
Ciprian Stupinean Software Developer @ Ve Interactive
DSLs: the rapid development solution to domain specific adaptation

In the software development industry, we need to solve problems we encounter every day. To define the solution for a given problem, we use some programming languages and usually the solution consists in a piece of software. Problems and solutions can vary, but very often we see that some of them are repetitive and this can create frustration for developers. For such cases, developers came up with some generic approaches in either *design patterns* or architectural solutions. However, even in this case, repeating the same architectural solution can be frustrating and time consuming. In this context, some of the developers come out with a new solution in the area of Domain-Specific Language - a way to create new languages which are focused to resolve small and well regulated problems from a given domain, making it easier for development work.

Andrei Oneț Developer
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - an environmental approach to your IoT projects

th new consumer electronics emerging on the market almost every minute and sometimes using the same technology, but packaged and marketed differently, it is an unfortunate by-product that millions of tons of electronic waste is produced worldwide, each year. Everybody enjoys new technology but how many of us act environmentally responsible when we buy our newest mobile or smart device? There are steps we can all take to be more responsible towards the environment when we design our IoT projects, such as using the Three R’s principle.


Raul Boldea Support Specialist Big Data Analytics @ Siemens
The Usage of Intelligent Agents in IoT devices

Using assisted learning within user-centered IoT devices represents a step into the future in terms of how communication is performed. The main benefit intelligent agents bring to the IoT table is the creation of a system based on users’ needs. As a result, the different gadgets can learn the user’s habits, leading to more efficient usage of that gadget. IoT devices have developed in an intensive rhythm, and interconnected devices have started to offer data about the things they work on. Nevertheless, data is not valuable unless it is transformed into information which can later be used. This refers back to the Big Data field where raw data is processed to obtain valuable information. Yet, it takes time and research to be able to obtain knowledge about what was done and what should be done.

Paul Bodean Lead Automation Engineer @ Telenav

Eugen Meltis Automation Software Developer @ Telenav
Mac OS API over Appium for testing cross-platform applications simultaneously

 A walkthrough of the key aspects of MAF – internal mobile automation API over Appium providing access to multiple devices on iOS and Android at runtime is described. The article covers some generic information about the Appium automation service, a personal challenge in the production environment (alongside the adopted solution) and a step-by-step tutorial covering the API installation and configuration.  Appium is an open source test automation framework for mobile apps. Currently supported platforms are iOS, Android and Windows which make use of the WebDriver protocol. It is also cross-platform meaning that it allows you to write tests for the previously mentioned platforms based on the same API. It enables code reusability across platform test cases as long as the UI of the applications is similar. To this end, it leads to a well-structured architecture of your testing framework. Another advantage of Appium is the flexibility of choosing the programming language for developing test cases. The currently supported ones are Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, JavaScript, and C\#.

Dan Sabadis Team Lead @ SDL
A Short Introduction to .Net Multithreading Programming (I)

Today we will focus on the “difficult” subject of multi-threading in a big enterprise environment. Because my previous experience was anchored in the .Net Framework, we chose to provide the examples from the C\# language, but the very same concepts, classes and abstractions described below have an almost word-to-word equivalence in Java.

Alexey Grinko Front End Developer @ Crossover for Work
Front-end architecture - Common patterns of classical inheritance in JavaScript

There is a common understanding that front-end programming is less prone to architecture and design patterns, and more prone to the pursuit of more stable add-ons. Well, since this is an obvious shallow approach, we are going to use this article to throw a ray of light on classical inheritance in JavaScript, its common patterns, features and the frequent mistakes of its application. We’ll consider examples of inheritance in Babel, Backbone JS and Ember JS, and we will try to derive the key principles of object-oriented inheritance for creating custom implementation with EcmaScript 5.

Tămaș Ionuț Software Developer @ TORA Trading Services
Artemis - a platform for searching and data manipulation

A properly designed domain model has a lot of embedded information that is expressive and readable to the end users. For instance, the class Order has a Customer property, having a semantics like: “*An order is made by a customer*” and the Customer class has simple type properties like *Name*, *Age*, *Email*, etc. with easy to grasp semantics: *A customer is named “John”, has age 30 and with email “john\@doe.com*”. In this line of thought, we see that a well-designed domain model comes with a lot of free knowledge we can take advantage of when building our system’s UX.

Stefan Blickensdörfer Technical director @ Smartsoft/3SS

Zsolt Janosi Software architect @ Smartsoft/3SS
Container-based micro-services in the Cloud

In this article we will describe a modern setup for a backend build of micro-services, deployed in Docker containers on a Cloud infrastructure. The article will give an overview of the available components and technologies. It is not intended to recap or summarize existing documentation on this topic, but to give a comprehensive overview and to explain the pros and cons of different approaches and strategies which have proven successful for 3SS. We will explain and detail the setup based on our own product development activities in order to provide practical examples and experiences.

Sebastian Boga Test Consultant @ Endava

Raluca Beian Developer @ Endava

Nowadays, more and more companies are concerned to make their web pages accessible to as many users as possible. Because of this, we started to turn our attention to a special category of users: users with different kinds of disabilities. Websites owners want the delivered information to be accessible not only to the regular people, but also to those with disabilities, whatever the disability degree is – temporary or permanent.

Márton Kodok Google Developer Expert & Senior Software Architect @ REEA
Making advanced analytics accessible to more companies

The great change that has been taking place in the business landscape and, in fact, in every company, no matter how far from tech, is the fact that everything is becoming a software company, and, by extension, a data company. Companies often don’t need a complex architecture and an engineering team right away, in order to start making advanced analytics for their business intelligence (BI). When you are unsure about how to proceed when running some advanced analytics, without spending additional effort on strategy, architecture, engineering team, storage costs, infrastructure - you are convinced that your organization needs a new prospect. This is where Middlewares and cloud data warehouse solutions, such as Google BigQuery, come into play.

Manuela Butuc Map analyst @ Telenav

Bogdan Petrea Map analyst @ Telenav
OpenStreetMap, Open Data, Scripting What, Why, How?

OpenStreetMap (OSM) is a collaborative project, created with the purpose of offering a complete map, permanently updated by the community, being also free for any kind of uses: websites, mobile apps and GPS systems. Telenav intends to use OpenStreetMap for many internal projects, especially for embedded navigation systems. In order to have a quality map, it is mandatory for the data to be revised and constantly updated, reason why the company has a dedicated department for this task: improving OSM data. The Map-Analysts Team improves and updates OSM by using free data and several internal and open-source tools.

Conference TSM



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