing Partner @ Colors in Projects
Mișu and His Easter Bonus

- Gogu, do you think we’ll get an Easter bonus?
- Why do you ask me, Mișu? Ask the Boss. How am I supposed to know?!
- They gave us a bonus last year... Mișu went on, looking at Gogu in a telling way.

Andrei Kelemen CEO @ Cluj IT Cluster
Cluj IT Cluster starts a national network of IT&C clusters

The first partnership will be concluded with the Regional TIC Cluster Western Region, which has been established during Cluj Innovation Days, in the presence of the Minister of Communications and Informational Society, Marius Bostan. This year's conference represents the first step towards creating an interdisciplinary forum for debate. „Digital Economy” will be the main theme of Cluj Innovation Days 2017, according to the organizers.

Mădălina Nastasa Sales Development Representative @ Azimut Happy Employees
The multigenerational workplace

The 21st century, following the example of the 20th century, brings major demographic changes, especially in the Western societies. One of these critical changes, directly linked to our subject, is an increase in life expectancy, which has almost doubled in the past years. It sounds good and it can only be a sign of progress, but how is this affecting the workplace?

Carmen Anghel Requirements Engineer @ISDC Romania
7 things your BA can do for your project

Whether you call them business analysts, requirements engineers or proxy product owners, this material is about the person who knows and understands the project functionality best, and who, in one way or another, is in charge of the specs. Moreover, this material highlights how a project could benefit, at full potential, from having this kind of person on board.


Recent discussions are focused around an increasingly frequent question: When will salaries in IT begin to increase? The most frequent answer is that the salaries will keep increasing. This trend should be factored in by the major *outsourcing* suppliers as well. The salary increase is conditioned by the assurance of quality, by the use of the latest technologies and by an increasing amount of automated testing. The number of adept developers is on the rise year after year, and the students are well educated at the end of their BA, which is proof of the fact that many of them already find jobs in their last BA year.

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Conference TSM



  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects