Introduction to Angular 2

The company I work for has a kitchen like no other. This is not due to the industrial coffee machine which has queues every morning. There is another reason: the conversations. It is difficult to pass by and not get involved in conversation: leaves of absence, kindergarden, the weather, cars, gadgets and beliefs. When I talk about beliefs, I refer to the technical aspect of our work. I hear the following sentences on a weekly basis „And this is the reason why I don’t like Angular.” or , „JavaScript? Hahaha…” I also hear „You front-end developers are not even real developers!” (This one really hurts!) But wait, not a minute goes by, and there’s another comment: „Angular? Are you serious...?” Last but not least, another opinion comes along „Typescript? Well, that has JAVA written all over the place!” Folktale or not, I know you got the picture. Dear reader, I know that, like myself, you have very nimble adversaries. Therefore, I thought I should walk you through the world of the recently launched Angular 2, because you can never know who you will end up meeting in the kitchen.