
Bogdan Mureşan VP of Technology @ Connatix
Structured Learning - Agile implementation

The management world we are living in is constantly evolving. New frameworks, new methodologies are invented, re-invented and adapted in order to satisfy the need of a very dynamic market. Every time something new appears, first we fight against it and after its value it’s proved by some pioneers we are ready to make that thing the new religion for us.

Sorin Pânca Senior Systems Administrator
@Yardi România
Keeping Your Linux Servers Up To Date – Part II

In this article I’ll talk about the storage system that integrates the best with the needs of a datacenter. To debate the pros and cons when choosing a storage solution for a datacenter I must write a short classification and history of storage systems first. By their location, the storage systems are classified into two categories:
A. Local Data Storage: these filesystems reside on a local peripheral device:


Valentin Filip Cluster Manager & Team Lead on Innovation
Let’s Swift

Apple is known for always trying to impress with the best quality in their products and services. They have done it again, once the new programming language called Swift was revealed. It has been in the works for the past 4 years, and while it started as a side project for Chris Lattner, an employee of Apple, it has easily gained trust with the top execs of the company, having assigned a great team to help finishing it.

Radu Murzea PHP Developer
The Hack Language

This article is strongly connected with the one about the HipHop virtual machine, published in the issue nr. 21 of this magazine. When Mark Zuckerberg wrote the first source code lines for Facebook, he had to choose a programming language in which to develop his new social networking site. He chose PHP because, as we all know, it has a very fast feedback loop: you make a change, save the file, press F5 in your browser and you can instantly see the effect. This is possible because the programmer doesn’t have to go through any compilation step. Another reason is that PHP is dynamic: it doesn’t ask for explicit types for the variables within the code.

Radu Vunvulea Solution Architect
Clean Code - Naming

If you are a ‘true’ developer, then you’ve heard about ‘Clean Code’ written by Robert C. Martin. In many companies, this book has become part of the developer’s bible. In combination with ‘Clean Coder’, I would say that these two books are mandatory for all developers. I will start a series of articles related to this topic. If you’ve already read this book, then it is a good occasion to refresh your memory. For others, it is the perfect moment to discover how good code should look like. All the main ideas are from ‘Clean Code’. You can look at this series of articles as a summary of the book itself.

Tomiţă Militaru Senior Web Developer
TYPO3 Neos - Changing the world of web content management

Most web content management systems today disconnect the content editor from the actual design of the website. Editors add / edit / delete content blindly or need to go back & forth between the backend of a website and the frontend, always comparing input with output. This kind of workflow is most of the times frustrating and hinders the editor’s creativity, both in terms of content & layout of information.

Ioana Armean Business Analyst
@Imprezzio Global
Business Analysis Framework (I)

Imagine you are an enthusiastic business analyst who was assigned a new project and you don’t know where to start from. You do not know the domain, nor the people from the development team, nor even the expectancies of the involved parties. Fred Brooks wrote the following in his book “No Silver Bullet”: “The hardest part in building a system is that of deciding what exactly it is that you want to build. No other part of the conceptual work is as difficult as that of setting detailed requirements… No other part is more difficult to amend later.”

BBST® - A practical course on Software Testing

In the context of professional development in the IT domain, programmers are normally very used to the idea that, in order to advance in their career as software developers and to improve their professional skills, they need to take different courses, obtain different certifications for specific technologies, learn new techniques or new programming languages, take part in workshops where they get to apply these techniques in a practical way and be up to date with the latest software trends.

Claudia Jelea Avocat & Consilier in domeniul marcilor
@IP Boutique
The Usage of Cloud Type Services is not Voided of Legal Risks

Cloud Computing is a cool concept, often employed in the IT domain and vertiginously booming. According to a report of HIS Technology from February 2014, it is estimated that until 2017, companies will pay 235.1 billion $ for cloud services – that is three times more than in 2011. Among the giants that share the cloud market there are Amazon, Google, Microsoft, Barracuda Networks, Dropbox, etc. – each one of them with their own cloud “specialization”.

Horea Rațiu Director Departament SAP
@.msg systems Romania
IT Application in SAP, developed by msg systems Romania, presented in “IT Conference on SAP Technol

msg Systems Romania has developed in Cluj-Napoca an IT product based on the latest technologies proposed by SAP. The project, launched exclusively in Cluj in regard to technical coordination and implementation, meant the extension of the flexibility of some already existing products, appreciated by the clients of the insurance-reinsurance branch, of the msg systems portfolio: Munich Re, Vienna Insurance Group, GenRe, AIG, Volkswagen Bank, Achmea, Nationale Niederlande, Samsung Life Insurance. The IT application was conceived by architects with experience in SAP, in collaboration with business consultants of the insurance-reinsurance branch. The proper software development was done by a team of nine SAP programmers.

Roxana Rugină CEO & co-fondator
@Simplon Romania
New educational models for the tech passionates: Simplon Bootcamp

For the Simplon bootcamp we already have more than 60 applications, from extremely motivated and creative young people to those who want to do more than what they do today. For example someone who did not go to college because he had to get a job wants to join Simplon to become Romania’s Elon Musk. Another girl worked as a database operator, but since she found out about Simplon she quit her job and attended Work and Travel program to make money for the 6 months training, in order to learn how to code and build her own application.

The Challenges of Internal Promotion

In 2005, the Daimler-Chrysler giant announced the dismissal of CEO Juergen Schrempp, the architect of the Daimler-Chrysler fusion, who took over the company right after the fusion. Schrempp began his career at Daimler, subsidiary of Mercedes-Benz, in 1967 as an engineer and advanced to the position of CEO. After the fusion, Schrempp, who ignored his Crysler partners from the USA and their marketing strategies, witnessed the decline of the new business. During the first year, the business lost over 50% of the capital value. Due to this deficient collaboration, the board decided to dismiss Juergen Schrempp after a 38 years career within the same company.

Open Standards – the stake for Romania

Few weeks ago, on the 22nd of July, the British Government announced what was considered by many to be a historic decision: the ODF (Open Document Format) standard becomes compulsory for the sharing and viewing of the government documents. ODF will be the standard for the exchange of the text and spreadsheet information between the departments of the British public institutions and with the citizens and the supplier. Thus, all players will be freed of the need to buy and use proprietary software for reading the documents. From now, any software package bought by the British governmental institutions must be compatible with ODF.

Irina Scarlat CMO How to Web & TechHub Bucharest
Success stories at the end of How to Web MVP Academy

Bucharest, July 23rd 2014. – How to Web MVP Academy, pre-acceleration program for CEE early stage tech startups, ended on Tuesday, July 22nd. During the Demo Day, the finalists pitched their products in front of the audience and got the chance to show the results of two months of intense work, workshops and mentoring sessions. Moreover, they have already started discussions for raising follow-up funding or being admitted into an European acceleration program.


The release of this issue is an opportunity to announce a competition for startups within IT Days, 25th -26th of November 2014. It will consist of a series of startup pitches, which should be presented within the limit of two minutes. We kindly ask those who are interested, to send a short description and a link to the site/product to the address startups@itdays.ro. Besides the research projects, the pitches of startups enjoyed a real success in the first edition of IT Days and this year we will have a jury and even a prize for the winner.

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Conference TSM



  • BT Code Crafters
  • Bosch
  • Betfair
  • MHP
  • BoatyardX
  • .msg systems
  • P3 group
  • Ing Hubs
  • Cognizant Softvision
  • GlobalLogic
  • Colors in projects