
Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Interview with Danny Goh

Danny is a serial entrepreneur and an early stage investor. He is the Co Founder and COO of Nexus Frontier Tech, an AI research firm to make AI easy to work with organisations by using natural language processing to transform idle information into structured data, enabling them to run better, leaner, and faster. He will be one of the speakers at The Developers conference, 19 April, Cluj-Napoca, cinema Florin Piersic.

Lucian Torje Senior Java Developer @ Siemens
Java Performance: Tools

The goal of this article is to provide an insight into the most used java performance tools. Like any tool, its usefulness depends on its usage and on the skills of the persons using it. We used the Spring Pet clinic application during the tests, since Spring MVC & Boot is the most used web framework according to ZeroTurnaround’s Java Tools and Technologies Landscape 2016.


Raluca Grigoriu Associate Software Engineer @ Telenav
Destination: QML

Many of us are searching for something. We are engaged in an infinite journey for which it is very hard to set a destination, but maybe this journey doesn’t need an end, it just needs passion along the way. Travelling throught the programming languages is not easy because we encounter many adventurous waypoints along the road. Sometimes, these waypoints represent an obstacle in our way or the view they offer is dissapointing, but it is those that fascinate us throught their simplicity and beauty that keep us going.

Anca Tichy Talent Engagement Partner @ 3Pillar Global

Ioan Ciorneschi Engineering Manager @ 3Pillar Global
Can attitude predict performance?

A colleague (who is more thorough than I am) told me to how many technical interviews he attended in 2016. It was a big, but irrelevant number, which made me ponder about the power and responsibility people have when they JUDGE a person. Scared of how curt and terse « to judge » actually sounds, I applied the corporate filter and I decided to use “to evaluate” instead. It does not come off so strong. The evaluation process entails a person’s ability to be objective, while judgment seems godly and somehow final!

George Bara Co-founder
@ZA Cloud
TrustServista - A product that promises to stop the fake news phenomena, built in Cluj and financed by Google

Fake News is a term that made its way into common vocabulary only recently, starting with the US presidential elections. This is a phenomenon that was mostly known through click bait articles that were rapidly “viralised” on social media. Fake news gained notoriety only when its global impact was acknowledged by the bosses of IT giants like Google and Facebook, who admitted, for the first time ever, that this kind of news has the power to influence democratic elections.

Bogdan Gliga Associate Software Engineer @ Telenav
Detecting Roads from Aerial Images using Deep Learning

In recent years, Deep Neural Networks have been used to generate state-of-the-art results in numerous sub-fields of computer vision. This category of algorithms can be used to extract substantial amount of information from many types of imagery. Our work is focuses on training a neural network to accurately detect roads, by analyzing tens of thousands of satellite images. In the mapping industry, having very detailed and accurate maps is of crucial importance in order to be able to build high-quality and precise routing applications. The first step towards achieving this goal is detecting all the roads in a certain area. Every other piece of traffic-relevant map information, such as turn restrictions or speed limits, depends on knowing the underlying road network.

Flaviu Nistor Hardware Development Engineer @ Continental Sibiu

Dan Colceriu Hardware Development Engineer @ Continental Sibiu
Automotive ENET Interface Broadcast

It’s already been a while since the idea of an Ethernet implementation in automotive has been launched. During this time, the recipe improved, the “cookie” baked and it is now ready to be served. Therefore, to have a corect impression of the “taste”, some helpful details are in order. Nowadays, a high-end car can contain easily over a hundred ECU’s and you can imagine that the flashed software went beyond the GBytes threshold.

Erika Kramarik Marketing manager @ Cartea Daliei
Teaching kids how to code

Out of all IT employees in Cluj-Napoca, 40 people from five companies stand out with a more unusual routine. Once a week, for an hour, they volunteer to coordinate coding clubs for five classes of 4th graders in local schools. With the help of Scratch, the students learn about algorithms in a friendly environment. They learn how to animate characters and create small games. All the clubs have the same purpose: to prepare the students for a labor market that is becoming more digitalized.

Mircea Pătraș Embedded C Software Engineer @ AROBS Transilvania Software
Embedded World – the land of technology

A fantastic experience for ordinary people and an unforgettable one for those passionate about technology. After a visit to the famous exhibition Embedded World 2017 in Nuremberg, entirely dedicated to the embedded domain, anyone will have something to tell their friends and most of the people will wish to come back again. Exploring so many booths enchants your eyes more than Disney Land. Your knowledge desire is fed same way a LAROUSSE encyclopedia does to you.

Mircea Vădan Managing Partner @ Activize Cofounder @ClujStartups
Startups - April

Another edition of CodeCamp Cluj has just finished. In the "track" for startups and software products we had topics like: switching from outsourcing product development, product metrics and measuring them, user acquisition channels and existing accelerator programs. I feel that we are beginning the upslope, when talking about startups is not only interesting for the community of startups, but also for many other people in IT companies.

Florentina Șipețean Consulting Manager @Azimut Happy Employees
Well-being, HR and science of complexity

The following article is like the news with 7 Earth-sized planets discovered by NASA. We all (especially the geeks among us) saw this coming given the technological advancement but we needed real proof to come out. This article is about well-being, the role of the HR department and a new theory that approaches it from a different perspective. We will either talk about it decades from now or it will simply be a paradigm that has no ground in reality. So the starting questions: should we let groups to self-organize themselves? Who then should decide about everyone`s well-being?

Laura Vaida Product Owner @ Betfair
The Emergence of Big Data in New Product Development

Big data seems to be on everyone’s mind nowadays. As a product person myself, I know that good product managers have always been data driven. However, what we witness today is an explosion of endless tools and methodologies that depending on how they are used can either make or break a future product. A growing number of product managers are struggling with this abundance of data that generates more “noise” rather than better clarifying analysis and decisions. It’s a known fact that 96% of all innovations fail to return their cost of capital (Deloitte). In this context, it is almost a no brainer that smart companies should change the way they are managing new product development. Several studies have demonstrated that those companies that manage to determine their customers’ needs and then innovate to meet them are much more profitable overall than companies who are not customer-centric.

Victor Bodnar QlikView Teamlead @ NTT Data Romania
Big Data Analytics - QlikView

Enabling access and coherent analysis of Big Data can be challenging. Hundreds of millions or billions of rows of data is not something trivial to model and access easily. It’s always the question of how much data can one honestly present in an app that processes it quickly enough to be relevant for analysis. Big Data is the reference term to massive amounts of information. In the last year, we have seen a sharp decline in the price of storage. Storage devices now can carry many terabytes in the same space footprint as a regular hard disk drive. This cost of ownership reduction caused a very sharp incline in the amounts of data that individuals store regarding to production, lifestyle, sales, sports and various other metrics. Such an increase in data storage is a crucial step in conducting more coherent analysis.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Agile trends - Interview with Henrik Kniberg

We talked with Henrik Kniberg about latest Agile approaches, how to consider output value instead of quantity in an Agile project, how to get to a free highway project instead of a stuck one and at the end a nice way to organize you barbecue party. Henrik Kniberg is Owner & Agile/Lean Coach @ Crisp, he was getting a lot of media attention with the Spotify model.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Interview with Jennifer Marsman @ Leade.rs Paris 2017

Jennifer Marsman: We have a number of different Microsoft Artificial Intelligence products kind of spread throughout the whole company. We kind of meet people where they are in terms of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. So for example, we have something called The Cognitive Services, and those are pre-trained models that you can just call and they do very common Artificial Intelligence tasks such as facial detection (like recognizing my face is right here) and facial verification (recognizing that I am Jennifer Marsman) and emotion recognition and text analytics (being able to detect the sentiment text, and what language it is, and automatic machine translation and the key topic extractions, if you’d like support logs, figuring out the main points in them) and all sorts of things like that. So there are these common tasks that everyone is doing over and over again. We have great pre-trained models where you can essentially just call them via the REST API call then get a bunch of data back.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Interview with Arie van Bennekum - about Agile Manifesto

Ovidiu Mățan: Agile manifesto is one of the important aspects in building modern software and you are one of its founders. Could you describe what the context was back in 2001 when you and the rest of the group wrote it? What is the origin of its name?
Arie van Bennekum: I can just speak for myself, not for others. I consciously started consciously working in a different way in 1994. It was a very specific choice. I did not understand my value as technical designer, and wanted to change bureaucracy and improve on business value. Right from the start, I became very active in the community of best practices. It was one of these communities, the DSDM Consortium in the UK that I represented in Salt Lake.

Diana Ciorba Marketing Manager

Diana Ciorba:What triggered your interest for robotics? How did it start?
Hiroshi Ishiguro: When I was in elementary school, I spent most of the time drawing pictures and writing a diary. I used to draw or paint anything that came to my mind, even during class, without listening to my teacher. At that time, I could cultivate a capacity for expressiveness. When in fifth grade, I encountered an unforgettable incident.


I am pleased to announce that the launch of the current issue will be held in Paris, on the 12th of April 2017. You might have read about this in our newsletter which we send before every monthly launch or on the launch day itslef. This event is organized together with the Romanian-IT association whose founders are headquartered in Paris. The organization facilitates a network between Romanian IT passionates located in Romania or abroad. You can find out more details about this in the interview we had with Valentin Maior, co-founder of Romanian IT, in Cluj. It was during this interview that we set up the launch plan for the current issue.

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  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects