
Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Preview Cluj IT Days 2016

As we've accustomed you for the past three years, November marks the Cluj IT Days event for the Today Software Magazine team. This is one of the largest events for developers, testers and managers in Cluj and Romania. This state of facts was acknowledged by the attendees who came from as far as Brașov, Iași, Craiova or Bucharest. We were glad to find out that our event has had a significant contribution to the following state of facts: large IT conferences and events are pretty hard to find, especially in other cities.

Romulus Bucur Senior developer & PM @Siemens
The Two Sides Of An Interview

The overall perception of the interview process is that of a scenario in which the roles are, apparently, clearly defined. The interviewer and the interviewee entertain a relationship similar to that of a student and his examining teacher, giving rise to a classic academic setting. By contrast, the modern approach, considers that the roles go both ways. Throughout an interview, the parties act both as the interviewee and the interviewer.


Radu Vunvulea Solution Architect
Overview of Azure CDN

Let us start with the first topic, and talk about the features and functionality that are available at the moment (Q3, 2016) on Azure CDN.  You will find a lot of useful information on the Azure page and I am pretty sure that you already checked it. In comparison with the last few years, Microsoft took a big step forward, by signing partnerships with Akamai and Verizon (both of them are some of the biggest CDN providers in the world).

Diana Costa Administrative Coordinator @ Azimut Happy Employees
Generational Employability

The coexistence of generations in the labor market seems to be a complex issue in the recent years. Specialists studied, and then tested the issue, but the general picture often leaves us with question marks when it comes to its applicability in our daily life. Certainly, it is understandable that, when talking about four different generations (Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y and the most recent, Generation Z), the principles which apply in our everyday life or at the office could be different.

István Nagy Senior Tester @ iSDC
How can we apply a skill acquisition model in software testing?

Every four years during the Olympic Games we admire the athletes who are going beyond their limits, who establish new records and bring glory to their team and country. We consider them experts in what they do and some of us know the struggle, hard work and the sacrifices they make to reach the top of the podium. Similarly to athletes, individuals, who want to be the best in their profession, need to go through a long journey from beginner to expert.

Learning to forget data

Computers started as a basic alternative to the human brain. The power and all that was mysterious and compelling needed replicated. Humans were the pinnacle of rational evolution but, at one point in time, they seemed limited. Eventually they started creating controllable things that will otherwise help them overcome their drawbacks. Forgetting is natural human defect and this is why we live in an era in which “the internet never forgets”. But maybe it’s time it should.

Prof. Dr. Stelian Brad Președinte @ Cluj IT Cluster

Conf. Dr. Paulina Mitrea Coordonator Brained City @ Cluj IT Cluster
Sustainable Principles For Smart City Solutions

We live in a world where, in developed countries such as the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway, the relationship between the lay person, and the public and local authorities can be kept efficient from home, via Internet, without walking piles of papers and documents in between offices, without the need to take days off or a leave of absence to solve bureaucratic issues. There are cities where printed documents are not required at all because the performant IT systems ensure control across all activities. Therefore, these things should not be "Science-Fiction" for Romania. The Cluj IT Cluster is an association which includes a large number of companies that are experienced in developing software, as well academic institutions, research institutions and public administration institutions. The Cluj IT Cluster showed a consistent and continuous interest in enhancing the efficiency of the public administration through IT. Moreover the Cluster is actively involved in making the "Smart City" concept real. This includes the extended promotion of IT services in administration, information technology and communication (IT&C), intelligent technologies in areas which define the urban ecosystem (traffic and mobility, public safety, health services and education, culture and entertainment, tourism, infrastructure for utilities, energy, work space and residential areas etc.). These are all means of enhancing the quality of life and the safety of the citizens. The Cluj IT Cluster advocates in favor of an integrated approach, oriented towards the lifecycle of any Smart City project.

Mădălin Ilie Cluj Java Discipline Lead
Hyper-productive Teams

Ahyper-productive team is the dream of every team leader. How cool would it be to apply a 10-step algorithm and create a team 10x more productive? Or tweak the team communication a little bit and get the team to the productivity nirvana? As we all know, things are not that simple. This paper will detail ways in which you can create a balanced and motivated team that knows its weaknesses and its strengths.

Mircea Vădan Managing Partner @ Activize Cofounder @ClujStartups
Startups - August edition

The ecosystem of a city/region is given by the diversity of the active organizations in that environment. Although Cluj is very active in terms of events, communities, hubs and meetups, the results are less obvious when we look at start-ups. It is true that it takes several years for a start up to be successful and be taken as a good, inspirational model to follow. I think this is what we need, for the coming period: start-ups which can prove that our efforts can indeed lead to something quantifiable in this regard.

Andreea Misarăș Events & Communication Specialist
Walking Month – how can you turn walking into a good deed?

It all started in 2010 as an internal competition for staff members in order to promote a healthy life style (keep walking, leave your car at home) and social interaction among staff members (team walkers). The competition grew in popularity over time, a popularity nobody anticipated. More and more people registered. People started running in the park in the evening because they did not reach the number of scheduled steps for the day. People started posting pictures from weddings and christianings where the contest bracelet can be seen in the foreground, or pictures from company parties where new records were established, or pictures of people telling their peers they achieved few steps. This was the general mood throughout the Walking Month competition.

Alina Mihuț Marketing Specialist @ AROBS Transilvania Software
Ride2Work Cluj! Why don’t you join us?

You know that type of person who is so into something that it becomes contagious? Well, Cristina is just like that. She's 28 years old, she's from Chisinau and for about 6 months now since I met her (at JCI Cluj and also as a workmate), she keeps talking enthusiastically about bicycles.

Amalia Aida Pomian Community Builder @ Republic Association of Coders
YAPC:: Europe 2016 the most important Perl dedicated event, live in Cluj-Napoca

Cluj-Napoca, Romania. YAPC::EU, the most important conference dedicated to the Perl programming language will take place this year in Cluj-Napoca, between the 24th and the 26th of August. The event, a premiere for the Romanian IT landscape, is organized by Cluj.pm, the local Perl community and will be hosted by UMF - "Iuliu Hațieganu".

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Interview with Eddy Vermeire, CEO @ ISDC, about Endava merging

We had the opportunity to speak with Mr. Eddy Vermeire, CEO @ ISDC, about the recent merge with Endava.

Both iSDC and Endava are international companies with development centers in Cluj. It was a surprise the recent fusion between both companies. What did determine this change and what opportunities do you see here ?

There was a private equity stake in ISDC, which was keen to sell during 2016, so the ISDC board made sure they found a suitable buyer. Endava's cultural alignment, growth ambitions and track record made it the outstanding candidate to provide a secure and exciting future for our people. Similarly, for Endava, ISDC represents an ideal match providing real engineering expertise and quality, further strength in financial services and an opportunity to expand its presence selling in Europe as well as the delivery centres in Romania and Bulgaria.


In the professional path of every developer, tester or manager, performance is an important milestone which may make fellow colleagues feel slightly afraid. In order to become very good in a field and achieve performance, we must consider several factors. Some of these factors are the psychological profile of the individual, his education and his work environment. How can we value performance once it is achieved? Is it achieved only for prestige and personal fame? Do we also consider other goals which go beyond personal one? A positive answer to the last question automatically entails the awareness that performance must be shown. What is the use of developers being good at Spark and Y, in SQL, if their skill is not known or not properly put to the test? Therefore, we must seize every opportunity that enables us to make our performance visible. Attending events as speakers or writing papers and books are among the best opportunities. Unfortunately, at the moment, developers do too little to make this happen, and, if challenged to deliver a presentation, even within the company, they turn down the invitation. The advantages are numerous; a better reputation, the possibility to become better especially through the feedback received and the challenge to present something at least as interesting the next time. My advice is for you to accept challenges and, if you want to write a technical paper, the TSM editorial board can help you out with advice and suggestions.

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  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects