
Raluca Oanca-Boca Full Stack Developer @Self-Employed
Frontend Mashup

Many of the web programmers need the rendering time of a web page to be as short as possible. One is confronted with this problem first of all when one has to choose the tools to work with on a new project.


Delia Mircea @Contzilla.ro
10 fiscal novelties in force from 2016 with an impact on entrepreneurs

Year 2016 brings important fiscal novelties for entrepreneurs, regardless of the form of organization: SRL (LLC – Limited Liability Company), PFA (Registered sole trader), etc. The main modifications are brought about by the appearance of the new fiscal code (Law 227/2015) and of the Order 2634/2015, which bring important updates to the form of fiscal – accountancy documents. We present below an overview of the main modifications with an impact on the entrepreneurs’ day to day activity.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
IT Forecast for 2016

At the beginning of the year, we all make new plans and set new goals, hoping that the new year will be favorable to their achievement. If some people take into account what the horoscope says, we have decided to give more credit to some important representatives of the IT community in Cluj. Therefore, we asked them to share with us their previsions regarding the year 2016. Based on their answers, we cannot but draw a very optimistic conclusion: year 2016 is going to be beneficial for the IT industry. 

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Start-ups – January 2016

Moqups. The Moqups.com startup from Cluj for the creation of online drafts has recently launched the second edition, much improved. The projects carried out can be published online or downloaded in the form of PDF or SVG. There is also the possibility of inviting collaborators and working together on a draft. 

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Communities and Events

Launch of the issue 43 of Today Software Magazine January 27 (Cluj) - 6:00 PM Siemens Cluj Office , Cluj-Napoca. Today Software Magazine Community built around Today Software Magazine Since: 06.02.2012  Members: 2424

Dorin Cazan Service specialist @Siemens
Collaboration done easy with TFS (I)

Team Foundation Server (abbr. TFS) has the promise of being an out of the box, all in one box solution to ALM within an organization. You can use it to manage your project and track your team’s work, to manage your code, to build and test your software. You can do so either with Team Foundation Server installed on your own server, or by using Visual Studio Online in the cloud.

Paul Alexandru Tofan Project Manager @ISDC
Strategic flexibility during uncertainty

Given the economic and business volatility, uncertainty of outcomes and the high risk of investments, is it possible that the huge upside potential of uncertainty is left on the table? In these conditions, how can we value that potential and overcome the difficulty of presenting a compelling business case based solely on traditional standard methods that rely heavily on information available at the moment of the appraisal (e.g. ROI, NPV)?

Thomas Morris Roku & Python Software Developer @3Pillar Global

Roku has been erupting these past few years. Beginning as a lowly startup in 2002 and now boasting over 10 million users, Roku is the biggest player in the home media streaming device market, having sold 37% of all streaming devices last year.  The next closest competitor is Chromecast at 19%.  So even though this startup has been duking it out with goliaths like Apple and Google for the home media market, it’s been doing so quite successfully.

Georgiana Gligor Owner @Tekkie Consulting
Zero to RESTful in 4 easy steps. API Design.

This article is part 2 of a series showing how to prepare, design, and implement a RESTful API. After setting up the grounds in the first part, this time we are going to look at how an API is designed, what concerns we should have in mind when doing that. But first, we will have a look at what REST is, and what are the architectural constraints it imposes on a system.

Mădălina Nastasa Sales Development Representative @ Azimut Happy Employees
Searching for (potential) talent

At the start of each and every year, most of us plan on making radical changes, whether we’re talking about ourselves or the conditions around us, usually in order to reach an extraordinary result – most sales so far, the best software, most motivated employees, largest profit etc. We know that and, therefore, in order to support the momentuum, we will greet you with the new challenges that might slow you down in reaching your extraordinary result in business. We’re keeping our fingers crossed they won’t!


Happy New Year ! As it usually happens, the beginning of the year brings future plans for each of us. Before updating you with this year’s projects, we wish to highlight that our desire is to maintain the development of the magazine on the same growing trend of quality, online visibility, as well as that of organizing the monthly events of releasing every new issu

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  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects