Issue 47

Building backend apps with Google App Engine, Google Cloud Endpoints & Android Studio

Grațian Cuțulescu
Senior Software Engineer @3PillarGlobal


The world we live in today is dominated by technology. You wouldn't be able to walk a couple of meters without noticing someone making use of some sort of technology. Technology has become pervasive and mobile applications are just one small part of this complex system. In order to deliver meaningful features, most mobile applications need some kind of backend system.

All actions, from storing and retrieving the simplest set of data, to authentication and other complex operations, happen on a remote machine, rather than on the device itself.

Some backend services are already built, while you might need to implement others. As a mobile developer, depending on the needs of your App, you can either build your backend from scratch or use the Mobile Backend as a Service approach (MBaaS).

Mobile Backend as a Service approach is a model for providing web and mobile App developers with a way to link their applications to backend cloud storage and APIs exposed by back end applications1.

Most MBaaS services offer the possibility to store data, use push notifications, and authenticate. But what happens if you need a custom backend and a CRUD cycle is not enough for your App? Normally, this would mean that you must rely on the help of a backend developer. Luckily, we also have the Google App Engine!

Android Studio offers built-in support for adding backend apps to App Engine with the help of Google Cloud Endpoints.

Google App Engine is a platform for building scalable web applications and mobile backends. App Engine provides you with built-in services and APIs such as NoSQL datastores, memcache, and a user authentication API, common to most applications.2

In other words, App Engine will host your backend app and take care of everything in between. It will automatically scale it, depending on the traffic, so you end up paying the resources you use. You don't have to trouble yourself with estimating resources ahead of time or with server maintenance.

On the other hand, Google Cloud Endpoints consists of tools, libraries and capabilities that allow you to generate APIs and client libraries from an App Engine application in order to simplify the data access for client applications3.

So, in other words we will use Google Cloud Endpoints to create an endpoint API that will be hosted by Google App Engine. Google Cloud Endpoints will also generate client libraries to access the backend API sparing us from writing the network communication code ourselves.

In this tutorial I will show you how easy it is to add backend support to an android mobile app even if you have little backend development experience. We will assume that we are building a notes application in which our users can add, delete and list note objects. Our entity will be called Note (a java bean with an id, title and description) and, based on it, we will generate the backend API with standard CRUD operations.


For this demo I used:

Android Studio contains all Google Cloud Platform functionality, so additional plug-ins are not required.

Add the Google Cloud Module

With the use of Android Studio we will create the backend application by taking the following steps:

Android Studio offers the possibility to add Google Cloud Modules to a project. Here we can define the model and the API endpoints.

Click on: File -> New -> New Module.

Choose: Google Cloud Module and click Next.

For the Module type choose App Engine Java Endpoints Module

The client module should already be selected. We will keep the default module name and package.

Click Finish.

When the module is created, Android Studio also generates client libraries that you can use in the mobile App module and access the API endpoint. Besides that, all the permissions and dependencies are automatically set up.

Since we are building a REST API, using these libraries is not mandatory. We can easily use the resulted URL "https://\.appspot.com/_ah/api/" in conjunction with any HTTP client. However, if you decide to make authorized calls, using the client libraries will make your life easier.

We have to add persistence to our application and for this we'll use Objectify.

Objectify is a Java data access API specifically designed for the Google App Engine datastore4.

dependencies {
 appengineSdk ‚com.google.appengine:appengine-java-sdk:1.9.28’
 compile ‚com.google.appengine:appengine-endpoints:1.9.28’
 compile ‚com.google.appengine:appengine-endpoints-deps:1.9.28’
 compile ‚javax.servlet:servlet-api:2.5’
 compile ‚com.googlecode.objectify:objectify:5.0.3’

Click the Sync Project with Gradle Files button

By default, Android Studio generates an Entity and a correspondent Endpoint class (MyBean and MyEndpoints). In our case, we will create a custom entity that will suit our needs.

Create a class called Note. Inside the Note class add 3 fields: id, title & description like in the snippet below:

import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Entity;
import com.googlecode.objectify.annotation.Id;

public class Note {
   Long id;
   String title;
   String description;

   public Note() {}

   public Long getId() {
       return id;

   public void setId(Long id) {
       this.id = id;

   public String getTitle() {
       return title;

   public void setTitle(String who) {
       this.title = who;

   public String getDescription() {
       return description;

   public void setDescription(String description) {
       this.description = description;

I used two annotations: \@Entity to specify that this is an entity POJO and \@Id to indicate the entity's ID. Using this information, Android Studio offers the possibility to generate the Endpoint class (right click on the Note class -> Generate Cloud Endpoint from Java Class).

The resulted class is called NoteEndpoint. This is basically our API endpoints. It already has standard methods for inserting, retrieving, listing, updating and removing Note items, but you are free to add your own logic.

Rebuild project: Build -> Rebuild Project

Even at this point, it is safe to say that we already have a backend App. Of course, we still have to test it and deploy it, but the thing is that we managed to build the API endpoint, with just a few clicks.

Test the API

Select the backend configuration and run it.

Start a new Chrome session as described in How do I use Explorer with a local HTTP API and specify 8080 as the localhost port.

Note: On Windows, the only way I could test the endpoints into the API Explorer was to run Chrome as administrator.

You can validate the backend by accessing http://localhost:8080/ in your browser.

If everything goes fine you should see this page:

Notice the Google Cloud Endpoints API Explorer button in the red frame. By clicking it, you will access the built-in Google API Explorer tool.

The screen should indicate that you have 2 APIs (the auto-generated one: myApi and the one we created noteApi). 

The API Explorer enables you to browse through APIs and versions, and explore methods for each of them.

Depending on your method signature and the used http method, Google API Explorer provides you an HTML form where you can enter your data.

For example, when selecting the insert method, you have a dropdown from where you can select the fields and enter your values. In this way, you do not have to memorize the Entity's structure. The final result is a JSON object representing a Note.

By clicking Execute without OAuth you will invoke the insert method and be able to see the response in real time as given below:

This operation can also be validated by executing the list method and checking if the Note element was added.

App Integration

Now you are ready to test the API in you mobile App. As stated before, the backend module generates client libraries that we can use to access the API.

Considering that you will perform network operations, you should use a separate thread for this. The snippet below represents the doInBackground method of an AsyncTask in which we are using the client library to get the Notes list.

protected List doInBackground(Void... params) {
   if(myNotesService == null) {
       NoteApi.Builder builder = new NoteApi.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(),
               new AndroidJsonFactory(), null)
               .setGoogleClientRequestInitializer(new GoogleClientRequestInitializer() {
                   public void initialize(AbstractGoogleClientRequest abstractGoogleClientRequest) throws IOException {

       myNotesService = builder.build();

   try {
       return myNotesService.list().execute().getItems();
   } catch (IOException e) {
       throw new IllegalStateException(„Exception when listing the notes „ + e.getMessage());

Note: If you're using Windows you will probably fail to run your mobile App, if the background API is running as well:

Unable to delete file:


In order to solve this, you have to edit your app run configuration:

You should have a configuration similar to the one below:

Click OK

Now you can run your app and test the backend API locally.


If the backend is working locally, you can deploy it to Google App Engine. This is also done with Android Studio.

First of all, you need to create a project in Google Developers Console or use an existing one.

In the Google Developers Console, a project is a collection of settings, credentials, and metadata about the application or applications you are working on that make use of Google Developer APIs and Google Cloud resources5.

When creating the project, you are also allowed to specify the hosting servers' location.

You can choose between US Central, US East and Europe West. So, for example, if you are targeting clients from Europe, you should choose the latter.

Click New Project -> Show advanced options. Choose a location.

Click Create

At this point, all you have to do is to deploy the backend app to App Engine (In Android Studio: Build -> Deploy Module to App Engine…).

In the displayed dialog:

As you can see, Google Cloud Endpoints also supports API versioning (Menu -> App Engine -> Versions). We can have different API versions and gradually migrate from one to another until the old one becomes obsolete.

Another cool feature is that you can see your dataset, and perform operations on it. Just open the left menu and go to Storage -> Datastore. Here, if you click Entities, you will see the backend's associated dataset.

Moreover, the Google Developers Console offers the possibility to check the status of an App Engine project. In the Dashboard page of the project, you can see a usage graph and have the possibility to select the desired metric, by using the drop down in the top left corner. You can also set the preferred period of time for the snapshot (1 hour to 30 days) and select the App version that you are interested in.

In the client app, the endpoint creation is slightly different.

protected List doInBackground(Void... params) {
   if(myNotesService == null) {
       NoteApi.Builder builder = new NoteApi.Builder(AndroidHttp.newCompatibleTransport(), new AndroidJsonFactory(), null)

       myNotesService = builder.build();

   try {
       return myNotesService.list().execute().getItems();
   } catch (IOException e) {
       throw new IllegalStateException(„Exception when listing the notes „ + e.getMessage());

The root URL format changed to https://\.appspot.com/ah/api/, where your_project_id is the Project ID from the Developers Console.

In the same way, you can create async tasks for inserting or deleting notes. Integrating them in the application should be no problem for an android developer (you could create an activity for listing & deleting and another one for adding Notes).


Most mobile developers prefer working on the user experience and design of their App rather than the management of the infrastructure that runs it. In my opinion, this is how it should be.

By using Google App Engine, the time for adding backend support reduces to a minimum, even if you're a developer with little experience in this area. Not only does it offer you standard MBaaS features, but it also gives you the flexibility of customizing the API.

So, if you are looking for a way to rapidly add backend support to your mobile App without having to worry about scalability and other hosting issues, you should definitely consider using Google App Engine.

  1. "Mobile backend as a service - Wikipedia, the free ..." 2015. 12 Feb. 2016 \<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mobile_backend_as_a_service

  2. "App Engine - Platform as a Service — Google Cloud Platform." 2012. 12 Feb. 2016 \<https://cloud.google.com/appengine/

  3. "Google Cloud Endpoints - Google Cloud Platform." 2014. 12 Feb. 2016 \<https://cloud.google.com/appengine/docs/java/endpoints/

  4. "GitHub - objectify/objectify: The simplest convenient ..." 2015. 12 Feb. 2016 \<https://github.com/objectify/objectify

  5. "Google Developers Console Help — Google Developers." 2014. 12 Feb. 2016 \<https://developers.google.com/console/help/new/?hl=vi-US

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