Issue 33

Editorial 33 (en)

Ovidiu Mățan
Founder @ Today Software Magazine


One of these past evenings, encouraged by a relaxing atmosphere, a friend of mine and I indulged ourselves to approach the issue of the relation between the teams of programmers and those of testers from a philosophical-religious perspective. The tester-programmer opposition, which places the programmer in the position of a creator, and the tester in the position of hair splitter, a faultfinder always in search of faults and driven by the desire to destroy what the programmer has so passionately created, can be dissolved only after each part has left its ego aside and no longer thinks of themselves as angel and, respectively, demon. It was very difficult for us to rid ourselves of these roles! The solution came from the Oriental philosophy, which places each of them in a convenient position: the programmer - tester antagonism resembles the Ying -Yang principles, which is a system whose value is higher than that of its components. But let us leave the world of ideas and get back to the twists and turns of the concrete, namely to this spring's events.

I would like to mention two of them, which have taken place recently. I am talking about … even mammoths can be Agile, the single local event that gathers the local management community. TSM was designated again in the organizers section. Our contribution was the involvement in the publication in printed form of all Gogu's stories which have appeared in the magazine during the last three years. It was a novel project and we are glad, thus, to publish the second TSM book. The second event, to which TSM has participated as partner and the undersigned as moderator of a track is Cluj Innovation Days 2015. It has grown a lot over the past few years, shifting its focus from the political area towards product development. The theme chosen for this edition was the technological transfer. We had the opportunity to see interesting presentations from the area of research, innovation, patenting process, or the way of getting on the stock market. Another important thing to mention was the Internet of Things, a workshop held by Google.

Here is an overview of this issue's articles. We begin by a short interview given to our magazine by Jonathan Shieber, chief editor in TechCrunch, whom we had the opportunity to talk to within a workshop organized in Cluj. His vision on startups is emphasizing the essential, the differentiating factor. We continue with a short presentation of A Different Angle, the first IT & C Cluster in Bucharest. Startup Weekend is an event to which all those who wish to develop a product should participate. We are publishing in this issue some advice from those who were awarded the first prizes in the last editions. Mobile World Congress is one of the biggest IT events in Europe, where collaborators of our magazine found out news and they are sharing their impressions with us. The series of technical articles begins with Virtual Reality improved by Mobile Devices, which presents the main frameworks that help us in the creation of applications dedicated to the augmented reality. Cloud technologies are represented in a series of articles in this issue: The Introduction and Tuning of Hadoop MapReduce, Efficient messaging systems - Apache Kafka, Spatial type data in SQL Server, Java Chronicle in action and Apache Cassandra, the first steps. The duality with the testing area is maintained by: Appium - cross-platform automated testing for mobile devices and Quality Assurance in Agile. We round up in an optimistic mood with an interesting article which investigates the future of technology: Analysis for the future technologies.

Conference TSM



  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects