Ruxandra Tereanu Conversion Analyst
5 Simple Rules for an Efficient Campaign

A 2013 research shows that 77% of the consumers prefer receiving an email instead of a social media message or an SMS. In 2014, an email campaign with a powerful marketing content can be a powerful, revenue generating tool. Before planning any campaign you should make sure that:
The data base only contains users who have agreed to receive email communications from the company.
Users who have bought a product or service in the last 18 months.

Irina Scarlat CMO How to Web & TechHub Bucharest
How to Web is launching MVP Academy

How to Web is launching MVP Academy, a pre-acceleration program dedicated to Central and Eastern European startups. Between April 30 and May 17, teams that are working on innovative tech products will be able to apply for the program by filling the registration form available online at www.mvpacademy.co.


Chris Frei Organizer
Topconf Bucharest 2014

Knowledge management is no longer imaginable without the Internet, with its capacity for storing enormous volumes of data, exchanging information about developments and trends, establishing contacts and creating business relationships. But an intensive exchange of know-how and experiences also calls for personal familiarity, and this is something the Internet on its own cannot deliver. For this reason, specialized technical conferences such as Topconf Bucharest are a key factor when it comes to dynamic know-how transfer across technical, national and cultural borders.

Iunieta Sandu PR & Marketing Coordinator
The JavaScript community will meet on the 3rd of June in Bucharest!

The first event about webdesign, organized by Evensys last year, SmartWeb Conference, received a lot of appreciation from the local and from international practitioners from countries such as Germany, Bulgaria and Hungary. The positive feedback from the web community has determined us to launch the first edition of JSCamp, which will offer the new trends in web design and front-end development.

Adina Grigoroiu Trainer și consultant Colors in Projects
The 5th edition of the Agile mammoths ended in Cluj-Napoca!

On April 4th-5th, Colors in Projects, in partnership with Today Software Magazine, went fo the third time to meet Cluj with the event ...even mammoths can be Agile.Apart from previous editions, this time we had two parallel streams and World Café sessions. Participants had the possibility to choose what presentations to attend based on their topics of interest. In the first stream, the presentations were focused on the ‚hard’ part of Agile, related to Information an Techology, and in the second the area of ‚soft skills’ was addressed. In the World Café sessions of both streams, the participants were invited to debate on different topics with the event speakers, who moderated the six groups formed.

Diana Ciorba Marketing Manager
Big Data and Social Media: The Big Shift

Since social media platforms expanded through our lives, the amount of data exchanged across them has sharply upsurged. We write texts describing an idea, an opinion, a fact; we upload images and videos; we share our preferences by using simple buttons (“like”, “favorite”, “follow”, “share”, “pin” etc.); we accept in the network people we know very well in our real life and people we have never met before and probably never will – … and everything goes in the network almost in real time! Suddenly, we realize that the unit measure of the data handled in a given amount of time reaches the order of exabytes. This data is not only big in volume, but is also extremely diverse and it moves at incredible speeds. The information contained in it is relatively incommensurable. Fact is Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest can see when you fall in love, what is your mood, where you are and many other behaviors that you decide to show.

Onyxbeacon iBeacon Management Platform

iBeacon is a popular term among mobile developers these days. The technology enables an iOS device (with at least iOS 7 installed) or an Android device (at least 4.4 version required) to wake up applications on devices in close proximity. It’s mainly used for indoor positioning, you can think of it as complementary to GPS because it can also give information regarding where the user is indoor: are they close to the shoe store or are they looking at the chocolate isle in a hypermarket.

Antonia Onaca de aproape 10 ani trainer, psiholog, consultant sub formă de antreprenor, intraprenor și antreprenor din nou
For real!

We have expectations from ourselves to be rational beings, maybe with very few exceptions. We certainly have these expectations from everybody else. This is most visible at the organizational level. People HAVE TO behave rationally/reasonably/logically. We expect us, but mostly everybody else, to analyze the situations objectively, decide rationally the course of action and then implement it according to the plan. We expect to be computing machines that use predictable and accurate algorithms and operate with little or no flaw.

Template Engines for Java Web Development

In many projects we deal with situations when we have to process text, generate reports, scripts or source code. Many times these problems can be solved with the help of certain tools called template processors. However, the most common scenario for using template processors is that of web development, where the need to separate business logic from the presentation layer was identified. When it comes to web applications developed using Java technologies, JavaServer Pages was the standard for the presentation layer for a long time.

Claudia Jelea Avocat & Consilier in domeniul marcilor
@IP Boutique
How to protect a good business idea

Many of you have dreamt of being entrepreneurs. And maybe, one day you had a great business idea. So, you entered a partnership with one or several friends skilled in a specific field and… you set up a startup. ‘Entrepreneur’ and ‘startup’ are two fashionable words. They are repeatedly used in almost all relevant conferences and meetings, where it is emphasized that any startup must be planned in detail and in perspective - from concept, business model, financing, development to how to benefit of SEO and social media – all in view of gaining success.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects


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