
Simona Bonghez Managing Partner @ Colors in Projects
Gogu at minced meat rolls

“Waiter, these minced meat rolls have eaten my mustard!” Gogu tried a subtle irony, but it was in vain.
“Would you like more mustard?”
“No, you didn’t get this”, answered Misu, spitefully. “It’s not the mustard, but the meat rolls. Take them back and put them a little bit more on the grill, as they are raw.”
“Coming back to our stuff, Gogu,” said Misu, turning back towards his friend while the waiter was taking the meat rolls away, appologising, “tell me what to do. Should I speak or not? Is it better for me to be honest or to protect myself? ‘Cause, after all, that’s what this whole situation is about.”

Adrian Abrudan Senior partner & research director
Internal Marketing(IM) – Growing up in Romania!

While for some of us the concept of internal marketing is something familiar the role of this marketing strategy is still highly underestimated in today's market. We propose a picture view in 5 phases on how the concept evolved and we also state that IM will constantly change as long as the world of business changes.


Radu Vunvulea Solution Architect
Deep dive in clouds providers SLAs

In the era of cloud we are bombarded with different cloud services. New features of cloud providers are lunched every day and prices are dropping every month. In this moment the most known cloud providers are Amazon, Google and Microsoft. Looking over their services we will see SLAs (Service Level Agreement) that reach 99.9% availability, 99.95% availability or even 99.99% availability. This article will jump into cloud providers SLAs, trying to explain why the SLAs are so important, what are the benefits of them and last but not least how much money we could get back if a service goes down.

Peter Lawrey CEO @ Higher Frequency Trading Ltd
Java 8 Optional is not just for replacing a null value

In Java 8, you can return an Optional instead of return null; as you might do in Java 7.  This may or may not make a big difference depending on whether you tend to forget to check for null or whether you use static code analysis to check to nullalbe references. However, there is a more compelling case which is to treat Optional like a Stream with 0 or 1 values.

Răzvan Costa Business Analyst
Critical Thinking in Business Analysis

Five percent of the people think; Ten percent of the people think they think; and the other eighty-five percent would rather die than think.
- Thomas A. Edison

In November 2014, a local IT company was the host of an event dedicated to Testers: Rapid Software Testing. At the end of this event, for a day, the speaker tackled a rare subject for the IT industry, but important for testers and analysts: Critical Thinking. The trainer of the event was Michael Bolton (not the singer!), a well-known figure in the Testing Industry. Although the event was directed towards Testers, some of the information regarding Critical Thinking applies to Business Analysts as well.

Sentiment Analysis and the complexity of online opinions

If you'd live in a world where your opinions matter, would you try to make a change? Without any doubt opinions are a constant presence in our day to day lives: suggestions, reviews, these are only a few of so many different ways to influence future decisions. In this era, when the multitude of options are choking you, opinions are the ones that can help you make a quick decision under the spotlight. But lets assume that we can evaluate everything by pros and cons, would our decisions be correct? Is it actually that simple?

Andrei Crăciun Senior Software Architect @ Bosch Cluj
IoT Flavor: Sensoriada

The world of software development has a lot of flavours and software developers prefer different flavours. In the world of Internet of Things (IoT) one the most important flavour is the one of SENSING. By adding a MOBILE flavour to any IoT product the solution becomes a very pleasant one. Even though sensing and mobile would be very enjoyable for the general users it is hard to find developers that would like both flavours. On one side we have volts, amperes, sensors, actuators and on the other side we have views, icons, lifecycles, uEx. Sensoriada creates a framework and defines a context that tries to fill the gap between these flavours with the only purpose of creating better applications and in the same time to allow developers to work with their favourite flavour.

Raluca Morariu Senior QA Engineer
Does a developer test? Does a tester code?

After being in the software industry for more than 9 years now I've pretty much done a little bit of everything. I was an intern that did testing in order to learn how to code, I was a software developer in a small firm and I did everything from the ground up, including database development, and now I am a QA engineer at Betfair. In my current role I am involved in functional testing with an emphasis on automation, continuous delivery and performance testing. When I started thinking about studying software development I never imagined what my path would be. But all the things that I've done have helped me become good at what I do now.

Alexandru Bolboacă Agile Coach and Trainer, with a focus on technical practices
@Mozaic Works
4 Ideas To Apply For Better Software Design

Software design is all the rage now. It looks like every year a few more design ideas appear. First there were the GoF design patterns. Now, MVC is the way to do web applications, while ideas like: domain driven design, ports and adapters, microservices see increase interest and adoption. I learned software design by doing, with a mentor who kept giving me very useful (and sometimes annoying) feedback. This was before I knew about design patterns, SOLID principles or TDD. Therefore, my understanding of design starts from the core laws of software design. That's why, when my colleagues or I work with developers, we teach them not only design patterns and SOLID principles, but also a way to think about design. Here are 4 ideas you should consider when you make a design decision (that is, every time you write a function, class or module) to get better software design:

Mursa Bogdan Software Developer @ Yardi
Non-invasive technological solutions applied to the medical field (Kinect)

It’s really amazing how much the role of technology has increased in the past 10 years. Nowadays, technology promises to bring an answer to many of our questions. If you ask yourself why, the answer is pretty obvious: we live in an age where we have to deal with and work with a huge quantity of data and the results must be fast and very accurate. The medical field is not an exception. Doctors and researchers start turning to technology for solutions in improving or replacing existing procedures. From blood analysis to brain surgery, everything is supervised and guided by software products or hardware devices specially created for this purpose.

Chertes Cristian iOS Developer @ Telenav

Korosi Csongor iOS Developer @ Telenav
Hands-On With The Watchkit SDK Creating A Navigation App

With the appearance of the WatchKit SDK a lot of iOS developers started experimenting with it and writing articles about the challenges faced during development. Following this trend, in this article we describe our first impression after tackling the WatchKit SDK head-on and the technical challenges encountered while creating a navigation enabled watch app using our Scout SDK .

Cristina Juc Organiser @ Startup Weekend Cluj

Cristina Tare Organizer @ Startup Weekend Cluj
The impact of Startup Weekend Events: globally and locally

For those who are not yet familiar with this concept, Startup Weekend (SW) is an event that brings together entrepreneurs, graphic designers, developers, marketers and other bright people with smart business ideas. But for those who already know what it’s about, we invite you to our next edition, which will take place during the weekend 24th – 26th of April 2015. Startup Weekend is a concept that was created in USA and exported all around the world. Its main goals are education and personal development. The organizers provide you the context, resources, mentors, and most important, the opportunity to meet new people that are also eager to create a startup.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Three years of Today Software Magazine

On February 6th 2012, the first issue of Today Software Magazine was released. I remember how, on the launching of the magazine, together with my colleagues from Gemini Solutions, we tried to draw a list of all our acquaintances from the IT domain. We managed to bring together twenty people, thus setting up the first release event. Back then, we did not think about presenting articles, we simply had a chat and gave the magazine away to the participants. Since then, this project has been through several transformations and collaborations in order to reach today's form.

Călin-Vlad Gîngă Software developer
Dynamics of Agile Coaching

A few months ago, I participated in the Berlin Scrum Gathering organized by Scrum Alliance, where I discovered that there are many organizations which dedicate a lot of time to mentality change. They have adopted an agile mindset as an answer to a fast changing environment, with fast changing customer needs, in which a few lost moments can result in a lot of unnecessary work. When we talk about Agile, we talk about a mindset, about being able to react in time to change, about a group of methodologies based on incremental, iterative development and about close cooperation between team members with cross functional expertise.

Silviu Dumitrescu Line manager@Telenav

Diana Bălan Map analyst@Telenav
JavaFX and RESTful Web Services communication

Following the article in the previous issue, we bring to your attention the creation of REST web services which interact with persistent data. To start with, we offer you an introduction into JAXB. Java Architecture for XML Binding is a Java standard which defines the way in which the Java objects are converted into and from XML. It uses a collection of standard mappings and defines an API for the reading and writing of Java objects in and from XML.

Liviu Ştefăniţă Baiu Senior Business Consultant
As a Business Analyst, I want to help the SCRUM team

BA responsibilities in an Agile environment in software development are a popular subject. In this article we will discuss a part of it, trying to answer the question: ‘How can a BA contribute to the delivery of a software project, in a SCRUM team?’. To narrow even more the subject of this article, we will discuss only about the way a BA can help the SCRUM team in an outsourcing software company. This niche allows us to ‘open the path’ for discussions, with the starting point described in this article.


This month we celebrated three years since the release of the first issue of Today Software Magazine. It has been three years of satisfaction, but also of hard work and dedication from the entire team. None of these would have been possible without the enthusiasm of the Cluj IT community and that of our collaborators around the country and abroad. Each issue has its own story. The selected articles attract many questions during each release event. But you can read more on the evolution of this project in the article we start this issue of the magazine with.

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