IoT Wisdom
Do you remember the famous saying: “Keep your friends close and your enemy closer” ?. That’s a very powerful quote on how to handle the entourage, but in the IoT era one more player comes into the game and that is the data. The data is generated by every device in the personal ecosystem and can offer anyone (friend or enemy) access to private information, beyond the imagination. Moreover, since one “should not wash dirty laundry in public”, keeping the data at home might be a solution. That might even work, but since “we are too poor to buy cheap”, all of us should have a private datacenter, at home, which should also provide some replication, because we all know that we “should not keep all our eggs in one basket”? Based on this knowledge, it looks like we have reached a dead end. Perhaps we should consider Mr. Einstein’s quote stating that “Imagination is more important than knowledge” (some rumors say he was pretty smart) and try to imagine a solution that will combine the power of enterprise technologies with cheap devices, in order to fulfill the needs of a home-use level datacenter.