Ciprian Stupinean Software Developer @ Ve Interactive
Domain Driven Design: the fundamental solution for long term stable products

Today’s applications are undoubtedly sophisticated and rely on many technologies to do what they do. As developers we focus more on the technical implementation of the software, starting from what language, framework or tool we use for the implementation. This happens because developers are problem solvers and enjoy this part of the job. But, the truth is that a system that doesn’t solve the business need is of no use to anyone, no matter how pretty it looks or how well-architected it is implemented. When we think about a project, there are many things which can delay that project: for example bureaucracy, unclear objective, lack of resources and so on.

Bogdan-Alexandru Vlăduț Java Developer @ Xoomworks
Behavior Driven Development

Behavior Driven Development (BDD) was first introduced by Dan North as a way to explain Test Driven Development to some customers who needed to apply TDD in their project (see [1] for details). It is a set of collaboration practices designed to help build the right software and to provide real value for the users (in contrast to its better-known brother, Test Driven Development, whose main goal is building the software right). BDD proposes an approach for minimizing the inherent misunderstanding which arises when the information is passed from one stage to another stage of the software development process (from client to business analysts, then to programmers and testers). It is accomplished by defining real examples as a result of the collaboration of all stakeholders involved in the project. BDD is not an integral software development methodology on its own (it does not try to address all the areas of this domain), so it should be supported by other methodologies, like Agile, Test Driven Development or Domain Driven Development.


Adela Mureșan Senior Big Data Developer @ VE Interactive
Real-Time Stream Processing in the Big Data Realm

We live in a world that is governed by data, a volume of data that grows exponentially each year. No wonder that we hear more and more about “Big Data technologies”. If, at the very beginning, the Big Data ecosystem was simply a collection of tools meant to cope with the data volume, now it also has to address the speed problem. As everything happens so fast around us and data driven decisions are taken on the spot, the real-time processing of events takes the lead stage in this whole Big Data realm. The paper takes a look at some options to setup such a system, capable of ingesting and processing a stream of data in real time.

Mircea Vădan Managing Partner @ Activize Cofounder @ClujStartups
Startups - November 2016 edition

In this issue, I will focus on a different ecosystem. I am writing this text while I am in Chișinău for a few startup events and workshops. I was pleasantly surprised by the enthusiasm and energy of the people there. Aware of their economic and political situation, they are hungry to improve, to grow the ecosystem, knowing that technology is a ladder that can take them to the next level, just like us, in Romania, some years ago. There are more than 15 supporting organisations, events or coworking spaces which contribute to this growth and we will see successful examples soon for sure.

Horatiu Potra iOS Developer @ 3Pillar Global

Lucian Teodorovici iOS Developer @ 3Pillar Global
Continuous Integration using Xcode Server

In software development process, one practice became very popular, even mandatory, and that practice is continuous integration. Depending on the technology used in the project, continuous integration can be integrated in more ways. In this article we will present a solution to continuous integration from the perspective of mobile app development for iOS platform. Our solution relies on Xcode Server and on Fabric.IO which is a online distribution framework.

Cristina Costescu HR Corporate @ NTT DATA România
When an IT company supports Academia!

We are a company which seeks to grow the IT community and invest in the development of people’s IT skills. We believe that investing in the professional development of IT and Software professionals is an investment in the future of our company. Our initiatives to support the educational system range from the support given to BA degree programs, the support given to reconversion programs and the organization of specialized educational programs. Therefore, we chose to invest, alongside other IT companies in the BA program run by Babeș-Bolyai University, the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, the German line. In addition to the financial support we provide for this line of study, the students enrolled in the Ist, IInd and IIIrd year of this program, carry on their courses and seminars at the NTT DATA Romania headquarters in Cluj Napoca, in the laboratories and the rooms specially designed to accommodate didactical activities.

Iulia Bicu Software Developer @ Siemens România
View Modeling in SAP HANA

When using SAP HANA, you can calculate the outcome of your business directly, on the original data, in the main memory, without any need to transfer the data. Many of these calculations can be graphically modeled as special data views in SAP HANA Studio, without the need of any supplementary code. This paper focuses on the options that SAP HANA makes available for data modeling. These options lie at the core of the development process which produces HANA applications. The business data of a given field are memorized (usually in a normalized format) in tables from the database, which are connected via a foreign key (the so-called entity-relationship model). With the help of this data model, unique registrations can easily be made, selected or modified. Nevertheless, if the access to the data becomes more dynamic and complex, or if certain analyses or checks are necessary, the data needs to be transformed.

Ciprian Filipaș Senior Software Developer @ VE Interactive
Automation + VSO + Octopus =LOVE

A while ago a dream was born. A dream forged from the deepest fears of the software development world. The dream of delivering pure, clean, quality code on TIME. As the community was growing and the idea got seeded in the hearts of the people, a movement arose and so the CONTINUOUS DELIVERY concepts took shape. Now, in all seriousness, as an aspirant software developer, getting you code to market in the shortest period possible, must be one of your main goals. It may seem simple at first, you automate as many processes as necessary to reduce the time you wait for your colleagues to validate the "masterpiece" you wrote and to decide whether it will see the light of production. Well, it may become a hard and frustrating piece of work if it's not done properly from the beginning.

Andreea Pârvu People Operations Business Partner @ Endava
MobOS 4th edition - the biggest conference on mobile technologies in Romania

As we are getting ready for the next edition, we thought of introducing the team and of giving you some more reasons to attend the 4th edition of MobOS. MobOS stands for the Mobile Operating Systems Community and the associated annual event, aimed at sharing technical knowledge, at bringing an international perspective and at giving you the chance to network with minds alike. In less than 4 years, MobOS grew steadily, becoming, at the moment, the biggest conference on mobile technologies in Romania. Started in 2013, it now has a team of 4 individuals connected by the passion for technology and mobile. Let us get to know them and see what it’s in it for you - the passionate mobile developer curious for more and looking forward to meeting people like yourself.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects


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