
Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Master every stage of your mobile app lifecycle with HPE Mobile Center

Users expect mobile apps to be valuable, elegant, and useful, among other things. User experience is emotional and is driven by how users think, perceive, and feel. Most importantly, users expect mobile apps to work seamlessly, regardless of their choice of technology, their location, or context. A good user experience is essential to achieving our business goals, whether it is transforming our customers' experience, increasing workforce productivity, or growing revenues.

Radu Vunvulea Solution Architect
Things that we should consider when the content stored in Azure shouldn't leave a specific country

Nowadays, Microsoft is opening more and more data centers around the globe. Regions like Japan, the UK (to be announced), Brasil, Germany, Korea are already in-place or will soon be in-place. These specific countries have laws requiring that specific industry or data does not leave the country. In the health-care industry, especially, it is common to have restrictions preventing patient-related information to leave the country at any time. Similar laws exist for other industries like banking or data protection. In this context, we need to be aware of these laws, of the solutions we come up with and of what actually happens with the content that is transmitted between Azure Regions and on-premises systems.


Vasile Boris Programmer, team lead, trainer & coach
Spring REST Docs example

This year, in May, I attended the Spring I/O conference in Barcelona where I heard about Spring REST docs. Two things drew my attention:
- Documentation is generated from unit tests
- Tests fail if documentation is not done properly
After the conference, I checked out Spring REST docs reference and I created a sample REST service to see it in practice. The code is very simple and it is the classic Hello World.

Adrian Beșleagă Manager Operatiuni @ A&I Consulting
The Tax relief for the reinvested profit – New regulations 2016

According to the new Fiscal Code, entrepreneurs benefit from a wider scope regarding the items which they purchase and which fall under the tax relief law for the reinvested profit. In other words, entrepreneurs have the possibility to reduce the amount of profit tax by investing it in IT equipment: hardware and software. In the following lines, we will explain which are the new legal changes and we will present three examples of tax calculation that can be exempt from the reinvested profit.

Vlad Haiduc Teambuilding Manager @ Azimut Happy Employees
Sorry, I’m in a meeting. I’ll call you later!!!

We constantly hear this statement. It is due to the fact that meetings take up most of our time throughout the day. We often schedule and attend meetings whenever we want to plan or take action. Having a lot of these rendezvous, company meetings have become one of the most common time thieves which have a negative impact on our productivity. If we add the 69% of the people who consider meetings inefficient and the 9% of those who literally fall asleep at meetings, we can conclude that these types of encounters have a major impact on the overall performance in the workplace environment.

Marian Pandilică Senior Trainer and Cloud Architect @ Dendrio a Bittnet company
Amazon Web Services reach 1950 services and solutions in 2016

The last Magic Quadrant that Gartner issued last year shows that Amazon Web Services maintains its “king of IaaS services” position, despite the strong competition from Microsoft’s Azure Platform and Google’s Cloud Platform. The three companies mentioned above are members of the “hyper-scale vendors” category.

Iavi Rotberg Head of Analysis Iasi @ Endava
Shape commercial IT solutions that win

When it comes to a commercial IT solution, in the case of bespoke software development, it is not always obvious what your customer’s primary concern is and what the critical capabilities needed to construct the solution are. These two factors are the key enablers for closing the deal and should be understood. This is the very point where the shaping is initiated, having as the ultimate goal to satisfy the customer needs, culture and traditions. By working vice versa, from the commercial viability to the solution, chances are that the options proposed are sub-optimal or, even if some part are good, the overall is still below customer expectations. This article explores a way to shape IT solutions that are welcomed by clients.

Paul Hrimiuc Business Development Manager @ Accesa
Can a different approach to sourcing facilitate innovation?

Trying to summarize hundreds of presentation slides and peer discussions from a [Gartner summit]() is a challenging task but it is worth trying, at least in order to share it and even generate debate around it. The topic addressed at one of the latest summits was the sourcing component of the Bimodal approach preached by Gartner – the adaptive sourcing model in the new era of Digital Business where companies strive to… well, innovate.

George Lupașcu-Pruna Accredited Intercultural Practitioner @ itim International
Personality vs. Culture

I’ve recently had the pleasure of meeting a very smart Top Manager, in my audience for a Workshop on **Cultural Differences**. He insisted that it is not correct to assume that people from one culture have the tendency to act in similar ways, while, at the same time, in different ways from people from another culture. From his point of view, it was all a matter of **Individual Personality**. I thought it would be interesting to share this with all of you.

Bogdan Bucur SAP ABAP Developer @ Siemens
SAP HANA as a Platform

In the last issue, we talked about the hardware and software innovations which led to a new product being released by the famous company based in Walldorf, namely SAP HANA . Now let us talk about how all these innovations, in addition to SAP HANA Studio, an IDE (Integrated Development Environment ) from SAP, help us reduce the implementation time of the projects and, of course, help us reduce the execution time of HANA-based applications.

Claudia Jelea Avocat & Consilier in domeniul marcilor
@IP Boutique
Legal Brexit

As you well know, stormy clouds have recently swept across the European sky. The 23rd of June 2016 marked the Brexit referendum. Great Britain voted to leave the European Union (EU). Upon hearing the news, several people expressed their shock and anger, which was quickly covered by the media, the social media, the Internet and on TV. As a result, the political, financial, economic and social implications of Great Britain’s exit from the EU started to unfold. All led to a bleak prognosis. The juridical implications soon followed.

Sorin Sfîrlogea Senior trainer & Agile coach @ Colors in Projects
Scrum values through the eyes of an Agile team

Agile projects are not successful if the process attached to the Agile method is adhered to mechanically. The success of Agile projects lies in the quality of the team, in the way the team thinks and acts at an individual level. The way in which team members think and act is based on a common set of values. It looks simple enough. However, do we actually know how to interpret these values correctly?

Corina Kertesz Agile Coach @ Agile++
Let’s be friends – A friendly perspective on Scrum

The current paper comes in response to another paper which appeared in TSM, issue 47, namely , by Vasile Selegean . My colleague’s paper (further referred to as the original paper) made me feel uncomfortable and kept coming to my mind, mainly because the opinions expressed there conflict with my understanding of Scrum. Therefore, I would like to offer another perspective on the aspects raised by my colleague. I will also give an answer to the very same questions my colleague answers, without attempting to offer a full description of Scrum. My hope is for this widespread method in our community to receive a better understanding.


Work-from-home can sometimes be a pleasant alternative to being physically present at the office, especially if it can be coupled with schedule flexibility. On the other hand, the absence of socialization and direct attendance in meetings can erode one's contribution to the success of the project. Nevertheless, both types of work offer the employee a certain freedom. At the end of the day, employers do not expect everybody to work 8 hours straight. From my point of view, an average of 4–6 productive hours is more than enough for most projects.

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Conference TSM



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  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects