
George Rus Software Developer @ Yardi România
Web Resources Access Protection Using ASP.NET Identity

In the era of mobility and interconnected smart devices, there are cases when the access to information should be restricted for non-authenticated entities. The aim of this article is to provide high-level details about ways of authentication and authorization for software developers that are using ASP.NET platform, especially ASP.NET MVC. In the following lines, I will talk about the ASP.NET Identity infrastructure. I will walk you through the main features of the framework, and show you how this system may be customized in order to serve different scenarios. 

Razvan Gai Project Manager @iQuest
Software Project Management in Romania

At the moment of writing this article - 2015 August - Romania has been classified in many pools as a notable presence in the global IT&C market. It has a strategic geographical location, knowledgeable work force with academic support and is commonly multilingual capable. This country has had the chance to be involved in software projects for almost 20 year now, thus accumulating a vast experience in outsourcing, high-end services and even products. The question is - who’s managing all this?


Angela Lepădatu Marketing Professional @ Buy & Help
BuyAndHelp.ro - a project about affiliate marketing and the wish to help

GPEC official data says that 1 in 4 Internet users is an online shopper and in 2014 these bought products and services worth 1.1 € billion (40% growth compared to 2013). Therefore, the online shopping market in Romania is very big and continually growing. In this context, affiliate marketing has started to evolve as well. In the last few years, this concept has gained momentum and has proven to be a considerable source of revenue for all parties involved: affiliates, merchants and affiliate platforms.

Alin Luncan Software Engineer
Managing growing data with relational databases

I remember about two years ago one of our clients saying that as it was the main requirement for a new software application. Those words haunted me for a while, I could not understood why he would phrase it like that. An application crash was bad enough but loosing data was out of this world; I was trying to visualize the kind of complexity that made them ask for this particular requirement. 

Szilárd Kacsó CEO & Trainer @ Azimut Happy Employees @ updateED
When it hurts, we go to the doctor

When it comes to our health and well-being, we call in a specialist. And we usually want the best one around, whose advice and treatment we’re careful to follow. We don’t trust what we read over the internet, or tell the doctor how to operate, right? In the end, it comes down to protecting our health. But do we do the same when our company is concerned? 

Adrian Beșleagă Manager Operatiuni @ A&I Consulting

Adrian Benta Consultant Fiscal @ Benta Consult SRL
Non-wage Benefits in 2015 under Scrutiny

Given that this year the main focus of tax authorities with control attributions has been the identification of additional salary-related or similar income, we considered as appropriate to review the main expenditures of companies, apparently in the direct benefit of employees, which may be reinterpreted as a benefit in kind and thus are liable to taxation accordingly.

Gloria Csiszer Marketing Specialist @ Pitech+Plus
ACADEMY+PLUS Students in Internships and Junior Positions

In ACADEMY+PLUS, one can get after passing an online test and going through a difficult selection – the 28 days Pool. The first academic year started in November 2014 and the first generation is now in the compulsory stage of internship. The flexibility of the program means also the fact that this stage can be done anytime, according to the results obtained in the academy projects. Thus, due to the achieved performances, the Academy students have started internships and they have even got employed in IT companies. 

Tudor Stânean IOS Developer @3 Pillar Global Romania
I Love I Hate NY

I Love I Hate NY is an iOS application dedicated to each individual that has visited, plans to visit or they simply live in New York City. The iOS app represents the best and fastest mode of getting a quick feedback over New York City in a matter of seconds taking into account the score that is made between the positive and negative feedback comments added by several users of the application. Each user will always have the possibility to have a clear view over the “pulse” of the city by closely watching the score.  

Vlad Ardelean Software Developer @ 3Pillar Global Romania
To be or not to be an object: On the problem of self reference

The self reference (an object’s way to refer to itself) seems to be handled very differently across object oriented languages. While in static java-like languages the this keyword is magic, straightforward and mostly unused, in Javascript the magic can be confusing. Yet again in Python some would describe it as “redundantly explicit”. In another dynamic language, Ruby, the self acts very similarly to Java’s this, but methods aren’t objects there either. Is this variety of behaviors due to random design decisions, or is there some common pattern in all these OO languages?

Razvan Opris Location Manager @Siemens
Siemens Developers Day 2015

Technology provides new innovations and inventions that shape the lives of everybody across the world. Digitalization is now part of our everyday life. At its core lays the work of thousands upon thousands of software developers, testers, architects, project managers, engineers and more. Software development is hardly more than several decades old, it went through major transformations from what it was twenty years ago, and in the next ten years it will be completely different again.

Claudia Jelea Avocat & Consilier in domeniul marcilor
@IP Boutique
The Online Battle: Brand versus Internet Domain

If you are wondering what the relevance of this subject in the IT domain is, here are three aspects that are worth thinking about: • The brand strategy in cyberspace should be on the agenda of any company that wants to develop in the digital era. •  Most businesses in the IT domain “lead their life” mostly in the digital world – therefore, they should be interested in how they can use their domain names and brands on the Internet. • Changes happen quickly on the global level, and companies must adjust to them. For instance, nowadays, we are witnessing an unprecedented expansion of domain names – the new gTLDs (generic top-level domain names). In the near future, domains such as *.tech, .software, .technology, .game, .SRL, .online, .web, .site or .website* will be very common, representing a great risk of conflict for the companies that are active in IT and online. 

Conference TSM



  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects