Simona Bonghez Managing Partner @ Colors in Projects
Gogu and the water bottle

Gogu leisurely screwed the cap on the water bottle, made sure it is well sealed, screwed it once more, which was completely useless, but it was obvious he was doing all that while his mind was wandering elsewhere. Misu saw he was thoughtful and probably thought it was the best opportunity to pick on him, as it had been long since they had a verbal fight and he didn’t want to lose touch:
“Hoo, brrrr…” he said quite loudly, staring at Gogu. But he didn’t react, so, Misu repeated it, this time even more loudly:

George Platon Co-fondator @ BuddyGuard
CCC - A shot of programming

Short, intense and ever growing in popularity, CCC (Catalysts Coding Contest) has become a sort of ‘seasonal’ attraction for the programming enthusiasts from (but not limited to) Cluj. The Catalysts Coding Contests (http://contest.catalysts.cc) started in the year 2007 in Austria with a relatively low number of contestants but the feedback which came after was nothing short of „awesome”! Currently, the 18th edition of the contest will be hosted in Romania, Austria and India.


Vlad Ciurca Product Guy. Tech Events Producer. Connector
Welcome to Techsylvania!

Cluj-Napoca is strategically well positioned in Eastern Europe due to its proximity to Belgrade, Budapest, Sofia, Kiev and Bucharest. Over 4,000 technology and computer science students graduate from Cluj universities each year which, when coupled to the creative arts, caused Huffington Post to rank it third among cities that are expected to shake up the art world. Cluj-Napoca was selected as the European Youth Capital 2015 and has been declared Europe’s most hospitable city by the European Commission. The local IT scene is well established within the CEE landscape. Initiatives that boost innovation and technological development will firmly establish it as Eastern Europe’s equivalent to the Silicon Valley.

Andrei Kelemen CEO @ Cluj IT Cluster
Cluj Innovation Days, 20-21 March 2014

I think you chose the best moment to create this platform (Cluj Innovation City) and you will have all my and the European Commission’s support to materialize such value-added ideas. I thank you and learn that you can count on my support.” - Mr. Dacian Ciolos, European Commissioner
The second edition of Cluj Innovation Days (CID) was, by all accounts, a success. During the two days Cluj-Napoca became the capital of innovation in Romania.

Dhyan Or CEO & Co-founder
@Social ReHub
Ingenuity, Perseverance and Connectivity

Thanks to the recent expansion in flight routes from Cluj, I can now take a 15 minute drive to the local airport, then get on a plane to virtually anywhere in Europe or the Middle East, and arrive there that same day in time for a meeting. On my recent visit to Israel I had the chance to meet some remarkable people: a Nobel laureate of great renown and a famed venture capitalist who is also a social activist.

Tudor Bîrlea Co-founder@ This is Not a Storm
Startup-ing without money: Startcelerate investment model

We all know it: startups have become a hot trend, especially in the last 7-8 years, with success stories which amaze us and give us a proper rush. If you are into tech, Silicon Valley is undoubltely a benchmark and a promised land for the entrepreneurs from anywere. And for good reasons. Cloning, more or less, the same model, places like London, Tel Aviv, Berlin, Tallin or even Paris have started to become more and more prominent as European epicentres for founding and developing startups. In a typically Transylvanian pacing, Cluj seems to follow the same model.

Mihai Cristian Test Automation Engineer
@Hewlett Packard
How to win the game of Test Automation?

Nowadays, one of the first questions you are asked as a Quality Assurance Engineer, is do you use Automation? Test Automation has definitely been a hot topic in recent years. Everybody is talking about it, trying to use it, complaining about it, and still it remains very much an in house business, with each company developing its private solution tailored to its own products and needs. This is only natural as products vary a lot and, especially in the game of Enterprise Software, it is hard to imagine a single Test Automation solution that can be used regardless of the actual product being developed. This being said , working in Test Automation for a couple of years in which you can see firsthand the obstacles and the rewards of automation, you eventually come to ask yourself the obvious question: How do you win the game of Test Automation?

Bogdan Poplauschi Senior iOS Developer
@Yardi România
iOS image caching. Libraries benchmark

In the past years, iOS apps have become more and more visually appealing. Displaying images is a key part of that, that’s why most of them use images that need to be downloaded and rendered. Most developers have faced the need to populate table views or collection views with images. Downloading the images is resource consuming (cellular data, battery, CPU etc.); so, in order to minimize this, the caching model was developed.

Florentina Suciu Software engineer
Getting started with OpenXML

In this article, we are trying to draw a basic map to programmatically manipulate xlsx files using Office Xml library. Many applications require working with excel files, either for reading and importing data from it, or for exporting data into reports, so it is important to know how to programmatically manipulate excel files. Since 2007, Excel files have completely changed their internal structure. Xls was a proprietary binary file format, whereas xlsx is an Xml Based-format, called Office Open Xml (OOXML).

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