
Adina Verzes Android Developer @ The Arktech
When do screen orientation changes matter?

There are 4.77 billion mobile phone users spread all over the world. They can choose between 2.8 million apps on the Android platform and over 2.2 million on Apple's App Store. Mobile phones are used in schools, on the streets, in the buses, inside personal cars, everywhere. The statistics confirm that it's a real challenge to deal with the mobile device diversity. The app should work and look good on all devices, regardless of their size, orientation or capabilities. Currently, the most popular screen size is 5.4 inches (i.e. iPhone 6) because it was rated as the best size that fits the human hand. Recent studies show that most users hold their phones with one hand and that they prefer portrait mode. However, they often rotate their devices from ergonomic reasons.

Iulia Sălăgean Software Engineer @ Flow Traders
We are what we write

We are not living in the Stone Age any more, we are social human beings and we should be also social engineers. It was long time ago when a project was a one-man show, so we have to learn to collaborate, we have to learn how to work in mixed-skills teams and how to share ideas and solutions in order to have a successful life as code writers. According to Tudor Girba1, as developers we spend about half of our working time reading code. Why reading code? Because the current code bases are growing every day, and with each task we have to implement,we will end up reading code more than actually writing it.


Cătălin Andoniu Senior SAP Basis Admin @ Siemens
SAP Solution Manager in a Nutshell

SAP Solution Manager is an application lifecycle management (ALM) platform provided by SAP, which helps you implement, maintain, run, and adopt all enterprise applications - even non-SAP software - while supporting business innovation, business continuity, and operations.

Oana-Maria Bocârnea Senior SAP ABAP Consultant @ Siemens
From Waterfall to Agile in SAP Landscape

One of the first decisions most projects face, regardless of the development landscape or technology, is "Which development methodology should be used? What fits better for our application and landscape?" This topic gets more and more attention and it's currently a subject of debate. There are many articles debating if the developers creativity is not restricted by adopting standard steps to be followed. This comes up as since the chosen methodology determines how the project's development is organized. The two most known methodologies are Waterfall and Agile. Although SAP has ASAP for ERP implementation, in SAP software development Waterfall and Agile are both famous. The article will draw some ideas around the way of choosing the best fit for the developed software in SAP world.

Diana Costa Administrative Coordinator @ Azimut Happy Employees
How did I manage to be more productive?

”Your mind is for having ideas - not for holding them!” In his book, "Getting Things Done", David Allen starts off from a simple premise - we could say that productivity is directly proportional to our ability to relax. When we feel overwhelmed by how much we have to do it’s difficult to focus on ensuring that life and work are moving in the direction you want to go. That's why it's important to plan our daily tasks before working on your big-picture life planning. I have thus discovered GTD – David Allen, a "bottom-up" approach to productivity. The goal is to establish a sense of comfort and control over the work that we have to do, to help us organize our daily tasks as much as possible, in order to have space to concentrate on our big goals.


At his year’s IT Days event, one of the most voted presentations was on quality. The presentation was about the process of manufacturing a large number of electronic components that can last tens of years despite extreme and intensive usage. Quality can generate a software platform, an operating system, and make an online service run for a very long time without interruption while some updates occur in parallel. Creating quality products and services is not only about development, but also about the test cycle. We have recently visited automotive R&D and production sites. I was particularly impressed by the testing laboratory. The steps to test electronic components are numerous and deal with material aspects such as: Physics, electronics, thermal treatment, microscopics, humidity, explosion/overheating and even spectometrics if necessary. Compared to the testing time of a software product, subjecting physical products to testing involves a long time which can stretch up to several months. Despite the fact that there are automatic tests in production, which facilitate the visual inspection of electronic components through AI, in the testing laboratory each connection is analyzed manually under the microscope, if necessary. As developer who ran development teams, I can say that testing a product usually last a couple of days for software products. We could ask ourselves if software testing is not too lenient towards possible errors. Beyond any software testing specifics, perhaps we should learn something about testing time and duration from hardware manufacturers. Fast does not always equal profitable, especially if the product has millions of users. Even if users have got used to patches and updates, we should ask ourselves: How would it be if the software I develop and test could last 20 years?

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