Simona Bonghez Managing Partner @ Colors in Projects
Gogu and communications

Gogu looked - for the hundredth time – at the watch. It’s not normal, acceptable, or in any way excusable for someone to delay that much, he thought, and this time put his hand on the phone. He’d just dialed the number when he saw Misu entering, relaxed and with a wide spread smile on his face.
- Now… why do you look so glum? He asked Gogu, then quickly added: Wait, I’m being sought-after ... He took the phone, he looked at the screen for a moment, gazed at Gogu, and then looked back at the phone and then again at Gogu. The smile was replaced by astonishment:

Ovidiu Mățan Founder @ Today Software Magazine
TodaySoftMag app for iPhone and iPad

We developed the TSM application for iPhone / iPad at the initiative of Dan Suciu , Director of Engineering @3Pillar Global , to collaborate to write it and publish it on AppStore . The development team has been Agile in every sense. The team was originally made up of three iOS programmers: Madalina Miron , Daniela Bulgaru and Tudor Stânean, with Gabriela Botiş as project manager. Subsequently, Robin Molnar brought his contribution on the QA part, and for look & feel, our colleagues from Gemini Solutions: Dan Hădărău and Marius Chincisan.


Cosmin Stirbu iOS Software Developer
MVVM in Windows Phone 8

Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern defines three major components: Model, View and ViewModel:
- Model: Business domain (logic related to the business of the application, entities, data access)
- View: User interface (in Windows Phone – PhoneApplicationPage)
- ViewModel: “The model of the View” – an abstraction of the View that facilitates the communication between the View and the Model

Florin Cardasim Head of Architecture & Analysis
How I’ve Done My First Azure Mobile Service

This is a story about simplicity and robustness, two terms that apparently don’t fit very well together in the same sentence while speaking of software development. And this was a reality back in the days when everybody was building their own backend solution, their own communication stack, their own language, their own … whatever. Cloud based platforms transformed this complicated world into a world where the most challenging matter is to have the right world and business understanding; technical stuff? – forget about it, it’s in the cloud, up and running, just use it.

Alexandru Bolboacă Agile Coach and Trainer, with a focus on technical practices
@Mozaic Works
Test Driven Development and incremental design

As we were saying in the last articles about software craftsmanship, Test Driven Development is one of the practices considered to be at the core of a software craftsman. Besides the increasing numer of articles, blogs, short movies or books on this subject, Test Driven Development (TDD) continues to be a subject that generates confusion in the programmer communities. This article will try to structure and to clarify the subject and to offer support to those willing to learn more about it.

Lucian Brăescu Software Developer
Clustering for High-Dimensional Data Sets

Clustering is a means to analyze data obtained by measurements. This allows us to cluster data into classes and use obtained classes as a basis for machine learning, faster measurement analysis or approximate future measurement values by extrapolation. In the following sections we will try to cover the topic of how to cluster data. This technique is especially useful when dealing with large amounts of data, a scenario not uncommon in regards to the explosion of data and information we are dealing with nowadays.

Radu Vunvulea Solution Architect
Debugging in production

How many times has it happened to you to have a problem in production or in the testing environment which you are unable to reproduce on the development machine? When this thing happens, things can go off the track, and we try out different ways of remote debugging. Without even knowing, helpful tools can be right near at hand, but we ignore them or simply don’t know how to use them.

Tudor Cobâlaș Business Developer
@XL Team
Model Based Testing without assumptions

Model Based Testing nicely deals with modern development methodologies. But also in traditional development projects, this way of testing has many advantages over other testing methods. However, this is highly dependent on the way we organize our MBT testing process and what role is played by the tester. Should the tester blindly assume an already established model or should the tester be responsible for the preparation of the test model?

Bogdan Moscaliuc Project Manager
TheOpen.com – digitally sustaining a successful championship

The Cluj R&A Endava team operationally hosted The Open Championship, golf’s biggest European Open, for the 3rd time in a row and contributed to another successful chapter of Open’s history. The Open Championship® is organized by the R&A® starting with the 19th century and the sport barriers were long time exceeded – currently The Open® represents one of Scotland’s most popular icons and draws hundreds of thousands of tourists each year.

Călin Biriș Marketing manager
The Trilulilu Team from Cluj has Launched a Revolutionary National Service

The way in which we listen to music has enormously changed over the last 15 years, from audio tapes and the well-known walkmans, to audio CDs and mp3, up to the iPods with thousands of songs. Nowadays, if you have internet access and a mobile phone, you can listen to millions of songs, anywhere and at any time. This is due to the evolution of onlines and smartphones which have opened a new horizon towards collaborative consumership.

Conference TSM



  • Accenture
  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • Colors in projects


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