Denes Botond Software engineer
@Accenture Romania
How to make the machine write the boring code

Have you ever had to write code for a lot of highly similar things, differing only in a few details? Have you ever wondered - while copy pasting code from one class to another, and another fifty more - why are you doing this repetitive, error prone and boring task instead of a machine? Machines are just fine doing this kind of work, why aren’t they doing it? In this article we will talk about how one can write a program which generates code based on an xml input file and flexible templates.


Radu Murzea PHP Developer
The HipHop Virtual Machine

These days, when it comes to huge popular websites, performance issues come up often along with the question: „How can we support such a huge userbase at a reasonable price ?”. Facebook, one of the largest websites on the planet, seems to have a pretty good answer to this: the HipHop virtual machine. What is this, how was it born, how does it work and why is it better than the alternatives ? I will try to answer all these questions in the following pages.

Roland Szabo Junior Python Developer
@3Pillar Global

In the previous issue, I presented the Restricted Boltzmann Machines, which were introduced by Geoffrey Hinton, a professor at the University of Toronto, in 2006, as a method for speeding up neural network training. In 2007, Yoshua Bengio, professor at the University of Montreal, presented an alternative to RBMs: autoencoders.

Radu Vunvulea Solution Architect
AOP using .NET stack

In the following lines we will talk about AOP and how we can implement our own AOP stack using .NET Core features. First of all, let us see what AOP means. The acronym comes from Aspect Oriented Programming and it is another programming paradigm with the main goal of increasing the modularity of an application. AOP tries to achieve this goal by allowing separation of cross-cutting concerns.

Mihai Buhai Delivery Manager
Discipline in Agile projects

At a time when market pressure and the need for increased competitiveness in all economic area are becoming increasingly stringent, IT industry has its own particular place and plays a very important role that can make the difference between the companies which are going to be sustainable and successful in the coming decade, by investing in innovation, research, process efficiency and those which are settling for what they are doing at the moment, thus risking to disappear from the market.

Claudia Jelea Avocat & Consilier in domeniul marcilor
@IP Boutique
The Developers of Mobile Applications and the Personal Data. Any Connection?

Do we have to deal with personal data in our activity? What does this involve? These are legitimate questions for a mobile applications developer, since collecting these data has become an inherent phenomenon of the digital world and a more and more controversial topic along with the evolution of mobile applications, due to the various situations that can arise. Moreover, the subject is of a greater interest since, in the future, a tightening of sanctions is foreshadowed for non-compliance with the legislation of the personal data.

Cluj Business Analysts Mădălina Crișan, Business Analyst Monica Petraru, Product Manager Cătălin Anghel, Business Analyst
The root of all evil in software development

Supposedly the answer is bad requirements. It is risky to take a radical stand and to isolate the determining cause to a single factor, but poorly conducted elicitation is surely one of them. From my experience, during elicitation, even with the best interest at heart, there is neither discrimination nor consideration for the terms requirements / solution design. This results in a cumbersome bundle of mixed information that doesn’t add up into a cohesive, unitary whole.

Impact Training

In large companies, most of the employees go through training when they enter the company, and then they are repeated according to the training needs of the company. Under these circumstances, we might think that the employees no longer see the trainings as something special, but we are wrong. A study carried out by the researchers of the Madeira Spanish University shows us that the employees enjoy training almost as much as a raise. The study conducted on 5000 employees from Spain reveal that the satisfaction regarding the employer and implicitly the workplace increases by 18% after the employee has participated in a training provided by the company.

Diana Ciorba Marketing Manager
MWC 2014: Smartphones, Tablets, Phablets and Smartwatches

Codespring team has just returned from the Mobile World Congress 2014, the place where all the mobile magic happens! Samsung, Sony, HTC, LG, Nokia, Huawei revealed their latest devices and innovations. A distinct and exotic appearance was the Yota team from Russia. In the mobile landscape we also remarked the Romanian team from Allview sliding in with its latest devices. Find out more in the following lines.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects


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