Raghudeep Kannavara Security Researcher, Software and Services Group
@Intel USA
Securing Opensource Code via Static Analysis (II)

As previously discussed, in this paper, we run Klocwork Insight against Linux kernel (version and we discuss the results of our analysis. Klocwork Insight version used for this analysis was Figure 3 shows the Klocwork checkers we have used for analyzing C/C++ source code. These are actually ‘checker families’ or ‘categories’ as each of these tree items (in figure 3) contains a number of individual checkers.

Simona Bonghez Managing Partner @ Colors in Projects
Gogu and Mișu’s Old Man

“Holy crapping crap!” Misu burst spitefully. Spitefully, only for those who knew him very well, otherwise – to a stranger – it would have seemed a mere observation, shared calmly but in a deep, whispered voice. Obviously, Gogu was not the case. He looked at Misu, dumbstricken, as he couldn’t believe that somebody had succeeded to get – Misu! – out of his usual mood of remiss understanding and utter detachment from the whirl of the surrounding world. However, it seemed like, finally, the impossible had occurred and the whirl had managed to hook him too, Gogu said to himself, somewhat spiteful.


Silvia Ursu Communications Coordinator
RICAP: innovation from lab to market

RICAP was designed starting from the desire to provide resources for Romanian innovators to exit to international markets with their products, whether it is energy, bio-technology, agriculture, ICT or any other technological field. Thus, RICAP is the first program in Romania supporting innovators and entrepreneurs with innovative technologies to help commercialize them on the global market, supporting them all the way from lab to market.

Mihai Costea iOS Developer
ZenQ - “Ze way to say ‘thank you’

We believe that every single human is amazing and should hear it more often. That’s why we are building ZenQ: ze way to say thank you and appreciate your awesome friends and colleagues. On your mobile. In seconds. Started at Startup Weekend Cluj in March as an iOS-only MVP, the project has grown quickly, with the iOS and Android apps live in the stores since the 7th of May.

Java 8 – collections processing

Java 8 is beautiful. Yes, I class it as feminine even before reaching the magic number of 8. In this article I will dare to analyze to what extent this beauty is shape versus substance. I admit that Java has constantly left its fans dissatisfied when competing with other programming languages. Lambda expressions. Yes, C# has Lambda expressions from version 2007 which was launched in 2007. Java needed 7 additional years to offer it. Functional programming came really late.

Cristian Pup Software Developer
@Yardi România
Microsoft Business Intelligence Tools

With the coming of the Information Age we found solutions to previous problems but also new problems waiting to be solved. Information abounds in the digital environments but is not always easy to obtain a view of it so that we can take important decisions based on it. For this purpose the Business Intelligence tools promise to provide solutions for transforming the raw information data that we have.

Alin Luncan Software Engineer
Adding value when developing. A simple example

Last November „Fundația Comunitară Oradea” (http://www.fundatiacomunitaraoradea.ro) offered a few grants for ideas that can be put into practice within a year, to make the community we live in a better place. I was one of the lucky few whose project was approved and I wanted to share my way of thinking when developing for the project. The proposed project was all about the process of continuous feedback to and from local authorities on the state of the city through a web app specially crafted for this purpose: change through technology.

Corina Pip Senior QA Engineer
Object modeling of Selenium tests

Usually, a test written in Selenium, Java and TestNG is meant to check the accuracy of items on a web page or that of a module on a web page. The classical approach of such a type of testing is represented by the high number of asserts, to compare all the desired properties to their expected values. This approach has plenty of drawbacks, among which we could mention the difficult maintenance of tests, the waste of code-lines, lack of intelligibility. In order to avoid these drawbacks, a different approach of this type of tests is represented by the conception of tests based on the comparison of some objects.

Ramona Muntean Measurements & Best Practices
The Risk of Not Having Risks

Risk Management is a very widely used term in today’s world of software engineering. Almost every project suffers from threats which can seriously affect its cost, schedule or quality in a negative way. According to an IBM study only 40% of projects meet schedule, budget and quality goals. Other analyses conclude that “between 65 and 80% of IT projects fail to meet their objectives, and also run significantly late or cost far more than planned.”

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine

On the 2nd of June, I took part in Techsylvania, an event 100% dedicated to entrepreneurship. Such an event, which can be considered to target only a limited part of audience, from the point of view of the local industry, represented a premiere for Cluj. The first part of this event was represented by a local hackaton, where the participants had the opportunity to develop applications for devices such as Google Glasses, Small printer, Onyx Beacons, Leap motion, Sphero, Sony Smartwatch 2, Pebble, Oculus VR, EyeTribe Tracker.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects


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