
Vasile Mihali Senior Software Engineer @ Arobs
Our Java Chronicle in action case

Processing quite large text files is not an easy thing to accomplish even with all the “good guys” around like Hadoop, powerful machines, concurrency frameworks (others than Java concurrency utilities). And this because using those comes with a cost (and here we can mention money, time, or persons with necessary qualification), that not all the time is negligible and in the same time with limitations. For example, if you have to validate some of the content with a 3rd service, using Hadoop for this is a well-known anti-pattern.

Cătălin Timofti UX Designer @ SDL
The importance of prototyping

I got my first job as a UX Designer at a multinational company back in 2011. Since then I had the opportunity to work with different methodologies of developing a design, succeeding to discover the pros and cons of each of those methodologies.Currently I’m employed as a UX Designer, I work with a team of 17 designers in an Agile environment, all with the main purpose of delivering the best experience for the users of our software products developed by the company.


Sebastian Botiș Project Manager
A simple approach for Risk Management in Scrum

In traditional waterfall model, risks were usually managed by using project risk management frameworks. Nowadays, there is a kind of lack of formal risk management techniques in agile software development methods. Agile models claim to be risk-driven. By nature, due to its core concept, its iterative approach enables continuous attention to risks and the risks can be reduced by different practices like continuous software integration and early validation. Unfortunately, in reality, the agile model implements only a few risk management practices.

Silviu Dumitrescu Line manager@Telenav

Diana Bălan Map analyst@Telenav
Developing Secure Applications in Java

We will begin this article by some general considerations regarding security. Thus, the aim of computer security is to protect the information stored on them against theft, corruption or natural disasters while accessing it. Security must be understood as a compromise solution. For instance, the best way to create a completely secure application on the Internet is not to connect it to the Internet.

Diana Muntea Software Developer @ Yardi România
Spatial Data in the SQL Server

Spatial data is used to represent information about the location and shape of geometric objects. These objects can be the center point locations or more complex structures: roads, rivers, cities or countries. Beginning with 2008, the variety of SQL Server products from Microsoft offers support for geospatial data. This allows storing of spatial data types within tables as points, lines, and polygons. It also offers a large variety of functions for managing the data, as well as spatial indexes to run queries more efficiently.

Tiberiu Nagy Senior developer
High-performance Messaging Systems - Apache Kafka

With the transition to event-based architectures, messaging systems have become the central component of the enterprise architecture. But as enterprises process more and more data, the performance of the messaging system becomes even more important, requiring fast, scalable solutions. Apache Kafka is a relatively new player in the messaging systems field, but it has already proven itself as one of the best-performing messaging solutions out there. It has been benchmarked to handle up to a 1 million messages per second on a 3 node cluster made of commodity hardware.

Simina Rendler Software Tester @ Altom Consulting
Alt-tester at Mobile World Congress 2015

Mobile World Congress is the largest event in the mobile technology industry: a huge exhibition, long-awaited product launches, outstanding conferences and seminars, intense networking. What is a testing services company doing at such an event and, more importantly, why is it carrying a little robot by the hand?

Cristina Juc Organiser @ Startup Weekend Cluj
Startup Weekend Cluj 2015 - Why come?

Startup Weekend is a global movement that brings together people with ideas, aspirations and different backgrounds, in order to help each other achieve a common goal. It helps people develop confidence, since they can see their ideas come to life almost in a blink of an eye. And it also provides them with mentorship from real life entrepreneurs that have succeeded already, and are there to help. This year Startup Weekend Cluj will have its 4th edition which will take place on 24-26 of April. We could tell you a number of reasons why it's such a great and inspiring place to start your startup, but we decided instead to ask some of the winners of the last editions to tell you themselves. In order to do that, we came up with a few questions for them. Here are some of their answers:

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
The First IT&C Cluster in Bucharest, Different Angle, is being officially launched

March 26th 2015, Sky Tower, Bucharest - the official launching of the first IT&C Cluster in Bucharest, Different Angle, also coincides with the announcement of the first domain of common interest promoted by the members of the new organization: Smart Cities. Starting from the premise that modern, intelligent cities are able to ensure a comfortable and sustainable environment for their inhabitants through the efficient usage of the available technology, Different Angle Cluster has invited three genuine "ambassadors" of the concept of Smart Cities to the launching event.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Interview with Jonathan Shieber, senior editor at TechCrunch and CrunchBase

We had the opportunity to talk to Jonathan Shieber within a workshop organized in Cluj at the beginning of March. Those of the startup area, interested in exercising their pitch, had the opportunity to do this and receive advice directly from him. As we have expected, there is no recipe for success, but it is important to focus on the essential and the differentiating factors of the product, no matter if we talk about a presentation or the publication of an article in TechCrunch. Here is a short interview with Jon, on the current tendencies.

Tudor Lăpușan Java & Big Data developer @ Telenav
Hadoop MapReduce deep diving and tuning

MapReduce is the main batch processing framework from Apache Hadoop project. It was developed by Google and in 2004 they published an article describing the MapReduce concept. In 2006, Dug Cutting succeeded to implement this concept and put it into an Apache project, namely Apache Hadoop. First release happened in 14 Sep, 2007. This was the beginning of the Big Data for everyone, starting from just simple curious people to any kind of company. Soon Apache Hadoop reached a very strong community and big players, as well, such as Yahoo, Facebook, Ebay, IBM, Linkedin and others

Alexandru Fediuc Associate IT Consultant
@.msg systems Romania

Virgil Andreieș Associate IT Consultant
@.msg systems Romania
Augmented reality on mobile devices

Augmented reality has entered the area of interest of consumers and, of course, that of programmers, too, along with the development of processors and graphics cards on mobile devices. However, one of the first devices that used the idea behind this technology was Sensorama, created by Morton Heilig, over 40 years ago. The device worked on similar principles, but with a more "rudimentary" manner or implementation. What made augmented reality famous was the appearance of the well-known Google Glass, and the one that managed to push the barriers further is the device patented by Microsoft, Kinect, together with the virtual headphones. I will not focus on these topics, as they belong to a different category, which I would call "still experimental". Nevertheless, these technological "pushes" made the appearance of Augmented Reality (AR) possible also on the mobile devices. Nowadays, even a novice programmer can build such an application with the help of some powerful SDKs made available to anyone.

Irina Scarlat CMO How to Web & TechHub Bucharest
MVP Academy proudly presents its Class of 2015

Bucharest, March 18, 2015 – 13 promising tech startups with global potential are part of the second batch of MVP Academy, pre-acceleration program that will take place in between March 23rd – May 14th at TechHub Bucharest. The finalists will take their products to the next level and build valuable connections in the industry by attending practical workshops, mentoring sessions and other dedicated activities. The list of teams is available online on the program website. The 13 finalists that are now part of MVP Academy Class of 2015 are building products in fields such as security, mobile commerce, ecommerce, analytics or fashion tech and have differentiated from the other applicants through the experience they already have: most of the startups in the second batch have previously founded other companies or are formed of experienced tech professionals.

Vasile Selegean Software Quality Engineer @ NTT DATA Romania
Quality Assurance in Agile-SCRUM environment

Imagine you need a paint job for your beloved collection car, or new house. You hire the best contractors, instruct them to use the best supplies on the market, give them the best tools and pay them a little more than the market average. They finish the job on time, within the budget. Everyone is happy and you may throw in a little party. But, within a month or two, small rust stains become visible or little cracks start to develop. What went wrong? The best team you hired did not allow for the foundation layer to dry properly, according to the supplier instructions, and started to apply the paint after 4 hours, instead of 6.

Alexandru Bolboacă Agile Coach and Trainer, with a focus on technical practices
@Mozaic Works
Usable Software Design

In a previous Article for Today Software Magazine - 4 Ideas To Apply For Better Software Design, I wrote about the fact that we tend to perceive software design as userless. Whenever we talk about design in other domains than software, we discuss it from a user-centric point of view. Apple's products are renowned because they focus on the experience of a user with their device: how it feels, how it looks, how fast it responds, the sounds it makes etc.


One of these past evenings, encouraged by a relaxing atmosphere, a friend of mine and I indulged ourselves to approach the issue of the relation between the teams of programmers and those of testers from a philosophical-religious perspective. The tester-programmer opposition, which places the programmer in the position of a creator, and the tester in the position of hair splitter, a faultfinder always in search of faults and driven by the desire to destroy what the programmer has so passionately created, can be dissolved only after each part has left its ego aside and no longer thinks of themselves as angel and, respectively, demon. It was very difficult for us to rid ourselves of these roles!

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  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects