Dumitrița Munteanu Software engineer
Multithreading in C++11 standard (II)

In the previous examples we discussed ways to protect the data shared between multiple threads. Sometimes it is not enough just to protect shared data, but it is also necessary to synchronize the operations executed by different threads. As a rule one wants a thread to wait until an event occurs or until a condition becomes true. To this end, C + + Standard Library provides primitives such as condition variables and futures.

Alin Stănescu Project manager

Evolso is created with 3 main technical parts : The mobile app, the website and REST services. The web platform can be accessed at : http://evolso.com. On this site you can find out more informations about what evolso stands for, how it can help you in your daily life and how to use it at maximum, info about team members, events.At the same time there is a visible part only available to our partners where they can login with an account and create,design events and see statistics of what’s happening inside their locations ( ex :how many users check-ed in, how many will attend the events, etc. ). The mobile app is created for our users and is the main part of the system.


Radu Vunvulea Solution Architect
Metrics in Visual Studio 2013

In the article of the last issue, we talked about how we can measure software metrics by using Sonar. This is a tool that can be very useful not only to the technical lead but also to the rest of the team. Any team member can very easily check on the web interface of the Sonar what the value of different metrics is.

Attila-Mihaly Balazs Software Panther @ Synapp.io
How (NOT TO) measure latency

Latency is defined as the time interval between the stimulation and response and it is a value which is of importance in many computer systems (financial systems, games, websites, etc). Hence we - as computer engineers - want to specify some upper bounds / worst case scenarios for the systems we build. How can we do this?

Püsök Orsolya Functional Architect
Thinking in Kanban

Visual card - this would be the exact meaning of the Japanese word “Kanban”, a term widely used nowadays in the world of IT. The meaning that we recognize today refers to the software development methodology famous for its simplicity but also efficiency.

Ioana Armean Business Analyst
@Imprezzio Global
New business development analysis

It’s a pleasure to watch as an observer how businesses are growing. Still, there are a few that think about the roadmap to success, from where it all begun and which were the first steps that led to success. Today we know as a fact that, before starting a new project, no matter the industry, there is need for a plan. In most fields, the business plan is most used. More recently, in the software industry the term of POC appeared.

Ana-Loredana Pascaru Training Manager
Business pitching or how to sell in 4 simple steps

Has it ever happened to you to attend a great event or dinner party with great people that you wanted to talk to, but you had no clue how to break the ice? Or you just wanted to exchange some ideas and get connected to some of them but it seemed like words weren’t there for you to make you feel at ease? Most of the times, one’s got only 60 seconds to talk about what he knows to do best in his business or in his job, in front of his partners or co-workers.

Simona Bonghez Managing Partner @ Colors in Projects
Gogu and the Ship

“Tell me again, dad, what do you do at work?”
I muck about, was the thought that crossed Gogu’s mind, but he refrained from saying it aloud. He was spiteful for not having succeeded till now to offer an answer so that the child could understand, neither had he an idea about what explanation to give. Oh, brother… It isn’t easy to manage a project, but it looks like it’s even harder to explain how you do that. He grumbled:
“I am in charge of projects; that’s what I do. But what are you about again?”

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
IT Days 2013 (I)

The present article is dedicated to IT Days, www.itdays.ro – representing the first part of the retrospective of the most important event organized by Today Software Magazine in its home town, Cluj-Napoca. Before giving you more or less detailed information about the event, I wish to thank those more than 170 people in the audience and the 10 companies that stood by us in this event: AROBS, Endava, Evoline, EBS, Gemini Solutions Foundry, Accesa, Yardi, Skobbler, 3Pillar Global and msg systems Romania. We would also like to thank our partners which supported us: Cluj-Napoca City Hall, it-events.ro, Cluj Hub and Microsoft Student Partners.

Startup Weekend – Here and There

I don’t know about others, but for me America has always been the place where all the dreams come true. Making a short note, America for me is the whole North American continent, because since recently Canadian cities started to have a big contribution in the world of innovations. Out of curiosity; look for Innovation Center Mars in Toronto.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects


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