Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Agile trends - Interview with Henrik Kniberg

We talked with Henrik Kniberg about latest Agile approaches, how to consider output value instead of quantity in an Agile project, how to get to a free highway project instead of a stuck one and at the end a nice way to organize you barbecue party. Henrik Kniberg is Owner & Agile/Lean Coach @ Crisp, he was getting a lot of media attention with the Spotify model.


Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Interview with Jennifer Marsman @ Leade.rs Paris 2017

Jennifer Marsman: We have a number of different Microsoft Artificial Intelligence products kind of spread throughout the whole company. We kind of meet people where they are in terms of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning. So for example, we have something called The Cognitive Services, and those are pre-trained models that you can just call and they do very common Artificial Intelligence tasks such as facial detection (like recognizing my face is right here) and facial verification (recognizing that I am Jennifer Marsman) and emotion recognition and text analytics (being able to detect the sentiment text, and what language it is, and automatic machine translation and the key topic extractions, if you’d like support logs, figuring out the main points in them) and all sorts of things like that. So there are these common tasks that everyone is doing over and over again. We have great pre-trained models where you can essentially just call them via the REST API call then get a bunch of data back.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Interview with Arie van Bennekum - about Agile Manifesto

Ovidiu Mățan: Agile manifesto is one of the important aspects in building modern software and you are one of its founders. Could you describe what the context was back in 2001 when you and the rest of the group wrote it? What is the origin of its name?
Arie van Bennekum: I can just speak for myself, not for others. I consciously started consciously working in a different way in 1994. It was a very specific choice. I did not understand my value as technical designer, and wanted to change bureaucracy and improve on business value. Right from the start, I became very active in the community of best practices. It was one of these communities, the DSDM Consortium in the UK that I represented in Salt Lake.

Diana Ciorba Marketing Manager

Diana Ciorba:What triggered your interest for robotics? How did it start?
Hiroshi Ishiguro: When I was in elementary school, I spent most of the time drawing pictures and writing a diary. I used to draw or paint anything that came to my mind, even during class, without listening to my teacher. At that time, I could cultivate a capacity for expressiveness. When in fifth grade, I encountered an unforgettable incident.

Andrey Adamovich Trainer @ Mozaic Works
Enterprise flight into DevOps space

The first time I gave a talk titled “Enterprise flight into DevOps space”, was in late 2014 at DevConFu conference. After that, I delivered the presentation several times during 2015 at various conferences in Europe. For some time, I considered it a “closed topic” and did not really want to expand on it, until I was asked to deliver it again in 2016, and then again in 2017.  Enterprise is a word that is highly abused. Most people associate it with slow inefficient processes. Nobody wants to be there! At the same time, when I ask the audience: “How many of you work in enterprise?” — over 95% raise their hands. Somehow, human nature makes us prefer simple models of the world, even though, we, of course, totally understand that the world is way more complicated. Still, we are easily trapped into selecting good vs evil, being a start-up vs being an enterprise, developing microservices vs struggling with a monolith. Are most of us really on the evil/wrong side? Probably, not.

Marian Pandilică Senior Trainer and Cloud Architect @ Dendrio a Bittnet company
Cloud technology now available in company data centers

In 2012, Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO, familiarized all of us, and the Microsoft fans of the things developed in the past 30 years in particular, with the company’s mission: „a computer on every desk and in every home”. Of course, the path to this declared mission began with the launch of the revolutionary and controversial Windows 8 platform, which was designed to be present on all devices, from desktop to laptop, to mobile phones, tablets and XBOX consoles. Microsoft had to wait another two years until Bill Gates decided to fill in the „Founder and Technology Advisor” position, to fire the former CEO, replacing them with Satya Nadella, the former manager of the Cloud platform and technology division. Due to this welcomed change, Microsoft brings the new company vision to the entire worlds: „Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more!”, Satya Nadella CEO Microsoft.

Mihai Varga Design Lead @ Interface-design.co.uk
How to formulate a design strategy

Often times, design is seen as an accessory to the development process; a complex and difficult process that can easily stray away from the big picture. The design component is a major factor in keeping the whole product development process aligned with the overall objectives of the project. This is a chance that must be seized. When a design strategy is formulated with the general objective in mind, it will be very different compared to when it is conceptualized merely to feed the development process.

Conference TSM



  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects


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