Terezia Neagu Senior Product Executive @ Betfair Romania Development
Building the Right Product

The right product meets the customer needs by addressing solutions to their problems, while keeping them engaged to use and always ask for more. Some of the most asked questions on this challenge would be how we can validate our product to meet the needs of our customers, what the next step or investment is, how we can validate our choices and lastly, the most important one, how we can build the right product. All these questions will be tackled in our article.


Anett Stoica Security Training & Awareness Lead @ Paddy Power Betfair
The Art of Phishing

Anything you do can become a work of art if you put passion, creativity and persistence into it. The world’s most impressive paintings, compositions or the most majestic buildings, were achieved with experimentation, planning, and learning from mistakes. Click rate, report rate, repeat offenders, emotional motivators, target group, scenario, are just some of the elements combined into a complex frame called phishing programs. Most times the process of mixing and matching to create a successful program becomes to the owner somewhat a work of art.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Five years in Cluj - Interview with Dennis Raabe

Ovidiu Mățan : Dennis, the local team has grown a lot since you came to Cluj for the first time, offices changed and new projects came. Tell us a few things about your journey and why it was special.

Dennis Raabe: It was a special journey, indeed. Besides the many successful projects delivered, the growth of the ECC team from around 40 associated to more than 800 today, what always impressed me most, was the passion and commitment of this young team. From the very first day, I knew that their special drive to show what they are capable of and 'the yes we can' attitude will help us achieve great things together.

Vlad But Managing partner @ AZIMUT Happy Employees & updateED
LMS (Learning Management Systems) - a necessary evolution

In 2000 started the mobile device technological revolution and at that moment Generation Y (of the ones born between the years 1977-1994) adopted these technologies by integrating them in their lives very easy, one could say that this was a natural evolution. The scientific explanation is a simpler one. Our brain is the organ consuming the biggest quantity of energy (approximately 20%, while the heart is consuming only 5-7%) from the total amount of energy available in the human body.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
IT Days 2019 - #ProgrammingARt

On the 12th and the 13th of November 2019, we invite you to attend the 7th edition of Cluj IT Days. Last year’s focus was on #BuildingTomorrow. This year’s theme will be #ProgrammingARt. Obviously, we focus on development as art. Moreover, we try to highlight the connections between art by and large, as field of creativity, and development. We have a couple of surprises which will make the conference even more interesting. IT Days 2019 will take place on the 4 stages at Casa de Cultură a Studenților (Students’ Cultural Hall) in Cluj-Napoca. We expect to have 800 - 1000 participants / day. We will touch upon topics such as: Products & Leadership, AI, Automotive, Industry 4.0, Testing, Serverless and Microservices, AR and VR, Security, Management, SAP, Agile, Research, Web, Start-ups, Software Architecture, Coding, DevOps and Hands on lab. All the details related to the presentations and the agenda will be made available in the forthcoming weeks and months.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Cluj-based start-ups at IT Days, moderated by Mike Butcher, TechCrunch

One of the questions that I hear very often has to do with Romanian intellectual property, especially in the Cluj IT ecosystem. Even though, in Cluj, several local start-ups have stood up from the crowd, we can say that we neither have a benchmark, nor a small unicorn, if you wish. There are many reasons why this initiative was not steered in the right direction. Even though there are events, like Startup Weekend or Techsylvania, which get involved in start-up support, unfortunately, many of these initiatives are short-lived. What might be the reasons for this state of affairs? It may be either because the initiated number of projects is inferior to the actual needs of the society, or because the financial resources and the other means of ensuring support are much too modest to be able to lead to the implementation of the respective project. We can also add the competition that comes from Western Europe, a fierce competition which is usually the winner at local competitions.

László Papp Agile Coach/Scrum Master @ Accenture
Selling Scrum to customers

Adopting Scrum for managing software projects may still turn up to be a difficult endeavor in some industries, which have been relying for decades on traditional project management. This article describes our strategy for presenting Scrum's benefits - iterative and incremental software development, continuous delivery of value, adapting to change, and prioritization - to convince customers in various manufacturing industries to use this approach.

Andrei Mikhailau SW Testing Director @ ScienceSoft
Top five KPIs for a Testing Center of Excellence

To consolidate QA resources, best practices and automation tools dispersed around the enterprise, and to optimize testing performance, many companies turn to Testing Centers of Excellence (TCoEs). At the same time, TCoE isn’t a heal-all concept for every company, as its setup requires a lot of organizational efforts. TCoE performance results can’t always outweigh them.

Rama Anem Software Professional
Adoption of preventive QA approach

Generally QA comes in to picture after development is complete. Then QA team works on testing the implemented features and finds bugs on developed application. This helps to increase quality on the application developed. However – is it best approach? Does it bring down the cost. The answer would be no. Then what methods, process QA can follow to bring best Quality.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects


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