
Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Achievements and visions at the end of 2012

We had the opportunity to ask Marius Ghenea, Andrei Pitis and Voicu Oprean’s about their achievements in 2012 what global vision they have for 2013. We have also discovered their opinion about the Romanian software industry. These mini interviews were conducted using Business Days www.businessdays.ro. We would like to thank Codruta Nicolescu, CEO of ADESCO, for all her help.

Marius Mornea Software Engineer and Mintaka Research founder
The Cluj IT History (II)

In our last issue, we’ve asked many questions, some philosophical, some statistical, some to the point, others completely open, most requiring complex answers in need of in depth research. As a result, we began with the more approachable side, the technical one, discovering straight away that most of its history profits from an abundance of information made available due to the “great achievements of the people” cult, specific to the political medium that gave birth to the Romanian IT. Also, in the same direction, we benefited from our readers support, and I’m taking this opportunity to give my thanks to Mr. Marius Muntean, for all the materials he sent.


Oana Călugar OKRs coach & consultant @Mindfruits
How to Web 2012 has reached its end. Thank you all for attending!

When you enter 2012.howtoweb.co, you encounter these words: How to Web 2012 has reached its end. Thank you all for attending! One month after the conference, I am still inspired by some of the speeches I’ve heard and the people I’ve known. And I’m really sorry it only lasted for two days and it was over. How to Web was held in Bucharest on 7 and 8 November.

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
Made in Romania

This section started in the previous issue is now presenting another games production company in Cluj-Napoca. It is an area of particular interest in terms of Romanian innovation. The company initially started offering outsourcing services, but then it gave them up, the focus being now 100% on developing new applications. IDEA Studios is a startup founded in 2007 by Daniel Tamas and Tudor Rad, two young entrepreneurs and former web development freelancers, or SEO.

Radu Popescu QA and Web designer
@Small Footprint
SEO - Improving CTR with Rich Snippets?

Formatting and adjusting the SERPS results can be done by any site owner thought Rich Snippets (an internal SEO technique). One of the most important advantages it can bring to a website is the growth of organic traffic by making the result stand out from the crowd. First we need to understand what Rich Snippets are.

Cristian Ruja Product Team Manager
Financial software development: trading platforms requirements

What would you feel developing software used in the biggest financial institutions worldwide, software which trades billions of Euros daily? Responsible? proud? happy? all of them together :) ? We are are trying to present, below, which are the functional and nonfunctional requirements of such a trading platform and the process used to build it, keeping high quality standards required by such a software.

Vlad Hosu Senior Developer
Liferay Service Builder vs. Spring Roo

R.A.D. also known as Rapid Application Development is common sense nowadays when we’re speaking about development methodologies. Briefly, this methodology assumes gathering of functional and non-functional requirements through workshops or other means of fast communication, prototyping as well as re-using already implemented components. In order to successfully assume this technology regarding the time needed for application development, many companies use source code generation tools.

Andreea Pârvu People Operations Business Partner @ Endava
Situational Leadership

This article is the first one when I am writing about Leadership. I have to confess that at the very beginning I was not very comfortable in addressing this topic, because everybody has an opinion on what means to be a Leader and what kind of Leadership style should be better used. Any affirmation on this topic may be very easy contradicted because there are so many Leadership Theories developed and people can find a lot of counter-arguments.

Ioan Bercea Senior Web Developer
@3Pillar Global
The Case for PHP

PHP is a programming language dedicated to developing web pages and web applications. Its name is a recursive acronym meaning PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, adopted the name after the release of version 3.0. The first version created by Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, was written in C and was a suite of scripts to monitor visits to his personal page (Personal Home Page Tools)

Attila-Mihaly Balazs Software Panther @ Synapp.io
Alternative PHP runtimes

PHP is a very popular dynamically typed scripting language available on a variety of operating systems. There are however alternatives to the standard interpreter which provide various features that may be advantageous in certain circumstances. This article aims to provide a theoretical and practical overview of the existing options. The practical part consists of running the synthetic performance test from the PHP source tree against each runtime and testing a WordPress site with Apache Bench .

What are the real cucumbers of the ISV gardener?

It is no longer a surprise for anyone that we live in hyper-dynamic times, when the rhythm imposed by the new trends and technologies creates an environment favorable to those who are capable of adapting quickly, anticipating the positions the market is going to adopt. Companies are thus under pressure to increase their agility, and according to the lessons learnt during the last few decades, the most efficient manner of reaching this goal is by concentrating the efforts of the company on the aspects that really matter and at the same time by externalizing those functions that can be managed more efficiently by external experts.

Tavi Bolog Development Lead at Nokia
Introduction to Grails (II)

Let’s now create our login page for the application. As I mentioned in the beginning, Grails uses conventions a lot. This means that if you have a domain class called “User”, you need to have a “UserController” controller. If you have an action defined in a controller, like “login”, you need to have a view called “login” view under grails-app/views/user. To create views, Grails offer a script: generate-views com.todaysoftmag.gsn.User, but for the time being we can just create them by hand.

Radu Vunvulea Solution Architect
Windows Azure - Mobile Services

The number of people who own new generation tablets or mobile phones is increasingly higher. Nowadays, almost every family has at least one device of this type. Much of the desktop applications have been or will be ported on this kind of devices. On tablets and phones we can currently see everything, from Office to very complex games.

10 design principles - part II

And because zebras have no circles on them but at most slightly curved lines which flow nicely across their bodies, they also thought about cyclic dependencies. (This section talks about how we should avoid cyclic dependencies with few zebra world examples) In order to avoid such unscripted scenarios please make sure your components don’t cross call one anothers

Cheap startup

When you startup a startup (pun intended), the resources at your disposal: money, time, people, are limited and your challenge is to make the most out of what you have (and sometimes out of what you don’t have. You know the story: you start in your parents’ garage/apartment with 2 people and 1000 $ and in 5 years’ time you have you IPO and appear in top fortune 500.

Startup - TXTFeedback

TxtFeedback is a cloud platform for customer to business interactions. The focus is on real time conversations – question and answer – the final objective being solving the issue/problem as soon as it arrived. The platform was created and financed 100% in Cluj. When we started working on TxtFeedback our main drive was enhancing the “customer experience” – what your experiencing when you are buying from a store or when registering for a service.

Delia Coman economist, trainer si antreprenor
How to be a Registered Sole Trader (PFA) – preliminary notions

We are increasingly speaking about entrepreneurship, freelancing or start-ups, so I think it would be very useful to talk about an aspect that is perhaps less known to people who want to trade on their own - namely taxes, as well as other financial accounting issues that an entrepreneur should consider. In Romania, the simplest form of authorization for carrying out commercial activities is to be a registered sole trader. Commercial activities include: trading, services (other than those considered to be liberal professions - lawyers, public notaries, doctors, accounting experts, auditors, tax consultants, architects or translators) or practicing crafts.

Rodica Manolache Marketing & PR Specialist
@.msg systems Romania
Art & IT: overcoming the conventional framework by stimulating creativity

Let’s put aside facts and figures. Beyond annual turnover and technology, the real drivers of a business are people, their creativity and how they collaborate in order to provide services or software systems desired by the client. Software solutions have often been the innovative factor that turned conventional business services, offering customers’ significant added value. While the processes of a certain domain, such as automotive, insurance or banking are standard, the software platform that is at the basis of their innovation makes the difference between an innovative and a standard service.

Simona Bonghez Managing Partner @ Colors in Projects
Gogu and Miorita

- Damn with the „mioritic” shepherd! – said Gou out loud. He suddenly looked around to see if he had to give some explanations, but no one seemed to bother. They were all deepened into the documentation they had received, all cheerless... Yeah, no one seems too happy about the requirements list. How could someone accept that? Such resigned people ... He continued to read the email, becoming more and more cheerless; from time to time, he was muttering something to himself.


Let’s review 2012. It was a year of preparation, negotiation, optimization of processes and a lot of plans. Some of them were accomplished and others will be put into practice in the future. We have started the idea of promoting the IT world, which was largely unknown to the local public and I think we achieved it. In this year’s seven editions we had a total of 160 articles and 56 published authors.

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  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects