Dan Ionescu

Dan Ionescu

Executiv Director @Danis Consulting

IMAGINE - a study regarding Cluj IT companies

This article presents the results of a study regarding the way students think about ten well-known IT companies in Cluj. Being, most likely, future employees of these companies, their opinions may help IT companies to reconsider their policies regarding applicants, both for HR practices, as well as PR ones. Therefore, companies can better define their place in the IT local community. As a consulting company in Organizational and Managerial Development, working frequently with IT companies from Cluj, we wanted to find out more about this industry.

Towards An IT Community– via HR (IV)

During this year we proposed gathering and synthesizing as many opinions as possible, from the perspective of Human Resources professionals, about the IT companies from the Cluj market and about the idea of an “IT community”. For this purpose we had four meetings with Human Resources specialists from IT companies and we wrote down their opinions in articles published in the Today Software Magazine – three of these articles have appeared in the numbers 11, 13 and 16, the fourth one being the present article.

Towards the IT community (III)

We have met for the third time this year with the HR representatives of well-known IT companies from Cluj in order to continue to analyze the profile community. Our intention was to bring together specialists from the domain in order to offer a “human” perspective on the ideas of stability, success and community of the IT organizations in Cluj – one of the most developed domains of local economy.

Towards An IT Community – via HR (II)

Revenim cu al doilea articol care sintetizează părerile unor reprezentanţi HR din firme IT clujene de marcă, reuniţi în al doilea workshop din cele patru pe care ni le-am propus în anul 2013. Dorim să identificăm practici din sfera resurselor umane, trecute şi prezente, posibil utile pentru procesul de constituire a unei comunităţi mature de IT în zona Clujului. Ne-ar plăcea ca acest demers să fie urmat şi de alte „bresle” profesionale din regiune. Deocamdată credem că industria IT, fiind „pe val”, se poate constitui într-un veritabil model de succes, care să seteze standarde de muncă şi pentru alţii (venituri decente, mediu de lucru incitant, şefi apropiaţi oamenilor). Dar pentru asta mai este puţin de lucru!

Towards An IT Community – Via HR (I)

A lot of people want a kind of Silicon Valley in Cluj, with innovative and creative companies. IT Cluster aims a similar goal. In a four articles series, Danis Consulting aims to analyse these companies from Human Resources perspective, how they evolved, their problems and, the most important, how they can constitute a real community to be proud about.

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