Diana Bălan

Diana Bălan

Map analyst@Telenav

jOOQ, for the simplification of SQL integration into Java

jOOQ is a Java library used for mapping the data bases. The thus resulted API is domain-specific (DSL), representing an abstraction built on the relational and object oriented models (ORM) of the data bases. As it is object oriented, it is type safe. jOOQ does not represent a new interrogation language, but a tool for building the SQL clauses from jOOQ objects generated from the data base. jOOQ uses JDBC to the calls on the data base resource.

Developing Secure Applications in Java

We will begin this article by some general considerations regarding security. Thus, the aim of computer security is to protect the information stored on them against theft, corruption or natural disasters while accessing it. Security must be understood as a compromise solution. For instance, the best way to create a completely secure application on the Internet is not to connect it to the Internet.

JavaFX and RESTful Web Services communication

Following the article in the previous issue, we bring to your attention the creation of REST web services which interact with persistent data. To start with, we offer you an introduction into JAXB. Java Architecture for XML Binding is a Java standard which defines the way in which the Java objects are converted into and from XML. It uses a collection of standard mappings and defines an API for the reading and writing of Java objects in and from XML.

JavaFX and RESTful Web Services communication

A client application can access remote distributed resources. There are several ways to access these resources, but maybe the most portable is that of web services. In this article, we will talk about the REST services (Representational State Transfer), self-descriptive, modern services, with a Java API which has an extraordinary evolution in the last versions of the Java Enterprise platform. We will start by discussing some architectural aspects which are part of the understanding of the components of a distributed application that uses the web services.

Java FX Visual Components

Tables represent one of the most powerful tools used in JavaFX for displaying data, supporting the following actions:

  • Reordering the columns displayed by the user
  • Multiple sorting of the columns
  • Resizing
  • Cell factories for customizing cell content
Concurrency and data binding in JavaFX

This month, too, we bring to your attention some technical challenges of the JavaFX world. In the second article we will discuss about concurrency and data binding. The javafx.concurrent package manages the multithread code of the interaction with the UI and ensures that this interaction takes place in the correct thread. The package consists of the Worker interface and two basic classes, Task and Service, both of them implementing the Worker interface.

JavaFX in Java Standard 8 Platform

I looked at my watch: 21.15. Outside it’s pitch dark. Autumn is coming. How long is it going to last? Enormously… till spring. For foggy cold days, for those who feel the need to study and perfect, I will bring a new topic to your attention, a topic I haven’t approached yet, JavaFX. My hope is to make this technology appeal to the magazine’s readers, as I consider it truly remarkable. I have written this article together with Diana Balan, Java Developer at Accesa, whom I thank a lot for the ideas and support.

Conference TSM



  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects


Design contribution