
Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Behavior-driven development - Dan North interview

Ovidiu Mățan: People know you as the father of BDD. How did all of this start out?

Dan North: I was working as a developer at ThoughtWorks, a global software consultancy, back in 2003. We were advocating an XP-like delivery model, using practices like iterations, user stories, pair-programming, continuous integration, test-driven development, etc. The big sticking point seemed to be TDD - the developers thought that writing tests was the work of lowly testers. The testers didn't like the idea of programmers writing tests either - maybe because they didn't think the programmers knew how to write tests, maybe because they were afraid they would be out of a job!


Gustavo Silva Security Engineer @ Paddy Power Betfair
The Power of Open-Source Software in Cyber Security

The beauty of open source software is that it allows you to create, experiment and transform code, and even give it a higher purpose. After discovering and deep diving into a new and exciting security scanning tool, with the help of our engineering team, we began making this tool into something more. What initially could have been used for red-teaming, bug bounty hunting or hacking in general was transformed into a tool that can help blue teams defend against the bad guys better.

Terezia Neagu Senior Product Executive @ Betfair Romania Development
Product Mentorship - keeping the flame alive

Mentorship is the partnership between two parties called mentor - the actor that shares knowledge and offers guidance and mentee - actor that receives the knowledge and is being guided. Together, they will embark on a journey of self-discovery and development in both of their professional and personal lives.

Terezia Neagu Senior Product Executive @ Betfair Romania Development
How to manage your product with success

To manage a product with success doesn’t have a clear recipe. It can easily be a magic formula each product manager finds out and applies to their own solution. What’s important is sharing the success stories and innovate the product management domain by network with like-minded people. Remember each product is unique and the approach we take to manage doesn’t guarantee the success for all products – in this context we should rather seek the method that best fits a product.

Daniel Costea Senior Software Developer @ EU Agency
Machine Learning 101 with Microsoft ML.NET (part 3/3)

To conclude what we have covered so far, it's clear that when building a model, the trainer selection is not the most difficult part. AutoML is able to suggest a list with the best models, due to the evaluation metrics which accompany every model. What is much more complex (and time-consuming) is the data preparation which, along with the training pipeline, builds a model ready to make predictions.

Antal-Árpád Flórián-Udvari Software Development Manager
Project Manager Recipe for Success in front of Organizational Culture problems

Usually the longest phase, where the majority of people are involved in a project is the execution phase. Ensuring success in this phase poses the greatest challenges, as the four dimension of project management state that success depends on the project manager’s competencies, the structure of the organization, the process of progress monitoring, and the practices that are part of the organization culture (Kendra & Taplin, 2004). While competencies and progress monitoring depend solely on the project manager and are, therefore, considered controllable, the organization structure and culture is much greater, thus hard to manage. Therefore, in this essay we’ll consider these as fixed, and try to argue in favor of the working solutions to overcome these limitations.

Conference TSM



  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects