Claudia Jelea Avocat & Consilier in domeniul marcilor
@IP Boutique
The Online Battle: Brand versus Internet Domain

If you are wondering what the relevance of this subject in the IT domain is, here are three aspects that are worth thinking about: • The brand strategy in cyberspace should be on the agenda of any company that wants to develop in the digital era. •  Most businesses in the IT domain “lead their life” mostly in the digital world – therefore, they should be interested in how they can use their domain names and brands on the Internet. • Changes happen quickly on the global level, and companies must adjust to them. For instance, nowadays, we are witnessing an unprecedented expansion of domain names – the new gTLDs (generic top-level domain names). In the near future, domains such as *.tech, .software, .technology, .game, .SRL, .online, .web, .site or .website* will be very common, representing a great risk of conflict for the companies that are active in IT and online. 

Ioana Varga Managing Partner @ A&I Consulting
From bureaucracy to success in starting a business

Lately, more and more information has emerged on how to access irredeemable European funds, business accelerators and ideas; however, everyone seems to overlook the part about the actual company establishment. For some of those who want to start a business this step seems to be very difficult to overcome precisely due to the lack of information. Likewise, there are others who are reluctant to start a business just because they think that setting up an LLC is a highly complicated procedure and moreover, managing a company seems even more difficult.


Monica Rațiu Marketing Specialist @ Altom
Rapid Software Testing- a change in perspective

As some of you might have already read, almost one year ago Altom Consulting brought Michael Bolton (the tester, not the singer) to Cluj for Rapid Software Testing and Critical Thinking trainings, accomplishing one of the company’s targets: to bring an international trainer to Romania every year. Altom's goal is to organize at least one international testing event per year in order to: help spread the knowledge about new beliefs on testing, facilitate the relationship between the Romanian instructors and the international trainers and to ease access to specific information on testing.

Emil Luța Developer @ Yonder
A Short Handbook for the Unicorn from Ruby on Rails

Ruby on Rails starts slowly to come out from under the hipsters’ influence area, as an increasing number of products are being developed using this framework. Adding this to your tools can surely be a plus for your career. Furthermore, surely you will be called a “unicorn” if you are programming in Ruby on Rails – everyone has heard of such developers, but no one has actually seen one in real life.

Alexandru Gheboianu Software Engineer @ Pitech+Plus
High-End Content Management, Adobe version

The number of companies that use strategies and methods for the storage, management and distribution of content and documents associated to the processes of the organization is growing. These methods are grouped under the name of Enterprise Content Management (ECM). Under the ECM umbrella, we find solutions for the management of documents, web content management, searching, collaboration and the management of digital assets. The ECM type solutions aim to facilitate the management of organization information by simplifying the storage, security, permissions, retention and informational flows.

Robert Lantos Senior QA Engineer @Betfair
Continuous Delivery compatible tests using Selenium

As part of a new internal web project, one of the QA team’s goals was to design and run a reliable and fast regression suite as part of the CD pipeline. This was meant to raise confidence levels for each build by running a full set of tests instead of a select set of sanity tests, however, for this to be a viable option, we needed the tests to be executed relatively fast (a maximum of ten minutes/run). But, when you have a large number of tests, reducing the runtimes is easier said than done. Right from the start we had three major challenges that needed to be overcome.

Ovidiu Şuta QA & Bid Manager
I know Scrum, Kanban and a few other Agile words

I’ve been working in IT for the past 10 years now and it has definitely been both fun and a challenge to observe (and sometimes follow) the trends in terms of Methodologies in our industry. By definition, the IT industry involves a creative process, although the terms of “Factory house” and a few others exist, primarily we are talking about an industry that is not focused on a “production” factory type setting with repetitive work, but rather a creative one where finding some sort of standards in terms of how we work has been a struggle from the beginning.

Korosi Csongor iOS Developer @ Telenav

Chertes Cristian iOS Developer @ Telenav
The WheelNav application

The AT&T Connect Ability Challenge is a competition for leveraging mobile technologies to improve the lives of people living with disabilities. Having the opportunity to help millions of people with disabilities around the world, we took the initiative and created a software solution to empower their lives. This article will describe our experience with developing such an application. Currently you can only find applications showing points of interest with accessibility on the map but no applications for people with disabilities to navigate on the App Store. WheelNav combines these two features and for the best navigation experience, it uses the Scout SDK.

Ovidiu Petridean Senior Software Developer @ SDL Research
Finding similar entities in BigData models

The purpose of the article is to present a way to find similar entities in BigData models. We will present an algorithm used to find similar sentences in a very large data corpus. Even though the examples presented are focused on finding similar sentences, this algorithm can be used to find any kind of entities that can be described by a set of characteristics.

Bogdan Mureşan VP of Technology @ Connatix
A Dive Into Personal Objectives World

In the last years, I have become more and more familiar with terms like “management by objectives”, “company objectives” and “personal objectives”. In the beginning, this was a real struggle, then it got worse, then it started to take shape and finally come around. The journey always started with company objectives which needed to be broken into personal objectives, and I must admit it was a challenge for me to apply the concepts even if they seemed easy to understand. It was really interesting to connect the dots and make them really work for me. In the hope that some of the learnings I took in the process will help others struggle less than me with this, I will highlight some of the findings here. And the interesting thing is that I don’t think that this applies only to the IT world, but has a high level of application in a lot of other areas.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects


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