Issue 32

Hands-On With The Watchkit SDK Creating A Navigation App

Chertes Cristian
iOS Developer @ Telenav

Korosi Csongor
iOS Developer @ Telenav


With the appearance of the WatchKit SDK (https://developer.apple.com/watchkit/) a lot of iOS developers started experimenting with it and writing articles about the challenges faced during development.

Following this trend, in this article we describe our first impression after tackling the WatchKit SDK head-on and the technical challenges encountered while creating a navigation enabled watch app using our Scout SDK .

Architecture of a Watch app

As you can see from the diagram below, a watch app has two parts: an extension which is running on the phone and the watch app which is running on the iWatch. The watch app contains just the user interface of the app - a simple storyboard file and static images which are displayed in the Watch app's user interface.

The interface objects displayed on the watch are not UIView inherited objects, they are proxy objects inherited from the NSObject class. This means that no custom rendering and animations can be done on the watch.

Currently, the customization of these objects is very limited compared with the UI objects used on an iPhone app. For example, only the text and the colour of a label can be changed in the watch app interface while on the phone there are a lot of other customization possibilities (this might change in the next version of the WatchKit SDK)

The user interface of the watch app can be updated through the extension running on the phone. The extension can communicate with the iWatch app through the declared outlets linked with the iWatch UI objects - all the logic behind the scenes is on the extension.

Let's get started to create our watch app:

Configuring your Xcode project

  1. For getting started with WatchKit you should have installed the 6.2 Beta version of Xcode.

  2. To add a watch app target to an existing project add a new Watch App target (File -> New target)

  3. Two new targets will be created. One for the WatchKit extension and one for the Watch app. As you can see from the next screenshot, the Watch App target will include just a storyboard file and static images which will be displayed on the Watch app UI. The logic of the watch app will be implemented on the extension.
  4. Select the Watch app target and run the code. Make sure that one of the external displays of the simulator is selected.

  5. Before going to the next chapter, one more thing should be done. The communication between the iOS app and the WatchKit extension is possible only by using a shared file.

  6. First of all, open the Identifiers section of member center on https://developer.apple.com. Select your app's ID and enable the App Group option. After configuring the ID of the app make sure to regenerate the provisioning profile which uses this ID. Note: please use your own app id with enabled app groups.

Return to Xcode and configure the bundle identifiers for each target based using the app id configured on the developer portal.  

WatchKitDemo: com.skobbler.WatchKitDemo
WatchKitDemo WatchKit Extension:
WatchKitDemo Watch App:

7.Select the Capabilities tab of the iOS & Watch app targets. Navigate to the App Groups section and enable it. You should see the following:

The WatchKitDemo application

First, a look at what the end result looks like:

The WatchKitDemo app starts navigation between two locations on the map, using the Scout SDK. With the app running on the watch and the extension and iPhone app on the smartphone, users can see visual advices and the distance to them.

When the screen of the watch is tapped, an image of the map with the route and current position is shown. This image is updated every few milliseconds.

The iPhone app and the extension communicate via a shared file. For this, developers must enable AppGroups in iTunes Connect and configure the bundle identifiers for each target.

Because there is no API for directly communicating between the iPhone app and the extension we initially wanted to use a timer (NSTimer) to update the information displayed on the Watch every few milliseconds.

The challenge here was that we were not notified when the shared file was modified. The workaround was to use a MMWormhole object. It notified both the app and the extension when the shared file is changed, so the timer was no longer needed.

The MMWormhole object must be initialized both in the iPhone app and in the extension:  

self.wormHole = [[MMWormhole alloc] [initWithApplicationGroupIdentifier:@"group.WatchKitDemoGroup"] 
(mailto:initWithApplicationGroupIdentifier:@"group.WatchKitDemoGroup") optionalDirectory:nil];

  To send and receive data between the app and the extension use:

//send message from the app to the extension

[self.wormHole passMessageObject:imageData identifier:\@"image"];

//listen for messages in the extension

[self.wormHole listenForMessageWithIdentifier:\@"image" listener:\^(id

This app we created is a proof of concept of what a developer is able to do with the Scout SDK and the WatchKit SDK. A few scenarios that would be also possible:

The full demo project can be downloaded and reviewed from:


Summary & observations

Conference TSM



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Korosi Csongor wrote also