
Anghel Contiu Senior software developer
@3Pillar Global
The analysis of Object -Relational Mapping (ORM) mechanism with Hibernate examples

Object / Relational Mapping (ORM) is a programming technique that provides programmers with means of accessing and manipulating the application objects without being interested in where these objects come from. This technique has emerged because of the need to overcome the paradigm difference between the object oriented model (sustained by the current high level programming languages) and the relational model (used by the most popular database management systems). This problem is also referred to as the object relational impedance mismatch.

Radu Popescu QA and Web designer
@Small Footprint
SEO QA - latest Google algorithm updates

In the last years, Google enacted a number of changes to their search algorithms. In 2012 there were at least two updates every month and this had a devastating effect on a lot of websites. The controversial Penguin and Panda updates delisted even websites with good and useful content. Today’s SEO doesn’t depend only on content optimization and link building but on other, recently relevant, factors like user experience or social media presence. We need to be always informed, to keep up with Google’s updates. Let’s look now at the most important algorithm updates of the last year and a half and how it changed Internet the search.


Ionel Mihali QA Officer
FPA in practice

After publishing an article on the subject in a previous number, I accepted the invitation to explore in detail the practice of FPA. The previous article was aiming to broadly explain the FPA method, its applicability, how it can be used, the basic terminology and a brief example was given. In this article, I’ll focus more on how to apply the method.I decided that, for a better understanding, I will take an application already built (so as not go on an estimate based on functional requirements) in which we can apply the detailed measurement method.

Cosmin Cristea CLD Head of Development
Microsoft SQL Server Optimizing performance

How many times you’ve encountered the issue of improving the performance of your SQL Server queries? Did you know how to tackle the problem? Myself, I’ve encountered the issue enough times before finally understanding and putting into practice a SQL Server functionality that solves, at least in part, the challenge.We all know that in the development stage, major performance issues are rare, and that is happening with different reasons: low data volume, perfect development environment, low variations on scenarios and user stories, etc.

Tavi Bolog Development Lead at Nokia
RESTful Web Services using Jersey

RESTful Web Services are services based on HTTP methods and the REST concept. There are usually four HTTP methods used to define services RESTful:
• POST: upload a new resource (create or modify). Repeated executions can have distinct effects.
• PUT: create a new entry in the collection. Repeated executions will have the same effect as the one obtained from a single IDEMPOTENT operation
• GET: identify a resource without modifying the source. The operation shouldn’t be used in creating resources
• DELETE: delete a resource. Repeated executions will have the same effect as the one obtained from a single IDEMPOTENT operation.

Semantic Web A Short Introduction

Semantic Web is an extension of the present Web, allowing the formal description of the resources existing on the Internet (Web pages, text and multimedia files, databases, services and so on). Among its advantages, the most important is the prompt and precise identification of relevant resources for the user, as well as the automatic operation of resources by intelligent agents. The concept of Semantic Web was introduced by Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the World Wide Web, about 15 years ago. The need of Web Semantic can be easily explained with an example.

Andrei Avădănei Fondator si CEO DefCamp CEO worldit.info
Flame - the cyber disembodied weapon

Cybernetic war – the term that travels round the Internet and enters in all corners of the modern world. The press reaction is understandable as IT generates so many happy faces, as well as scared ones, and the Infosec domains is by far a fascinating one, full of surprises. Lately, the Stuxnet and Duqu applications discovery – two of the most dangerous malware targeted applications, developed during the entire history of the planet – but also the hacktivist and decentralized Anonymous attacks against the government services, have often put forward the threat of the cybernetic war. Many countries are dealing with this problem and taking preventive measures.

Robert Enyedi Senior Software Developer
Big Data - Apache Hadoop

After we started with the introduction to the “big data” world in the second issue and we continued with the article on NoSQL type of databases in the third issue, we are now introducing another important member of the family: Apache Hadoop. Apache Hadoop is a framework facilitating processing of large (and very large) data sets, running on an array of machines and using a simple programming model (map/reduce paradigm). It is designed to scale from few machines (even one) to several thousands, each of those contributing processing power and storage. Apache Hadoop does not rely on hardware for “high-availability”, but the library is designed to detect the errors at the application level.

Andrei Kovacs Founder & CEO Finmouse
Made in Cluj - Jumping Electron

Jumping Electron is a game developed with Unity 3D Game Engine that will run on smartphones with Android OS, iOS and their respective tablets. The first 2 chapters and 40 levels are a race on a track inside a Radio and a Jukebox. The action of next 40 levels will take place inside a Phone Switchboard and a TV. Unity 3D has an open source version but a license must be purchased for Android and iPhone. For a team with one developer, it’s OK; however, for a bigger team, Unity PRO is recommended for source control, merging changes etc.

Radu Vunvulea Solution Architect
Background tasks Metro

The new operating system released by Microsoft has quite a few changes. One of these changes is the background tasks for Metro applications. Before talking about background tasks from Windows 8 we need to understand why they were introduced. Windows 8 appeared because of the necessity of the operating system to run on multiple types of devices. Besides those we are used to (desktop and laptop) more and more people have started using tablets. Even though in terms of CPU and memory they are becoming more powerful, the expectations we have from a tablet are different. Battery life is extremely important for a tablet.

Florian Ivan Managing Partner, PMI-ACP, CSM, PMP, Prince2 Practitioner, MVP, MCTS
@Rolf Consulting Germany
Microsoft Project and the Agile Projects

All those who interacted, no matter how little, with Microsoft Project agree unanimously that it’s a very powerful scheduling tool. In other words, if we define and detail its tasks, it is very good at building a plan (the correct term is schedule), better than anything else. But, in order to define the tasks clearly, we need to know exactly what we expect from the project: what does it have to deliver, on what conditions, which standards to comply with etc. It sounds easy, doesn’t it? In practice, we all know how complicated (impossible?) it is to define the purpose of the project and the delivery from the very beginning. In this case, how could Microsoft Project help me if I (or my client) don’t know what I want from it?

Simona Bonghez Managing Partner @ Colors in Projects
Gogu III

Gogu set the alarm, turned off the lights and stepped out of the building. He nodded to the idly smoking doorman. He was standing in front of the door as if he was the owner of the dozens of offices standing in the darkness. Gogu choked back a sigh: „It’s not like someone made me stay until this hour like the doorman”. Actually, the pride made him stay „but that doesn’t count”. Some other time he would have smiled at his own remark, but now he was too bitter: he could not believe that a “child” was sent to give him indications, he who had been in that company for seven years,


The last months proved to be full of events. IT Camp was a very well organized event, involving local and international speakers who gave us the opportunity to become aware of Microsoft latest trends. To be noted the importance and the support Microsoft gives to the community. I would love to see the same kind of conferences held in Cluj by the competitors Apple and Sun. The list with my impressions continues with Hack a Server, an event where the platform for testing vulnerabilities offered to hackers and system administrators was launched. Business Days Cluj Napoca was another exceptional event that TSM attended.

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Conference TSM



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  • Betfair
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  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects