
Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine

Crowdsourced testing company Global App Testing are set to organise Romania’s first Testathon in Cluj with Betfair. “A Testathon is like a hackathon but specifically for testers”, said Owais Peer, co-founder of Global App Testing. “A lot of our tester community have told us they don't get invited to hackathons, despite it being such an important part of the developer community”. The Testathon is a not-for-profit event aiming to bring together the best testers in the world so they can learn from each other and win prizes whilst trying to break real apps.

Ștefan Bălan Creative Director @ Lateral
Design is a lot like dating

As in dating, the designer with a positive attitude will get ahead more easily. Your boss will like you more, your developers won’t run away from you, and your design peers won’t be afraid to ask for your feedback. Be positive, communicative and open minded.


Ioana Varga Managing Partner @ A&I Consulting

Ioana Costea Expert bookkeeper Managing Partner @ A&I Consulting
Income tax exemption for software developers

In the case of small and medium-sized enterprises and particularly in the case of start-up companies, the accounting department or the accounting consultants serve as support for the economic and financial decision-making. Therefore, the useful financial-accounting information herein provided will address the accounting issues faced by developers, designers and IT Companies from Cluj-Napoca and elsewhere. For this issue of the magazine, we chose to offer some guidelines on how to access income tax exemptions for developers.

Claudia Jelea Avocat & Consilier in domeniul marcilor
@IP Boutique
Legal aspects in SaaS

Some legal aspects concerning software applications in general, such as intellectual property and the usage of open source code, collecting personal data through an application, publishing in Google Play, have been analyzed in the previous issues of Today Software Magazine. In the article of the current issue, I would like to focus on the way applications of the SaaS (Software as a Service) type are commercially exploited and, especially, on the partnerships that can help you collect revenues from the usage of these applications.

Oana Călugar OKRs coach & consultant @Mindfruits
Advanced and Invisible Analytics

Analytics will take center stage as the volume of data generated by embedded systems increases and vast pools of structured and unstructured data inside and outside the enterprise are analyzed. Companies will need to manage how to filter the huge amounts of data coming from the IoT, social media and wearable devices, and then deliver exactly the right information to the right person, at the right time. Analytics will become deeply, but invisibly embedded everywhere. Big Data is an important enabler for this trend but the focus needs to shift to thinking about big questions and big answers first and Big Data second — the value is in the answers, not the data.

Adrian Ivan Software architect @ SDL
(Micro)Service Discovery using Netflix Eureka

The article is part of a series dedicated to implementations of patterns in a modern Microservice Architecture based system: Service Discovery, Elasticity, Fault Tolerance, Resiliency, Configuration Management, Monitoring, Centralized Logging, Telemetry. The article presents a technical solution for Service Discovery using Netflix Eureka, a dedicated technology developed in Java and open sourced by Netflix, under the Netflix Open Source Software (OSS) umbrella.

Curta Cătălin C++ Developer @ Telenav

Dragoș Andronic Product Manager @ Telenav
Realreach­ - find out what’s within 15 minutes of you

Assume that you’re in a new city (say Genoa, Italy) and have 2 hours until your next train or flight. You see their pay-by-hour bicycle sheds and you’d like to know how far you can bike-to in 1 hour (so that you have time to get back in time) and what sights are within this time range. Or assume that you’re driving to your next meeting and you’d like to know what parking places (paid or street-level) are within 10 minutes, by foot, from their office.

Diana Vultur Software Developer
@Yardi România
Aspect Oriented Programming in Design Phases

Aspect-oriented programming aims at improving the modularity of software systems, by capturing inherently scattered functionality, often called crosscutting concerns, making the evolution of such systems easier and more manageable. In order to obtain this, AOP adds an extra abstraction mechanism, called an aspect, on top of existing modularization mechanisms such as functions, classes and methods. Aspects allow developers to face up the problems of scattering and tangling by reducing the spread of code belonging to a certain concern over different components.

Alexandru Bolboacă Agile Coach and Trainer, with a focus on technical practices
@Mozaic Works
5 Steps to Mistake Proof Software Design

My previous blog posts have shown how to create better software design and defined the idea of Usable Software Design. Usable Software Design comes from the simple observation that the developer is the user of a software design. My thesis is that using principles and practices from Usability in software design will create two important economic benefits: faster implementation time for common tasks and faster integration of new developers in an existing team. In this article, I will explore further usable software design starting from the simple idea that nobody likes to make mistakes but mistakes still happen. Since usable software design means software design that’s a delight to use by developers, something has to be done to prevent mistakes. So, how about Mistake-Proofing your software design to make it more usable?

Tudor Cobâlaș Business Developer
@XL Team
Safe Drive

Have you ever wanted to turn safe driving into something fun and your friends into responsible drivers? Wouldn’t it be even greater to be rewarded for this? SafeDrive app makes your dreams come true. Launched by the software company XL Team, along with Know Now Solutions, and in partnership with Microsoft, SafeDrive is a mobile app that encourages safe driving, by offering points to the drivers that do not use their mobile phones while driving. The process behind the app is quite simple.

Graham McEnroe Content Manager at @ Ve Interactive
The Big Data Revolution

Headquartered in London, Ve Interactive is a world-leading technology company whose platform has become an essential component for any online business to acquire, engage and convert more customers. After just 5 years, Ve has grown rapidly by successfully delivering products that give incremental value to our clients. Now with over 700+ staff, 26 offices worldwide and over 10k customers in 43 territories, Ve offers employees an entrepreneurial and global environment within which to grow and develop. We plan to employ circa 1,000 people by the end of 2015, and to support this growth we are opening a new development center in Cluj. This being the latest addition to our portfolio of development centres, in London, Bilbao and Paris. This centre will assist us in not only developing our existing Apps, but innovating and developing new products to assist our customers in increasing their revenues.

Cosmin Jeler Development lead @ CodArt Solutions
TodaySoftMag app for Windows Phone

The initiative of a TSM application for Windows Phone was born more than one year ago, within the 3PillarGlobal center of competence, as a way of exploring and acquiring of new knowledge regarding the Microsoft platform for mobiles. The project continued afterwards, with a lot of voluntary dedication and commitment of the people involved: Cosmin Jeler, the author of the present article, responsible for the development part; Robin Molnar – focused on the quality assurance part, Dan Hădărău for the support given on the design and server-side part and Ovidiu Mățan, project manager/ product owner.

Diana Ciorba Marketing Manager
Leading an Information Security Business and Preventing System Attacks: The Catch

A graduate of Moscow State Institute of Electronic Engineering with a master’s degree in Applied Mathematics and holding a bachelor’s degree in Business of The UK Open University, Natalya Kaspersky is an active participant of international business community life and actively invests in high-tech companies. Natalya is a co-founder of Kaspersky Lab, one of the world’s largest antivirus companies, and CEO of InfoWatch Group of Companies, working in the sphere of internal information security. During her 10-year tenure at Kaspersky Lab Natalya turned a small group of enthusiasts into a world-class international IT company with annual revenues of hundreds of millions USD.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
First graduates of Cluj Simplon program

I met Roxana last year, when she had come to Cluj with the purpose of creating a new generation of programmers. It was a courageous statement in a local context characterized by a great number of programmers. To this, we also have to consider the fact that, at about the same time, Pitech+Academy was being launched. But Roxana kept her word and managed to launch her program in which twelve young people were selected. They were promised to be offered courses and programs, free of charge, for a period of six months, in order to become young web programmers. Now, at the end of the six months, Roxana reveals to us from the experience of implementing this program, but also the endeavors that condition its continuity.

Radu Vunvulea Solution Architect
Screen Sharing using Service Bus Relay (Azure) - an out of the box Tunneling solution

We started to work on a project where we need to be able to offer a reliable solution for Remote Screen Sharing - RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). Luckily, all devices are running Windows operating system and we can use with success the support from Windows. Because all the devices are spread world-wide we need a tunneling solution. All the content that is send over the wire needs to be encrypted. In theory we would need some relays servers that would be ‘the man on the middle’ between devices and people that would like to access that device - tunneling.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
About testing with Rene Tuinhout

Rene is a senior test adviser and test coach with over 17 years of experience in software testing. He advises organisations on Lean Quality, test management, test change management, structured testing, and manage test (change) projects. This year he will be the chairman of Romanian Testing Conferences and we had the pleasure to take this interview.

Bogdan Mureşan VP of Technology @ Connatix
Agile Mindset From Another Angle

A while ago I attended to an Agile conference here in Cluj. Among many interesting topics, presentations and discussions, I took part in a debate where the main idea was centered on the question “Is Velocity a metric or not”. There were a lot of ideas thrown around and the final conclusions were pretty good. At one point during that discussion I said that velocity is too contextual to be a metric. One of my colleagues asked if that was a good or a bad thing. Since I was not sure of an answer I picked the most neutral one and said that is neither good nor bad and it’s just a fact (actually a very important fact). I continued to think about that even after the debate ended and I started to add pros and cons in my mind to see if something contextual can be good or bad. I reached the conclusion that “contextual” used in the right way might be very good if we want to obtain the maximum efficiency from a situation.

Ana-Maria Vuscan PR & Customer Care Specialist @ Azimut Happy Employees
ERROR 404: “Employee motivation”

Each and every one of us wants "more/to have it better", regardless if we're talking about ourselves as individuals or as an organization. But what pleases us actually? What renders us entirely satisfied, motivated and willing to remain in the same organization for years on end? Right now, employees have a tendency to switch companies easily, in order "to have it better". But let's find out what this somewhat ambiguous phrase means to an employee: is it a higher pay?


The professional evolution of each of us is most of the times conditioned by the decision to face new and more complex situations which can make the most of our potential, make us assume responsibility and bring to us the acknowledgement of our merits. Most often, in the IT world and not only, this decision is materialized in the changing of the working place.

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Conference TSM



  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects