In the professional path of every developer, tester or manager, performance is an important milestone which may make fellow colleagues feel slightly afraid. In order to become very good in a field and achieve performance, we must consider several factors. Some of these factors are the psychological profile of the individual, his education and his work environment. How can we value performance once it is achieved? Is it achieved only for prestige and personal fame? Do we also consider other goals which go beyond personal one? A positive answer to the last question automatically entails the awareness that performance must be shown. What is the use of developers being good at Spark and Y, in SQL, if their skill is not known or not properly put to the test? Therefore, we must seize every opportunity that enables us to make our performance visible. Attending events as speakers or writing papers and books are among the best opportunities. Unfortunately, at the moment, developers do too little to make this happen, and, if challenged to deliver a presentation, even within the company, they turn down the invitation. The advantages are numerous; a better reputation, the possibility to become better especially through the feedback received and the challenge to present something at least as interesting the next time. My advice is for you to accept challenges and, if you want to write a technical paper, the TSM editorial board can help you out with advice and suggestions.
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