Septimiu Nechifor Head of Research Group @Siemens
The Energy That Makes the World Move

Throughout its intense and challenge-rich history, the technology, which deals with the processing, communication and storage of data, has provided a landscape of continuing diversification, heterogeneity and distribution, in all walks of life. The interaction between technology and the way it is used generates innovation and puts an extremely useful pressure on our ability to innovate and adapt. As can be seen in the case of individuals, and of groups made up of people and animals, heterogeneous technical systems entail a high complexity in terms of control and a continuing ability to react or to learn, to infer and to predict, to adapt to an ever-changing environment.

Cătălin Criste PHP Developer @Pentalog
Symfony Framework from 1.0 to 3.0

Symfony is a framework for web PHP. It is written in PHP and is distributed under an MIT licence for free. In the PHP world, the Symfony framework is one of the most famous, most popular,most used and most appreciated frameworks. These features are due to the fact that, it has a large and powerful community behind, a consistent and thorough documentation, it can be learned relatively quickly due to the resources available online, it offers a new certification system and an ever growing number of users.


Ovidiu Petridean Senior Software Developer @ SDL Research
Kafka in the Big Data ecosystem

This article presents an overview of the concepts, which form the Kafka system, and the role they play in the Big Data ecosystem. The Big Data world is getting more and more popular and the interest for the technologies in this ecosystem is growing. Analytics is often described as one of the most intricate challenges associated with Big Data. We will not focus on why this challenge arises and how it can be approached, because, before performing analytics on data, data has to be integrated and made available to enterprise users. That is where Apache Kafka comes in.

George Mihaiu Online Marketing Specialist @Azimut Happy Employees
Consumer society 3.0. The future of the digital era

At a glance, there are two things that stand out, which also make the object of change in today’s society: the first is information and the second is speed. Digital era and century of speed are concepts which slowly become more and more familiar, which are part of us, which follow us every step of the way (literally) and which are so obvious that they become tangible. Within these lines, the so-called change is driven by the global social megatrends (demographics, market fragmentation, the emergence of new economies etc.) and by technology and innovation (Big Data, cloud computing, social networks etc.)

Adrian Șuteu DevOps @ Endava
DevOps Mythbusting

I take the liberty and the big challenge to try to explain/define what I understand when talking about DevOps. All this thoughts are gathered from my experience and forking some idea of Adam Jacobs (CEO of Chef). Forking and following Adam’s idea is exactly like we are working nowadays on our projects. Let’s try to have this article as MythBusting for DevOps discipline and DevOps role, and how together we can build a new culture and mindset in our organization.

Augusta Ene Groupleader Analytics Service Center @Bosch

Cosmin Lazar Data Scientist @Bosch
Bosch Big Data Analytics Solution for I4.0

Bosch “Invented for life” is a motto well known, but what about Bosch “Simply. Connected”? The new slogan highlights the new approach of the company that is presenting solutions for smart homes, smart cities, connected mobility, and Industry 4.0. While smart homes will offer greater convenience and safety, and smart cities will improve the quality of life, the Industry 4.0 initiative needs to make sure that the factory of the future is flexible, connected and smart and that it enables people, machines, and products to communicate with each other.

Ștefania Duica IT Recruiter @Endava
Psychological safety and team cohesion

The IT domain is a dynamical one and the development teams hold an important place in the delivery of application to different clients. Thus, the focus of attention is more and more on the role of the teams within the organization, in order to identify the different methods that can contribute to increase their efficiency.

Ariel Pontes Python Developer @3 Pillar Global
Chaos, memes and software design patterns

Your code is not DRY/SOLID/readable/maintainable. Your API is not “RESTful”. You’re not respecting the “tell don’t ask” principle. Your code is not well documented. “Inline comments are code-smell”. This code is not efficient. “Premature optimization is the root of all evil”. You don’t need a library for this feature, you should avoid “technology lock-in”. “Don’t reinvent the wheel”. In a few decades of software development we have seen the rise and fall of countless design principles/philosophies/patterns. Some of them seem to contradict each other at times and debates around these topics are often heated and reveal a certain level of stubbornness and quasi-tribalism on all sides. Can we find technical arguments to settle them?

Cristina Juc Organiser @ Startup Weekend Cluj

Tudor Bîrlea Co-founder@ This is Not a Storm
Grow a smart product

The product you developed is not selling, even though you have already tried the 100s growth-hacking tips and tricks list. Even Neil Patel’s guide only brings you more confusion. It’s time for you to face what the real problem is. Instead of learning, experimenting and sometimes failing, you are spending time iterating on meaningless aspects and side features of your product. Meanwhile, someone, somewhere is working way more efficiently on a product similar to or better than yours.

Conference TSM



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  • Bosch
  • Betfair
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  • BoatyardX
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  • P3 group
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  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects


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